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Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

Here's more info for the idiots I am a kohanim myself :eusa_angel:

Kohanim Forever

Jewish tradition, based on the Torah, is that all Kohanim are direct descendants of Aharon, the original Kohen. The line of the Kohanim is patrilineal: it has been passed from father to son without interruption from Aharon, for 3,300 years, or more than 100 generations.

Dr. Karl Skorecki was attending services one morning. The Torah was removed from the ark and a Kohen was called for the first aliya. The Kohen called up that particular morning was a visitor: a Jew of Sefardic background. His parents were from Morocco. Skorecki also a has a tradition of being a Kohen, though of Ashkenazi background. His parents were born Eastern Europe. Karl (Kalman) Skorecki looked at the Sefardi Kohen's physical features and considered his own physical features. they were significantly different in stature, skin coloration and hair and eye color. Yet both had a tradition of being Kohanim--direct descendants of one man--Aharon HaKohen.

Dr. Skorecki considered, "According to tradition, this Sefardi and I have a common ancestor. Could this line have been maintained since Sinai, and throughout the long exile of the Jewish people?" As a scientist, he wondered, could such a claim be tested?

Being a nephrologist and a top-level researcher at the University of Toronto and the Rambam-Technion Medical Center in Haifa, he was involved in the breakthroughs in molecular genetics which are revolutionizing medicine and the study of the life-sciences. He was also aware of the newly developing application of DNA analysis to the study of history and population diversity.

He considered a hypothesis: if the Kohanim are descendants of one man, they should have a common set of genetic markers--a common haplotype-- that of their common ancestor. In our case, Aharon HaKohen.

A genetic marker is a variation in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA, known as a mutation. Mutations which occur within genes—a part of the DNA which codes for a protein—usually cause a malfunction or disease, and is lost due to selection in succeeding generations. However, mutations found in so-called “non-coding regions” of the DNA tend to persist.

Since the Y chromosome, besides for the genes determining maleness, consists almost entirely of non-coding DNA, it would tend to accumulate mutations. Since it is passed from father to son without recombination, the genetic information on a Y chromosome of a man living today is basically the same as that of his ancient male ancestors, except for the rare mutations that occur along the hereditary line. A combination of these neutral mutations, known as a haplotype, can serve as a genetic signature of a man’s male ancestry. Maternal geneaologies are also being studied by means of the m-DNA (mitrocondrial DNA), which is inherited only from the mother.

Dr. Skorecki then made contact with Professor Michael Hammer, of the University of Arizona, a leading researcher in molecular genetics and a pioneer in Y chromosome research. Professor Hammer uses DNA analysis to study the history of populations, their origins and migrations. His previous research included work on the origins of the Native American Indians and the development of the Japanese people.

A study was undertaken to test the hypothesis. If there were a common ancestor, the Kohanim should have common genetic markers at a higher frequency than the general Jewish population.

In the first study, as reported in the prestigious British science journal, Nature (January 2, 1997), 188 Jewish males were asked to contribute some cheek cells from which their DNA was extracted for study. Participants from Israel, England and North America were asked to identify whether they were a Kohen, Levi or Israelite, and to identify their family background.

The results of the analysis of the Y chromosome markers of the Kohanim and non-Kohanim were indeed significant. A particular marker, (YAP-) was detected in 98.5 percent of the Kohanim, and in a significantly lower percentage on non-Kohanim.

In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Kohens' common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers were found in 97 of the 106 Kohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH)--the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.

The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sefardi Kohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 C.E. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Kohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years, the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aharon HaKohen.

Welcome to The Tribe, historical timeline, who's who of current cohen-Levi families
Israel is one of the largest US export markets, last year responsible for $15 BILION in exports.


We are all still waiting for you to tell us, what Israel's supposed GDP is. Is it sex slavery? Porno? Human Trafficking? Organ Trafficking? Bone and Tissue stealing? Spying? Buying US secret intelligence? Making and hiding it's nuclear weapons? ALL of which they have been found guilty of doing.

Pick one! Pick all! It doesn't matter, just name it, Marc39.

You keep up with your itty bitty whine about Israel's "exports", but please do give us an idea of what it is they actually do?

"You enjoy having me rip you a new asshole?" :D
You keep up with your itty bitty whine about Israel's "exports", but please do give us an idea of what it is they actually do?

Israel kills loads of muzzie terrorist shitheads. I love Israel for this reason.

Israel also hates the Turkish Muslim Terrorists who occupy my Cyprus.

Israel gets a big :clap2: for all the muzzie terrorists it has executed !!

I also love USA, India and UK, cos they also kill loads of muzzie terrorists.
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Israel is one of the largest US export markets, last year responsible for $15 BILION in exports.


We are all still waiting for you to tell us, what Israel's supposed GDP is. Is it sex slavery? Porno? Human Trafficking? Organ Trafficking? Bone and Tissue stealing? Spying? Buying US secret intelligence? Making and hiding it's nuclear weapons? ALL of which they have been found guilty of doing.

Pick one! Pick all! It doesn't matter, just name it, Marc39.

You keep up with your itty bitty whine about Israel's "exports", but please do give us an idea of what it is they actually do?

"You enjoy having me rip you a new asshole?" :D

Bill Gates...:clap2:
Israel is by many measures the country, relative to its population, that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution

Warren Buffett...:clap2:
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't even stop at Israel. But, if you go looking for brains, for energy and for integrity, Israel is the only stop you make.

When you look at the NASDAQ, companies are listed from around the world. There's one country, though, that truly stands out and that is Israel
Israel is a fraud,

Closet case, Israel is protecting your vagina.

US Air Force: National Guard leaders observe Israel's nationwide security exercise
Sirens wailed across Israel and residents took shelter during a nationwide civil defense exercise carefully watched by a delegation of National Guard leaders May 26 here. The communication, collaboration and coordination National Level Exercise Turning Point 4 revealed between the Israeli Defense Force's Home Front Command, roughly comparable to the National Guard, and local agencies set an example for members of the Guard, said Gen. Craig R. McKinley, the chief of the National Guard Bureau.

"They have always said that they will never have their nation threatened again and they will be prepared to pay the highest price to protect their form of government and their way of life - much like in our nation," General McKinley said. "As we fought our revolution, we created a nation that needs to be respected, and we must always understand that the price of freedom should be paid with our effort, and each citizen of the United States should have a part of that."

Army Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, the adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard, was part of the leadership delegation here to observe Exercise Turning Point 4, representing the adjutants general of the 54 states and territories and the commanding general of the District of Columbia. "The greatest value of my being here is seeing how the communities position themselves, how they're organized and how they're prepared to react to a disaster," General Sprynczynatyk said. "I'd give anything for all of our communities back home to have the same level of capabilities that we're seeing here."There is a constant threat here, and they need to be prepared at a minute's notice to respond," he said. "It's real, and they live it day-to-day and everyone in the country knows and understands that, so there's no question they have to be prepared, and they certainly are."

Observing how other nations handle threats helps National Guard officials refine its their homeland defense readiness, capacity and capabilities, General McKinley said. "We know we're living in an age of terror," he said, noting recent events such as a thwarted attempted bombing in New York's Times Square. "We don't know exactly when it started but certainly after Sept. 11, 2001, we knew it was potentially very dangerous to our citizens and that the battlefront now includes our home front. General Sprynczynatyk said he is taking ideas back to North Dakota and his fellow adjutants general. "The one thing that has been truly impressive to me is just the high level of organization, the structure, how everybody is fully read-in to what's going on," he said. "It's been good to talk to military counterparts and learn what they do on a day-to-day basis from the standpoint of national defense in their homeland.

"I relate that back to what we need to do when we (prepare) our National Guard members to react to whatever disaster may occur. We train for war. We're all very proficient at that. What we don't do enough of, in my mind, is train for that natural disaster, and here I see that that's something they do every day.
National Guard leaders observe Israel's nationwide exercise
Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

King James Bible
REV. 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

REV. 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

Closet case, you flunked history in the posts, below. Now, you're quoting scripture, uneducated poor white trash?





Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

You're late with that one idiot:eusa_whistle:

Two studies by Nebel et al. in 2001 and 2005, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe (defined in the using Eastern European, German, and French Rhine Valley populations). However, 11.5% of male Ashkenazim were found to belong to R1a1a (R-M17), the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern European populations. They hypothesized that these chromosomes could reflect low-level gene flow from surrounding Eastern European populations, or, alternatively, that both the Ashkenazi Jews with R1a1a (R-M17), and to a much greater extent Eastern European populations in general, might partly be descendants of Khazars. They concluded "However, if the R1a1a (R-M17) chromosomes in Ashkenazi Jews do indeed represent the vestiges of the mysterious Khazars then, according to our data, this contribution was limited to either a single founder or a few closely related men, and does not exceed ~12% of the present-day Ashkenazim.".[16][17] This hypothesis is also supported by the D. Goldstein in his book Jacob's legacy: A genetic view of Jewish history.[18] However, Faerman (2008) states that "External low-level gene flow of possible Eastern European origin has been shown in Ashkenazim but no evidence of a hypothetical Khazars’ contribution to the Ashkenazi gene pool has ever been found.".

Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ohh goody!! Wikipedia, the Zionists Bible!!

Are we "fixing the facts to fit the policy"?
I am quite sure if you go back far enough, we are ALL related.

Fact is, the majority of Jews are not from the holy land period, and because you try to point to a higher authority, Wikipedia of all things, does not dispute the Khazrian connection, and the great lie that these people have a connection to Palastine by way of ancestors.

Benjamin H. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation.He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.
What does he say about the "history of the Jews"?
The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.
The Khazar king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith - either Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism, which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)
Benjamin Freedman
You're late with that one idiot:eusa_whisle:

Closet case, Israel is protecting your vagina. :lol::lol::lol:

Unted States European Command...
HATZOR AIR FORCE BASE, Israel — More than 1,000 service members from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are working together alongside Israeli troops during Juniper Cobra 2010 (JC10).

"This exercise is utilizing hundreds of people from different branches, all working together to maximize the outcome and continue to build on the relations with the Israeli military," said Navy Capt. Donna Joyal, joint task force manpower director. "Such a large scale exercise requires an equally massive amount of planning," Joyal continued. She credits much of the smoothness of the arrival due to the months of work completed prior to departing the respective home bases. "Training and preparedness truly equates to success." Everything had to be considered for any situation that may arise. From living quarters and work spaces, to recreation and transportation, all were essential to make the exercise the most productive experience possible.
Proper planning key to success during Juniper Cobra 2010 | EUCOM, Stronger Together
[What does he say about the "history of the Jews"?
The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.
The Khazar king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith - either Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism, which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)
Benjamin Freedman

1961!!! I can give you tons Genentic studies that confirm The Jewish people originated in the Middle east..You give me some quote from 1961!!! You're a joke give me something else or sit down somewhere boy.
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Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

Er, no, uneducated poor white trash.

Newsweek: The DNA of Abraham’s Children, Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.
Jews have historically considered themselves “people of the book” (am hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: no.

The DNA analysis undermines the claim that most of today’s Jews, particularly the Ashkenazi, are the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars—which has angered many in the Jewish community as an implicit attack on the Jews’ claim to the land of Israel, since it implies that today’s Jews have no blood ties to the original Jews of the Middle East. Instead, find the scientists, at most there was “limited admixture with local populations, including Khazars and Slavs ... during the 1,000-year (second millennium) history of the European Jews.”

Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome (which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim, he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aaron’s lifetime.
What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome - Newsweek
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Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:

Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

This sonofabitch deserves to be booted out of the Congress. The fact that we haven't heard a word about his declaration from the mainstream media is cause for concern. Just how powerful is AIPAC and just how much of this kind of brazen disloyalty are the American People expected to tolerate?

Shut the fuck up you antisemitic fuck. You Jew-haters need to rot off this planet as quickly as any other hater.
Shut the fuck up you antisemitic fuck. You Jew-haters need to rot off this planet as quickly as any other hater.


We are not haters. We are not anti-Semetic either.

We just happen to want to tell the truth and point out the lies and crimes of the Zionist criminals.

W can not help it if many of them just so happen to be Jewish.

[What does he say about the "history of the Jews"?
The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.
The Khazar king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith - either Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism, which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)
Benjamin Freedman

1961!!! I can give you tons Genentic studies that confirm The Jewish people originated in the Middle east..You give me some quote from 1961!!! You're a joke give me something else or sit down somewhere boy.
The facts this man points out don't change with age, and I will bet that your so-called "Genetic Studies are as mucked up as your mentality. Interbreeding aside, A person whose ancestors come from the region where the Khazars come from, will NOT have the true genetic make up as those from the region in question namely Semetic, and it is absurd to think so.
The Khazars converted to Judaism at the beginning of the 8th century. At the time the world had 2 superpowers religion wise, Christianity, and Islam, they chose neither of these 2 because they would have automatically been subordinated to the authority of the Roman Empire or the Caliph in Baghdad. The conversion was a shrewd and calculated move on the kings part...It is very interesting and quite the history lesson, but the point is that the So-called homeland that the Christians are fighting and advocating for the so-called "chosen people" to recover, is a fraud. The author of the Thirteenth Tribe a book exposing the fraud, is Arthur Koestler
it traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire. In Mr. Koestler's own words, "The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated."
Mr. Koestler was an Ashkenazi Jew and took pride in his Khazar ancestry. He was also a very talented and successful writer who published over 25 novels and essays. His most successful book, Darkness at Noon, was translated in thirty-three languages.
As expected, The Thirteenth Tribe caused a stir when published in 1976, since it demolishes ancient racial and ethnic dogmas...At the height of the controversy in 1983, the lifeless bodies of Arthur Koestler and his wife were found in their London home. Despite significant inconsistencies, the police ruled their death a suicide. Surprise, surprise another Mossad "suicide"!

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Thirteenth-Tribe-Arthur-Koestler/dp/0445042427/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291148829&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: Thirteenth Tribe (9780445042421): Arthur Koestler: Books[/ame]
Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:

Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

This sonofabitch deserves to be booted out of the Congress. The fact that we haven't heard a word about his declaration from the mainstream media is cause for concern. Just how powerful is AIPAC and just how much of this kind of brazen disloyalty are the American People expected to tolerate?

Shut the fuck up you antisemitic fuck. You Jew-haters need to rot off this planet as quickly as any other hater.

Not Jew haters, just stating facts about fake Jews/semites that are influencing our country.
[What does he say about the "history of the Jews"?
The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.
The Khazar king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith - either Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism, which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)
Benjamin Freedman

1961!!! I can give you tons Genentic studies that confirm The Jewish people originated in the Middle east..You give me some quote from 1961!!! You're a joke give me something else or sit down somewhere boy.
Not the fake semites that I am referring to...Idiot.
What does he say about the "history of the Jews"? [/B]
Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)

Look looser.. Do you're research, Do you realize how far we've come in technology since 1961!! I'll say again, You're a joke why would you take as fact some author form 1961? You know why.. Because you're a Jew hater bottom line and no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise. Oh did you know Jews are the leaders of the illuminati LOOSER!!
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[What does he say about the "history of the Jews"?
The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia.
The Khazar king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith - either Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism, which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out "eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call Jews. There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)
Benjamin Freedman

1961!!! I can give you tons Genentic studies that confirm The Jewish people originated in the Middle east..You give me some quote from 1961!!! You're a joke give me something else or sit down somewhere boy.
Not the fake semites that I am referring to...Idiot.

Read, learn uneducated poor white trash.. I own your vagina.

Newsweek: The DNA of Abraham’s Children, Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.
Jews have historically considered themselves “people of the book” (am hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: no.

The DNA analysis undermines the claim that most of today’s Jews, particularly the Ashkenazi, are the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars—which has angered many in the Jewish community as an implicit attack on the Jews’ claim to the land of Israel, since it implies that today’s Jews have no blood ties to the original Jews of the Middle East. Instead, find the scientists, at most there was “limited admixture with local populations, including Khazars and Slavs ... during the 1,000-year (second millennium) history of the European Jews.”

Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome (which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim, he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aaron’s lifetime.

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome - Newsweek
Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:

Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

This sonofabitch deserves to be booted out of the Congress. The fact that we haven't heard a word about his declaration from the mainstream media is cause for concern. Just how powerful is AIPAC and just how much of this kind of brazen disloyalty are the American People expected to tolerate?

Shut the fuck up you antisemitic fuck. You Jew-haters need to rot off this planet as quickly as any other hater.

Not Jew haters, just stating facts about fake Jews/semites that are influencing our country.

Closet case, Jews protect your vagina.

US Air Force: National Guard leaders observe Israel's nationwide security exercise
Sirens wailed across Israel and residents took shelter during a nationwide civil defense exercise carefully watched by a delegation of National Guard leaders May 26 here. The communication, collaboration and coordination National Level Exercise Turning Point 4 revealed between the Israeli Defense Force's Home Front Command, roughly comparable to the National Guard, and local agencies set an example for members of the Guard, said Gen. Craig R. McKinley, the chief of the National Guard Bureau. "They have always said that they will never have their nation threatened again and they will be prepared to pay the highest price to protect their form of government and their way of life - much like in our nation," General McKinley said. "As we fought our revolution, we created a nation that needs to be respected, and we must always understand that the price of freedom should be paid with our effort, and each citizen of the United States should have a part of that."

Army Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, the adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard, was part of the leadership delegation here to observe Exercise Turning Point 4, representing the adjutants general of the 54 states and territories and the commanding general of the District of Columbia. "The greatest value of my being here is seeing how the communities position themselves, how they're organized and how they're prepared to react to a disaster," General Sprynczynatyk said. "I'd give anything for all of our communities back home to have the same level of capabilities that we're seeing here."There is a constant threat here, and they need to be prepared at a minute's notice to respond," he said. "It's real, and they live it day-to-day and everyone in the country knows and understands that, so there's no question they have to be prepared, and they certainly are."

Observing how other nations handle threats helps National Guard officials refine its their homeland defense readiness, capacity and capabilities, General McKinley said. "We know we're living in an age of terror," he said, noting recent events such as a thwarted attempted bombing in New York's Times Square. "We don't know exactly when it started but certainly after Sept. 11, 2001, we knew it was potentially very dangerous to our citizens and that the battlefront now includes our home front. General Sprynczynatyk said he is taking ideas back to North Dakota and his fellow adjutants general. "The one thing that has been truly impressive to me is just the high level of organization, the structure, how everybody is fully read-in to what's going on," he said. "It's been good to talk to military counterparts and learn what they do on a day-to-day basis from the standpoint of national defense in their homeland.

"I relate that back to what we need to do when we (prepare) our National Guard members to react to whatever disaster may occur. We train for war. We're all very proficient at that. What we don't do enough of, in my mind, is train for that natural disaster, and here I see that that's something they do every day.

National Guard leaders observe Israel's nationwide exercise
What does he say about the "history of the Jews"? [/B]
Benjamin Freedman Speaks:

A Jewish Defector Warns America
by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)

Look looser.. Do you're research, Do you realize how far we've come in technology since 1961!! I'll say again, You're a joke why would you take as fact some author form 1961?
Hey he's one of you, but since you don't agree with him you dismiss his Jewish roots.
You know why.. Because you're a Jew hater bottom line and no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise.
You have no evidence that the peoples from the Caucasus region are original semites, on the other hand there is proof that the bulk of people that say they are Jews today, have no bloodline to the semitic tribes of Palastine. Even your own scholars admit that.
Oh did you know Jews are the leaders of the illuminati
Yes there is information on that also. According to what is written about what these peoples ( fake Jews) grand plan is, they wish to rule the world, but obtain the power to do so by deception, and lies.
So, bottom line is.. you are saying that the peoples from the Khazar Empire are semites?
Remarkably, the Khazars, a people of Turkic origin, converted to the Jewish religion sometime in the 9th century, beginning with the royal house and spreading gradually among the general populace. Judaism is now known to have been more widespread among the Khazar inhabitants of the Khazar kingdom than was previously thought. In 1999, Russian archaeologists announced that they had successfully reconstructed a Khazarian vessel from the Don River region, revealing 4 inscriptions of the word "Israel" in Hebrew lettering. It is now the accepted opinion among most scholars in the field that the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism was widespread, and not limited merely to the royal house and nobility. Ibn al-Faqih, in fact, wrote "All of the Khazars are Jews." Christian of Stavelot wrote in 864 that "all of them profess the Jewish faith in its entirety."

A European Experiment in Jewish Statecraft :
The Khazars
Doing Zionism - The Khazars*
Perhaps now you will believe this authority?

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