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Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

this is total and complete ignorance

why you would smear an entire group of people like that is beyond stupid

What do you have to say about marc93 smearing whites?
I think it's funny how jillian, uber-liberal Jew from New York, jumps in on the side of the war-monger-for-Israel Jews like marc93.

How's your ass feeling after getting so many new assholes ripped by me, uneducated poor white trash?





the us will always defend the nation of israel, stop trying to scare the general public and isrealites worldwide you assholes.
Know what percentage of Jews fight for the U.S. military?

You have a vagina, pussy boy.

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team had been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

The U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

Israel has been sharing with the US its experience in combating Palestinian terrorism, which has been helpful in the US's war in Afghanistan. The US military benefits from Israel’s tactics against suicide bombers, car bombs and improvised explosive devices.

In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel.

Former Secretary of State and NATO forces Commander Alexander Haig has said that he is pro-Israeli because Israel is "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security"
Know what percentage of Jews fight for the U.S. military?

You have a vagina, pussy boy.

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team had been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

The U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

Israel has been sharing with the US its experience in combating Palestinian terrorism, which has been helpful in the US's war in Afghanistan. The US military benefits from Israel’s tactics against suicide bombers, car bombs and improvised explosive devices.

In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel.

Former Secretary of State and NATO forces Commander Alexander Haig has said that he is pro-Israeli because Israel is "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security"

"critical region for American national security"
is what I have been saying all along.
Just click the links on the google search I provided, they are very interesting, and you might learn something about Talmudism, the Pharisees, how the rabbis think about "goyim" etc. Learning about something or another opinion on a subject takes effort on the part of the seeker, try it sometime.

It's idiots like you that look for ways to create hate, and discredit the Jews. Given their long history it's not hard to pick and choose individual things to make you're case. But generally you don't know what you're talking about. You're just another fricken idiot looking for reasons to hate Jews.

"The Talmud has strong words for everyone, because that is how the Talmudists spoke, to each other, and about everything. The Torah, they said, was fire, and one must be on fire to learn it and practice it. Their talk was also fire. But inside the intellectual fireworks was a love created by an honest spirituality. When you just read the words, however, it sounds awful. But remember, whatever they say about Romans, Greeks, and other pagans, they spoke much worse about their own, about those who opposed the scholars, and even other scholars who "erred" etc."

A Rabbi Replies to Hate
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I think it's funny how jillian, uber-liberal Jew from New York, jumps in on the side of the war-monger-for-Israel Jews like marc93.

Class, you'll note that Jews come together when it matters. You whites out there could learn a lesson from that.

Their tenacious solidarity is at once the Jews' greatest strength and their greatest weakness. It strongly binds them together and thus affords them exceptional political power. But in the end it has historically brought misery upon them in the form of antipathy, expulsion, persecution and attempted genocide. The Jews have been kicked out of every country which has ever hosted them -- with the single exception of the United States.

With very few exceptions a Jew will instinctually defend and/or facilitate another Jew and in matters of conflict with a gentile there is no consideration of right or wrong. The Jews think of themselves as the Chosen People of God and as such they are the most insular, exclusive and discriminating people of all.

Any Jew who recognizes the self-defeating aspect of this extraordinary solidarity and openly criticizes it is ostracized and denounced as a "self-hating degenerate." One such example is DePaul University Professor Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry. Another prominent example is the Karta Naturei, a small sect of Hasidm who are anti-Zionist and are demonstrably opposed to the aggressively defended existence of Israel.
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I think it's funny how jillian, uber-liberal Jew from New York, jumps in on the side of the war-monger-for-Israel Jews like marc93.

Class, you'll note that Jews come together when it matters. You whites out there could learn a lesson from that.

Their tenacious solidarity is at once the Jews' greatest strength and their greatest weakness. It strongly binds them together and thus affords them exceptional political power. But in the end it has historically brought misery upon them in the form of antipathy, expulsion, persecution and attempted genocide. The Jews have been kicked out of every country which has ever hosted them -- with the single exception of the United States.

With very few exceptions a Jew will instinctually defend and/or facilitate another Jew and in matters of conflict with a gentile there is no consideration of right or wrong. The Jews think of themselves as the Chosen People of God and as such they are the most insular, exclusive and discriminating people of all.

Any Jew who recognizes the self-defeating aspect of this extraordinary solidarity and openly criticizes it is ostracized and denounced as a "self-hating degenerate." One such example is DePaul University Professor Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry. Another prominent example is the Karta Naturei, a small sect of Hassidm who are anti-Zionist and are demonstrably opposed to the aggressively defended existence of Israel.

Are you Muslim?
It's idiots like you that look for ways to create hate, and discredit the Jews. Given their long history it's not hard to pick and choose individual things to make you're case. But generally you don't know what you're talking about. You're just another fricken idiot looking for reasons to hate Jews.
I don't need to create things or make things up, it is all in the history even before Jesus arrived on the scene to put the Pharisees in their place and warn us about their hypocrisy. Anyone here is free to look into it, many sadly choose to believe their pastors that we have to give this counterfeit peoples our blind devotion. Look things up yourself, and free your mind, especially if you are of the Christian faith.
It's idiots like you that look for ways to create hate, and discredit the Jews. Given their long history it's not hard to pick and choose individual things to make you're case. But generally you don't know what you're talking about. You're just another fricken idiot looking for reasons to hate Jews.
I don't need to create things or make things up, it is all in the history even before Jesus arrived on the scene to put the Pharisees in their place and warn us about their hypocrisy. Anyone here is free to look into it, many sadly choose to believe their pastors that we have to give this counterfeit peoples our blind devotion. Look things up yourself, and free your mind, especially if you are of the Christian faith.

Except, you know less than zero about history, uneducated poor white trash, as I have demonstrated by bitch slapping you around the block...





I think it's funny how jillian, uber-liberal Jew from New York, jumps in on the side of the war-monger-for-Israel Jews like marc93.

Class, you'll note that Jews come together when it matters. You whites out there could learn a lesson from that.

Their tenacious solidarity is at once the Jews' greatest strength and their greatest weakness.

Winston Churchill...
We owe to the Jews a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all wisdom and learning put together.

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/River-War-Sir-Winston-Churchill/dp/1598184253/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288411221&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

Also, how safe is releasing a known traitor who damaged Americas defenses with his spying? How are we to trust our elected officials? Whose side are they on? Certain members of congress petition for his release. If that isn't proof of their treason, and allegiance to another nation before their own I don't know what is.

Congressional request for Pollard pardon just another example of putting Israel’s interests first
.......With the information at hand, namely the fact that as stated above, Israel was at the time handing Pollard’s stolen documents off to the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War,
........Americans suffer every day at the hands of abstract, fleeting “threats to national security,” and yet when our national security has been conclusively violated…this is what our congressmen come up with. To buy into such a subversion of moral decency is utterly treacherous.

Congressional request for Pollard pardon just another example of putting Israel’s interests first
Israel First, America's National Security Second

In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of "Israel First" policy, 39 Representatives, all democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987. Pollard is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes.
Americans suffer every day at the hands of abstract, fleeting "threats to national security" and yet when our national security has been conclusively violated…this is what our congressmen come up with. To buy into such a subversion of moral decency is utterly treacherous.

Israel First, America's National Security Second :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]
Israel First, America's National Security Second

In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of "Israel First" policy, 39 Representatives, all democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987. Pollard is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes.
Americans suffer every day at the hands of abstract, fleeting "threats to national security" and yet when our national security has been conclusively violated…this is what our congressmen come up with. To buy into such a subversion of moral decency is utterly treacherous.

Israel First, America's National Security Second :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

And, you're so weak and timid, a tiny country the size of Vermont causes you to want to hide under your bed, poor white trash?

Doesn't put you in a very flattering light. :lol:
Israel First, America's National Security Second

In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of "Israel First" policy, 39 Representatives, all democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987. Pollard is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes.
Americans suffer every day at the hands of abstract, fleeting "threats to national security" and yet when our national security has been conclusively violated…this is what our congressmen come up with. To buy into such a subversion of moral decency is utterly treacherous.

Letter to Obama from 50 Prominent US Military Leaders...

Israel as a Security Asset for the United States
We, the undersigned, have traveled to Israel over the years with The Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). We brought with us our
decades of military experience and, following unrestricted access to
Israel's civilian and military leaders, came away with the unswerving belief
that the security of the State of Israel is a matter of great importance to
the United States and its policy in the Middle East and Eastern
Mediterranean. A strong, secure Israel is an asset upon which American
military planners and political leaders can rely. Israel is a democracy - a
rare and precious commodity in the region - and Israel shares our commitment
to freedom, personal liberty and rule of law.

Throughout our travels and our talks, the determination of Israelis to
protect their country and to pursue a fair and workable peace with their
neighbors was clearly articulated. Thus we view the current tension between
the United States and Israel with dismay and grave concern that political
differences may be allowed to outweigh our larger mutual interests. As American defense professionals, we view events in the Middle East through the prism of American security interests.

The United States and Israel established security cooperation during the
Cold War, and today the two countries face the common threat of terrorism by
those who fear freedom and liberty. Historically close cooperation between
the United States. and Israel at all levels including the IDF, military
research and development, shared intelligence and bilateral military
training exercises enhances the security of both countries. American police
and law enforcement officials have reaped the benefit of close cooperation
with Israeli professionals in the areas of domestic counter-terrorism
practices and first response to terrorist attacks.

Israel and the United States are drawn together by shared values and shared
threats to our well-being. The proliferation of weapons and nuclear technology across the Middle East and Asia, and the ballistic missile technology to deliver systems across
wide areas require cooperation in intelligence, technology and security
policy. Terrorism, as well as the origins of financing, training and
executing terrorist acts, need to be addressed multilaterally when possible.
The dissemination of hatred and support of terrorism by violent extremists
in the name of Islam, whether state or non-state actors, must be addressed
as a threat to global peace.

In the Middle East, a volatile region so vital to U.S. interests, it would
be foolish to disengage - or denigrate - an ally such as Israel
"Israel as a Security Asset for the United States" | The Weekly Standard
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Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

King James Bible
REV. 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

REV. 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

You're late with that one idiot:eusa_whistle:

Two studies by Nebel et al. in 2001 and 2005, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe (defined in the using Eastern European, German, and French Rhine Valley populations). However, 11.5% of male Ashkenazim were found to belong to R1a1a (R-M17), the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern European populations. They hypothesized that these chromosomes could reflect low-level gene flow from surrounding Eastern European populations, or, alternatively, that both the Ashkenazi Jews with R1a1a (R-M17), and to a much greater extent Eastern European populations in general, might partly be descendants of Khazars. They concluded "However, if the R1a1a (R-M17) chromosomes in Ashkenazi Jews do indeed represent the vestiges of the mysterious Khazars then, according to our data, this contribution was limited to either a single founder or a few closely related men, and does not exceed ~12% of the present-day Ashkenazim.".[16][17] This hypothesis is also supported by the D. Goldstein in his book Jacob's legacy: A genetic view of Jewish history.[18] However, Faerman (2008) states that "External low-level gene flow of possible Eastern European origin has been shown in Ashkenazim but no evidence of a hypothetical Khazars’ contribution to the Ashkenazi gene pool has ever been found.".

Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel is a fraud, and the so-called Jews are a fraud. Their blood lines are not from the "holy land". They are mostly Khazarian, who converted to Judaism, and say that Palestine is their holy land. That's bullshit and anybody who studies the back ground of the Khazar's will find this out. It is like the Chinese Muslim converts. Suppose all 200 million of them wanted to take over the land in Saudi Arabia claiming they are now Arabs and they are entitled to the land there including Mecca. This is what these fake Jews are doing.

You're late with that one idiot:eusa_whistle:

Two studies by Nebel et al. in 2001 and 2005, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe (defined in the using Eastern European, German, and French Rhine Valley populations). However, 11.5% of male Ashkenazim were found to belong to R1a1a (R-M17), the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern European populations. They hypothesized that these chromosomes could reflect low-level gene flow from surrounding Eastern European populations, or, alternatively, that both the Ashkenazi Jews with R1a1a (R-M17), and to a much greater extent Eastern European populations in general, might partly be descendants of Khazars. They concluded "However, if the R1a1a (R-M17) chromosomes in Ashkenazi Jews do indeed represent the vestiges of the mysterious Khazars then, according to our data, this contribution was limited to either a single founder or a few closely related men, and does not exceed ~12% of the present-day Ashkenazim.".[16][17] This hypothesis is also supported by the D. Goldstein in his book Jacob's legacy: A genetic view of Jewish history.[18] However, Faerman (2008) states that "External low-level gene flow of possible Eastern European origin has been shown in Ashkenazim but no evidence of a hypothetical Khazars’ contribution to the Ashkenazi gene pool has ever been found.".

Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ohh goody!! Wikipedia, the Zionists Bible!!

Are we "fixing the facts to fit the policy"?
I am quite sure if you go back far enough, we are ALL related.

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