pro-baby killers I mean pro-choice people are a joke

Human life beginning at the seed meets the egg,and a fertilized egg is a living human.And aborting a fertilized egg is murder.
O.K. a question for the OP. So you are against ALL abortion RIGHT!!!??? Mothers life, irrelevant, incest/rape, irrelevant, horribly deformed fetus irrelevant RIGHT!!!???

Ah no answer for the REAL LIFE situations and horrible soul shaking decisions. But golly isin't it great to hid behind those glass walls an through stones?

Answer my freakin question and reveal your hypocricy to EVERONE here.
this thread was a joke to another thread, why dont people get that and yeah i got a big carried away calling people scum, that wasnt nice :eusa_angel:

now to answer your question

I am NOT against all abortion, I do make exceptions for the mothers life, incest and rape

and no, i dont think those who support are bad people, I did get a little carried away, sorry


O.K. a question for the OP. So you are against ALL abortion RIGHT!!!??? Mothers life, irrelevant, incest/rape, irrelevant, horribly deformed fetus irrelevant RIGHT!!!???
this thread was a joke to another thread, why dont people get that and yeah i got a big carried away calling people scum, that wasnt nice :eusa_angel:

now to answer your question

I am NOT against all abortion, I do make exceptions for the mothers life, incest and rape

and no, i dont think those who support are bad people, I did get a little carried away, sorry


O.K. a question for the OP. So you are against ALL abortion RIGHT!!!??? Mothers life, irrelevant, incest/rape, irrelevant, horribly deformed fetus irrelevant RIGHT!!!???

So if the fetus is at the instant of conception a human being sent by God the how can you justify ANY EXEMPTION under ANY means? The fact is I respect those total fring lunatics who are for NO ABORTION EVRE. At least they are connsistant. And by the way I don't think you started this thread as a Lark I think you knew EXACTLEY what this thread would devolve to.
Mother shall be the most most love to her bady.But now the mother kill her own childen for her "better" life.This is a betray of blood,and against to natural affection,most evil is her action is means she going to taking the place of God,child is NOT her mother's private property,the child is a gift from God and a duty to the parents,in Christ's eye,the baby's life is equal to his mother one.Abortion is not just a murder but also heresy and violating human ethic.

There is no god.

Guess you will find out when you die.

If He is, what will you say? whoopsy daisy?

I thought when somebody gave you a "GIFT" you could do whatever you want with it cause it's YOURS. I would like to see FAR more regifting in that case but many women who AGREE to adoption REFUSE to give the child to the parents who have EVERY BIT as much of an emotional stake in the case.
this thread was a joke to another thread, why dont people get that and yeah i got a big carried away calling people scum, that wasnt nice :eusa_angel:

now to answer your question

I am NOT against all abortion, I do make exceptions for the mothers life, incest and rape

and no, i dont think those who support are bad people, I did get a little carried away, sorry


O.K. a question for the OP. So you are against ALL abortion RIGHT!!!??? Mothers life, irrelevant, incest/rape, irrelevant, horribly deformed fetus irrelevant RIGHT!!!???

So the fetuses, the little inocent BABIES should be murdered because of the circumstances of their conception? I just don't understand how you can reconsile those two positions.
this thread was a joke to another thread, why dont people get that and yeah i got a big carried away calling people scum, that wasnt nice :eusa_angel:

now to answer your question

I am NOT against all abortion, I do make exceptions for the mothers life, incest and rape

and no, i dont think those who support are bad people, I did get a little carried away, sorry


O.K. a question for the OP. So you are against ALL abortion RIGHT!!!??? Mothers life, irrelevant, incest/rape, irrelevant, horribly deformed fetus irrelevant RIGHT!!!???

So the fetuses, the little inocent BABIES should be murdered because of the circumstances of their conception? I just don't understand how you can reconsile those two positions.

I can't either..

I used to be pro life for the same reasons until I had my own unwanted pregnancy. It was the actual state of being pregnant, for me- that I did not want, that I regret. I do not regret my abortion- just the fact that I was dumb enough to get pregnant at 18. It was the absolute first time I had ever had sex without a condom, too. Just got wrapped up in the heat of the moment, I guess. Damn the luck.

Just because I made a bad decision, doesnt mean that I should have to be forced to let a resulting (and on its own, politically charged) medical condition go untreated... much the same as women who, at the hands of someone else's bad decision, get stuck in the position of being pregnant, also..

Unfortunately, many people just do not seem to understand that pregnancy itself is not a choice, and simply being on the brink of death or abused in some way, are not the sole reasons a reasonable person might choose to abort.


(a) Abortion does NOT erase a rape. It merely eases the initial troubles a woman might experience, by having to feel like a 9 month long helpless victim.

(b) Abortion does NOT erase incest. Again, it does the same as in figure (a)

(c) Abortion does NOT, generally speaking, diminish a person's chances of living through a full term childbirth. (this is for uterine pregnancies, and does not count ectopic, or tubal ones, in which the female will almost certainly die if left untreated)

(d) Abortion does NOT somehow make a woman's life EASIER. It still costs a great deal of money, there is generally some emotional connection- usually because of sociological and societal expectations of women all becoming "happy in motherhood", more than anything else- excepting the abortions that are had for life saving reasons, of course- those ones have stronger emotional attachments, particularly if it is their first pregnancy.

(e) Abortion does NOT get treated as some sort of long term birth control option, rather than being a last resort.

(f) People who have an abortion do not suddenly become barren and incapable of having future children (however some are more likely to have ectopic pregnancies in the future, as a result of fallopian scar tissue blocking the uterine opening) and thus, does not make women "heartless" for choosing this course of treatment.

(g) Abortion does not erase any bad decisions made by the female (and male) who chose to make love, have sex, whatever you want to call it, it only treats the medical implications caused by those decisions.

(h) Abortion does not kill anything.. It causes an internal growth to cease from growing. I don't say "growth" as if it is some sort of parasite, either.. But a human growth is only a mass of tissue that is growing inside of a woman, and is subjected to any and all decisions that woman makes, including consumption of alcohol, drag racing, sky diving, car accidents, falls, muggings, shootings, etc, etc, etc.. Until that growing human is actually born and breathing it is still under the jurisdiction of the female's body, which will do what it wants- including causing genetic malformations and "rejecting" the organism from living inside of it.

(i) Abortion does not go against the bible..The book of Ecclesiastes says that "rejection by the body" (paraphrasing) or a "stillbirth" (same as even a late term abortion) is better to have than a man who has 100 children, and not be happy with having so many kids. Family planning is very biblical. The bible even says, later, that the fetus is better off than a person, because the fetus could not think or experience bad things. The fetus, by the bible's standards, is not a person.
Also see all the verses on God giving the "breath of life"- The breath of life is administered by God through the nostrils. This is clearly put, throughout the bible. Nobody is alive unless they themselves breath the air that God gave them, using their lungs.

If a person has cancer and their tumor is not removed, it will continue to grow and eventually lead to trouble. What do we do about tumors, these life-threatening pieces of tissue? We remove them.

If a woman has an ultrasound during her second trimester and it is determined that the unborn fetus is stricken with Cyclopia, why should there be an issue with removing this piece of tissue? Should we let it suffer if it isn't going to survive more than ten minutes after birth? Why not spare a child's suffering before it becomes a child and feels pain?

Is a suffered 10 minutes of life better than no life to begin with?
they support, condone and emotionally aid and abet baby killers

they are scum

You know when you try to pretend that a fetus and a baby are the same thing it's hard to take you seriously.

EDIT: If you're going to do a joke thread try to make it a bit more obvious, you ran head first into Poe's Law.
Mother shall be the most most love to her bady.But now the mother kill her own childen for her "better" life.This is a betray of blood,and against to natural affection,most evil is her action is means she going to taking the place of God,child is NOT her mother's private property,the child is a gift from God and a duty to the parents,in Christ's eye,the baby's life is equal to his mother one.Abortion is not just a murder but also heresy and violating human ethic.

It is not a GIFT from God. That is not true- throughout biblical history, societies who were considered by God as sinful were subjected to GODS OWN family planning measures.. Giving them barren and miscarrying wombs.. A similar concept to castration..

If children were such a GIFT, and "going forth and multiplying" was something that people "across the board" should do, then the innocent women and daughters of men who did not keep his word, would not be subjected to miscarriage and infertility. Surely you can see that in application, this "shedding of innocent blood" is just and right, and not murder, because it was caused and created by God himself.

Also, there are a multitude of verses showing that life doesnt even begin until a breath of air is taken.

* Sure, he "formed" us in the womb.. He also "formed" Adam out of the dust, and "breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and Adam BECAME a living being"

"Became" being the key word.. First he was just being formed.. He was being made.. made by the creator.. THEN after he was FORMED to the fullest extent of God's satisfaction, he received the "breath of life" into his "nostrils" and " became" alive.

It also says that the soldiers who were most certainly laying dead, their flesh torn, etc, were given the breath of life, and became alive again.

* Sure, he "knew us" when we were in the womb.. the same way any woman and man know when they are expecting. There are signs and symptoms.

*He "knitted us in the womb"- okay- obviously not a literal verse, or else women would have gods hands stretched out, with his knitting needles jutting out of their bellies.. but sure you can construe it in a non-literal way, because as Jesus said to his disciples: "He is in me, and I am in him, and He is in you, and you are in him, also" - This is just as easily saying that KING DAVID was getting some kind of special treatment, and because it is obviously not a literal verse, and pertaining to a particular individual, it should not be treated as if it is intended for all who are born.

If we apply every verse of the bible to all who are conceived or born, and all the powers endowed by God to the individual, and all of the special treatment God gave to these individuals, then All of our mothers would have been virgins, like Mary, and we would therefore all have patron saints as our mothers. Clearly, this does not make sense to any reasonable person.

The Exodus verse also applies only to the Hippocratic concept that all pregnant woman, known or unknown, should be assumed to want the pregnancy, and to be in exclusive possession of it. The person who harms her, must pay for the harm done to her- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, soul for a soul. If she loses a tooth, so must her injurer. If she loses her life, so must her injurer.
But losing the pregnancy, which is insinuated, because she gives birth prematurely, and back in those days was sure to cause the baby to be miscarried, stillborn, or to not be able to survive long outside of the womb, in any event, while deemed important in some respects, only requires a payment devised by the woman and her husband, whatever amount seems appropriate. This is further justified in the context of the verses surrounding this one.

Exodus 21:18-20 (New International Version)

18 "If men quarrel and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist [a] and he does not die but is confined to bed, 19 the one who struck the blow will not be held responsible if the other gets up and walks around outside with his staff; however, he must pay the injured man for the loss of his time and see that he is completely healed.

20 "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished,
21 but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

22 "If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely [e] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

I don't like it when people take the bible out of context, so I defend God's teachings in principle as much as possible. And obviously, I, like God, am pro choice. =)
they support, condone and emotionally aid and abet baby killers

they are scum

Much as I agree with the evils of abortion, we do live in a free country. Freedom has its price and part of that price is the rather horrific fact that we do not have the right to tell someone else how to live. This goes against everything I believe in but, there it is. The cost of supporting the fundamental prinicples of our nation is we must allow others to choose their own paths.

Freedom, does not constitute government sanctioned abortion, bought and paid for with our tax dollars.

If a so called doctor wants to do abortions and a so called Mom wants to delete her mistake, then let then do it on their own time and money. in the so called back alley abortion clinics, which by the way were'nt as prolific as the margaret sanger worshipers wants everyone to think

The abortion industry is as corrupt as ACORN, and any other leftist organization. It is all about the money. And those who are cool with it, have grown up in the culture of death and selfish desire.

Any country that is ok with the murder of innocent babies, for any reason, is a country destined for ruin
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they support, condone and emotionally aid and abet baby killers

they are scum

Much as I agree with the evils of abortion, we do live in a free country. Freedom has its price and part of that price is the rather horrific fact that we do not have the right to tell someone else how to live. This goes against everything I believe in but, there it is. The cost of supporting the fundamental prinicples of our nation is we must allow others to choose their own paths.

Freedom, does not constitute government sanctioned abortion, bought and paid for with our tax dollars.

If a so called doctor wants to do abortions and a so called Mom wants to delete her mistake, then let then do it on their own time and money. in the so called back alley abortion clinics, which by the way were'nt as prolific as the margaret sanger worshipers wants everyone to think

The abortion industry is as corrupt as ACORN, and any other leftist organization. It is all about the money. And those who are cool with it, have grown up in the culture of death and selfish desire.

Any country that is ok with the murder of innocent babies, for any reason, is a country destined for ruin

Soo, what you are saying is basically that you are upset about abortion in general because you feel that abortion is murder or equates to death. Well, no offense intended here, but that is a bunch of hyperbole, to say that someone is committing a crime of murder, when they are doing something perfectly legal, especially when miscarriages at the fault (known or unknown) of a woman or man doing something potentially harmful, are not viewed as the "deaths" of "living people".. or are anything which may have legal consequence. Losing a pregnancy by fault or just default (lol this may be a poor choice of words, but they are meant to be constructive) is not something that would subject the woman to a body cavity search, or any other even warranted examination of her body. If you feel that abortion equates to killing, then do you also agree that all miscarriages and stillbirths should also subject the woman to bodily examinations, to find evidence? After all, a person's body is not excluded from evidence where privacy is concerned.. Or else we wouldn't have warranted DNA tests and suspect line ups.

I will now refer you to my last two posts which might help you to put the idea of when a person becomes living into a better context, emotionally and (IDK if you are religious but hopefully) religiously. God actually prefers family planning to people having too many children in vanity, and not being happy about it... And the post just above yours shows how life begins, not at conception, but the first time the born infant breathes. Life can also begin AGAIN if someone who is dead is specifically breathed into through their nostrils. Air is the life-force that we need- air in our lungs.
if you have sex unprotected, its your fault you get pregnant, or get a girl pregnant

a baby is not a mistake, you are
im sorry you made a mistake, but by having an abortion you didnt take responsibility, you deferred responsibility, and you took the life of an innocent child
"Well, in our state, we have a very strong feeling that women aren’t capable of making reproductive decisions..."
-- Oklahoma state Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (D), who is against the Tattletale bill, Link

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