Pro-Gun Control – Until

You say that ‘some’ gun control ‘may’ work with no specifics and nothing to analyze and then call others dumb. Try again. Let’s hear this proposed gun control measure that is going to make one iota of difference and then use some actual data to back up your claims. I have plenty of data and found almost nothing in it that signifies stricter gun control measures will lead to jack shit. They have been tried in a hundred localities over a variety of different functions and all of it simply shows that gun controls lead to almost zero impact in the number of homicides that happen. It is the reason that gun control advocates never use real data.

No because this isn't about the Closed Caption bill. You want to make it about me and I'm not falling for your little Saul Alinksky bullshit.

The OP said nothing will ever work. I disagreed. Do you believe that no gun control measure will ever do anything about gun violence? Maybe it's because I'm an optimist and cant predict the future so I disagree.

And you?

Nice deflection. I can’t debate the effectiveness of, well, nothing as that is all that you have offered so far.

What I can do is look at past gun control measures all across the planet and find that essentially, none of them prevented death. That pretty much takes the cake for most gun control laws. Of course we already have many gun control laws that are somewhat effective like not giving people RPG’s. It seems though that we are at the end of effective gun control measures. You want to remain nebulous though on actual measures because you know that everything that the left has proposed will amount to a hill of beans.

Because I don't write laws so debating a law that I cant implement is a waste of time wouldn't you say. If we're just debating made up stuff I'd rather talk about the hideous transformation of Golum in Lord of the Rings.
You say that ‘some’ gun control ‘may’ work with no specifics and nothing to analyze and then call others dumb. Try again. Let’s hear this proposed gun control measure that is going to make one iota of difference and then use some actual data to back up your claims. I have plenty of data and found almost nothing in it that signifies stricter gun control measures will lead to jack shit. They have been tried in a hundred localities over a variety of different functions and all of it simply shows that gun controls lead to almost zero impact in the number of homicides that happen. It is the reason that gun control advocates never use real data.

No because this isn't about the Closed Caption bill. You want to make it about me and I'm not falling for your little Saul Alinksky bullshit.

The OP said nothing will ever work. I disagreed. Do you believe that no gun control measure will ever do anything about gun violence? Maybe it's because I'm an optimist and cant predict the future so I disagree.

And you?

Nice deflection. I can’t debate the effectiveness of, well, nothing as that is all that you have offered so far.

What I can do is look at past gun control measures all across the planet and find that essentially, none of them prevented death. That pretty much takes the cake for most gun control laws. Of course we already have many gun control laws that are somewhat effective like not giving people RPG’s. It seems though that we are at the end of effective gun control measures. You want to remain nebulous though on actual measures because you know that everything that the left has proposed will amount to a hill of beans.

That's not what any gun control methods are for idiot. Stay on that line of bullshit because as soon as you step off of that made up point your foot hits a landmine
No because this isn't about the Closed Caption bill. You want to make it about me and I'm not falling for your little Saul Alinksky bullshit.

The OP said nothing will ever work. I disagreed. Do you believe that no gun control measure will ever do anything about gun violence? Maybe it's because I'm an optimist and cant predict the future so I disagree.

And you?

Nice deflection. I can’t debate the effectiveness of, well, nothing as that is all that you have offered so far.

What I can do is look at past gun control measures all across the planet and find that essentially, none of them prevented death. That pretty much takes the cake for most gun control laws. Of course we already have many gun control laws that are somewhat effective like not giving people RPG’s. It seems though that we are at the end of effective gun control measures. You want to remain nebulous though on actual measures because you know that everything that the left has proposed will amount to a hill of beans.

That's not what any gun control methods are for idiot. Stay on that line of bullshit because as soon as you step off of that made up point your foot hits a landmine

So, if they are not to stop people from killing each other than what, pray tell, is a gun control law for?

You really should think before calling people idiot.
Nice deflection. I can’t debate the effectiveness of, well, nothing as that is all that you have offered so far.

What I can do is look at past gun control measures all across the planet and find that essentially, none of them prevented death. That pretty much takes the cake for most gun control laws. Of course we already have many gun control laws that are somewhat effective like not giving people RPG’s. It seems though that we are at the end of effective gun control measures. You want to remain nebulous though on actual measures because you know that everything that the left has proposed will amount to a hill of beans.

That's not what any gun control methods are for idiot. Stay on that line of bullshit because as soon as you step off of that made up point your foot hits a landmine

So, if they are not to stop people from killing each other than what, pray tell, is a gun control law for?

You really should think before calling people idiot.

Heres a hint: Is it called death control or gun control?
That's not what any gun control methods are for idiot. Stay on that line of bullshit because as soon as you step off of that made up point your foot hits a landmine

So, if they are not to stop people from killing each other than what, pray tell, is a gun control law for?

You really should think before calling people idiot.

Heres a hint: Is it called death control or gun control?

Talk about worthless troll. So you just don’t want 10 people shot. If they get stabbed or beaten with a hammer then that’s fine, your gun control worked.

Buzz off. Homicide rate is the ONLY effective measure for the success of ‘gun control’ as fewer guns is NOT something that matters where fewer murders is. Nice job trying to avoid any rational debate though.
So, if they are not to stop people from killing each other than what, pray tell, is a gun control law for?

You really should think before calling people idiot.

Heres a hint: Is it called death control or gun control?

Talk about worthless troll. So you just don’t want 10 people shot. If they get stabbed or beaten with a hammer then that’s fine, your gun control worked.

Buzz off. Homicide rate is the ONLY effective measure for the success of ‘gun control’ as fewer guns is NOT something that matters where fewer murders is. Nice job trying to avoid any rational debate though.

Sure yeah, I support all sorts of murder except gun murder. By golly, why debate someone who already knows all my positions? I love murder! I hate icky guns!

Happy now? Run along
Once again, a thread is hijacked by those who have an agenda to disarm American citizens who wish to protect their constitutional rights.

The original thread dealt with how people who held views about gun control changed those views when placed in situations where a weapon could've changed the out come.

It clearly outlined how those indoctrinated to hate and despise the 2nd Amendment quickly change those views when placed in personal peril.

How many anti-military types changed their minds after 9/11?

Once again, a thread is hijacked by those who have an agenda to disarm American citizens who wish to protect their constitutional rights.

The original thread dealt with how people who held views about gun control changed those views when placed in situations where a weapon could've changed the out come.

It clearly outlined how those indoctrinated to hate and despise the 2nd Amendment quickly change those views when placed in personal peril.

How many anti-military types changed their minds after 9/11?

Exactly right! I hate guns and LOOOOOVE hammer murders! Yippeee!
I used to support very strong gun control.

But now I own guns and understand that gun laws that aren't based on facts and logic are a waste of time and money.

I think the key to wise gun control is to first make sure that we only sell guns to folks who are allowed to own them.

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