Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

Electronic intifada is bogus because I have a Master's in Middle East studies from Princeton Univ. and I say it's bogus.

You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
I'm sorry, but there's no job in the world where that degree can get you a 7 figure salary. Haha. Listen lil dude. I've been roughly on the same side of these topics as you are. Some of the things these people are saying are just ridiculous. But the things YOU are saying are just wrong. Bad form. Dirty name calling. You are intelligent enough to argue your points without sinking to that level.

You are intentionally ignoring the fact that Eric Cantor is not an ordinary citizen and what he's done is a great deal more than simply disagreeing with his government. He is an important member of the U.S. Government, an elected representative of the American People whose purpose is to speak for the People. But he has taken it upon himself to declare solidarity with the leader of a foreign government in opposition to the leaders of his own government and he's promised to serve the interests of that foreign government in conflict with the interests of the United States.
Well, no. You can't draw that conclusion. Disagreeing with other leaders of this country is not a conflict of interest with this country. It's just disagreement with its leaders. The sum total of a country is not reduced down to its leaders. In fact, THE VERY REASON we have people like senators and congressmen instead of just having one single president rule over everything is to ALLOW FOR disagreement to promote balance. Disagreeing with Obama does not make you a traitor to the US. I asked you what he's done. The only response you seem to give is that he's "declared" something. That too is not treasonous. It's freedom of speech. Come back when his ACTIONS directly harm the country. Until then, you're just as "treasonous" as he is for speaking your mind on this forum.

Lt. Cmdr. James Ennes was the Deck Officer on the Liberty when she was attacked by Israel. The following is taken from his book, Assault On The Liberty:

"Survivors and many former top US officials like Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of State Admiral Thomas Moorer said it was a carefully orchestrated and deliberate attack by Israel against an American ship. Yet, the United States has denied the USS Liberty a congressional investigation. The attack remains the only major maritime incident in US history that has not received a public investigation by the US Congress.

“They fear the Israeli and Jewish reactions. Also, I think that there is so much pro-Israel propaganda that many American Jews really believe that the attack was a tragic accident and that any attention to this story comes from anti-Semites. That claim alone is enough to stifle discussion,” says Ennes who was officer-of-the-deck on the bridge the day of the attack.

In his book, Assault on the Liberty, Ennes explained that before the attack he witnessed more than 6 hours of surveillance by Israeli aircraft that circled the USS Liberty thirteen times; sometimes close enough that they “exchanged friendly waves.” The USS Liberty was on a peaceful mission in the area, a safe distance from the fighting, in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was clearly identified by Israel as a US intelligence ship and officers even heard Israelis recognize the ship as American on their radio frequencies. The ship also had an American flag hoisted high above it.

Ennes is not the only survivor of the attack who insists it was no accident. Every one of the survivors insist it was no accident! They were there. They experienced it. Don't you think they would know the difference? Why would they lie? And why have those survivors been deprived of an opportunity to tell their story to the American People via a formal investigation?
He's not the only survivor of the attack where Israelis in Israeli uniforms and boats and planes tried to sink a US ship to make it look AS IF it were a Muslim attack? So why where there survivors? Who do you think rescued them? Your idea is just ridiculous. Do you even realize the guy you pointed out went on a tour across the country to sell his book? You say there was no investigation when I have already shown you links that prove otherwise. The investigation happened from both countries, and Israel paid millions.

So let's recap: Israel sinks a communications boat, leaving many survivors. Those survivors are rescued by ??? probably Israel, then sent back to America. Israel pays millions of dollars. And somehow you still believe your conspiracy theory even though this guy is trying to sell books? How gullible. I'll believe our government and its investigation over your sell-out.

You're stupid enough to actually think Israel picked a fight with the US? :lol::lol::lol:

Stay away from sharp objects.
You missed the point. You still have to work. :lol:

You missed MY point: It's not work if you enjoy it. A point way above the paygrade of, say, a chat room moderator.
And, if I chose to retire early, I could easily do so. Though, with my newfound free time, I would be engaged in far more fulfilling activities than reading people's posts in a chat room all day gratis.

Sure you would. :lol: Your maturity level is on the same level as Topspin's was. Nobody believed him and I doubt that many believe you. :lol:

A chat room mod who reads posts all day for no money and argues with posters weighs in on maturity. Oh, the irony.
You can be supportive of another country over your own, and it still doesn't mean you're against your own country.

It does when the country you choose to support attacks the American military.

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret

Israel killed American sailors in a failed attempt to pin the killing on Arabs and draw the U.S. into a war with Israel's enemies.

It didn't work.

But Jews weren't dissuaded.

On 9/11, they knew we were about to be attacked. But they said nothing. They knew we'd fight the war they wanted if we were. Hence, the Israeli "art students" cheering in New Jersey.

The only problem you have is lack of access to medication. That can be cured.

Jews: one tactic is to "medicalize" dissent, i.e., anyone who disagrees with them has a mental problem. Used frequently during the Soviet days. Freud, an uber-Jew, pioneered the practice of telling white gentiles they were mentally ill for being "repressed" when really, they were perfectly normal, and his real goal was upsetting Western society.
I checked in with the guys at Stormfront to see if "Marc39" was one of their plants to make the pro-Israel people look bad. Brag you're rich and went to Princeton. Call everyone "white trash" who needs their meds. Say "shithead" and "fuckhead" to everyone.

Still waiting to hear back... it would be a good idea, actually.
It does when the country you choose to support attacks the American military.

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret

Israel killed American sailors in a failed attempt to pin the killing on Arabs and draw the U.S. into a war with Israel's enemies.

It didn't work.

But Jews weren't dissuaded.

On 9/11, they knew we were about to be attacked. But they said nothing. They knew we'd fight the war they wanted if we were. Hence, the Israeli "art students" cheering in New Jersey.

The only problem you have is lack of access to medication. That can be cured.

Jews: one tactic is to "medicalize" dissent, i.e., anyone who disagrees with them has a mental problem. Used frequently during the Soviet days. Freud, an uber-Jew, pioneered the practice of telling white gentiles they were mentally ill for being "repressed" when really, they were perfectly normal, and his real goal was upsetting Western society.

You're so weak and insecure over a few million Jews in the world.

There is medication, you know, for paranoid schizophrenia.
Electronic intifada is bogus because I have a Master's in Middle East studies from Princeton Univ. and I say it's bogus.

You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
I'm sorry, but there's no job in the world where that degree can get you a 7 figure salary. Haha. Listen lil dude. I've been roughly on the same side of these topics as you are. Some of the things these people are saying are just ridiculous. But the things YOU are saying are just wrong. Bad form. Dirty name calling. You are intelligent enough to argue your points without sinking to that level.

Well, no. You can't draw that conclusion. Disagreeing with other leaders of this country is not a conflict of interest with this country. It's just disagreement with its leaders. The sum total of a country is not reduced down to its leaders. In fact, THE VERY REASON we have people like senators and congressmen instead of just having one single president rule over everything is to ALLOW FOR disagreement to promote balance. Disagreeing with Obama does not make you a traitor to the US. I asked you what he's done. The only response you seem to give is that he's "declared" something. That too is not treasonous. It's freedom of speech. Come back when his ACTIONS directly harm the country. Until then, you're just as "treasonous" as he is for speaking your mind on this forum.

Lt. Cmdr. James Ennes was the Deck Officer on the Liberty when she was attacked by Israel. The following is taken from his book, Assault On The Liberty:

"Survivors and many former top US officials like Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of State Admiral Thomas Moorer said it was a carefully orchestrated and deliberate attack by Israel against an American ship. Yet, the United States has denied the USS Liberty a congressional investigation. The attack remains the only major maritime incident in US history that has not received a public investigation by the US Congress.

“They fear the Israeli and Jewish reactions. Also, I think that there is so much pro-Israel propaganda that many American Jews really believe that the attack was a tragic accident and that any attention to this story comes from anti-Semites. That claim alone is enough to stifle discussion,” says Ennes who was officer-of-the-deck on the bridge the day of the attack.

In his book, Assault on the Liberty, Ennes explained that before the attack he witnessed more than 6 hours of surveillance by Israeli aircraft that circled the USS Liberty thirteen times; sometimes close enough that they “exchanged friendly waves.” The USS Liberty was on a peaceful mission in the area, a safe distance from the fighting, in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was clearly identified by Israel as a US intelligence ship and officers even heard Israelis recognize the ship as American on their radio frequencies. The ship also had an American flag hoisted high above it.

Ennes is not the only survivor of the attack who insists it was no accident. Every one of the survivors insist it was no accident! They were there. They experienced it. Don't you think they would know the difference? Why would they lie? And why have those survivors been deprived of an opportunity to tell their story to the American People via a formal investigation?
He's not the only survivor of the attack where Israelis in Israeli uniforms and boats and planes tried to sink a US ship to make it look AS IF it were a Muslim attack? So why where there survivors? Who do you think rescued them? Your idea is just ridiculous. Do you even realize the guy you pointed out went on a tour across the country to sell his book? You say there was no investigation when I have already shown you links that prove otherwise. The investigation happened from both countries, and Israel paid millions.

So let's recap: Israel sinks a communications boat, leaving many survivors. Those survivors are rescued by ??? probably Israel, then sent back to America. Israel pays millions of dollars. And somehow you still believe your conspiracy theory even though this guy is trying to sell books? How gullible. I'll believe our government and its investigation over your sell-out.

You're stupid enough to actually think Israel picked a fight with the US? :lol::lol::lol
No. I don't know if you accidentally quoted and responded to me instead of someone else, but if you quoted correctly, I recommend you go reread the post, because you took away the exact opposite meaning of what it states.
I checked in with the guys at Stormfront to see if "Marc39" was one of their plants to make the pro-Israel people look bad. Brag you're rich and went to Princeton. Call everyone "white trash" who needs their meds. Say "shithead" and "fuckhead" to everyone.

Still waiting to hear back... it would be a good idea, actually.

Still upset I bitch slapped you around the block like a cheap ho, poor white trash?

Let's review just how embarrassingly uneducated you really are... :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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This doesn't surprise me at all and it wasn't even worth a news story, back room deals and bribes have gone on over the settlements for years, it's not like this is anything new. :eusa_eh:

Jews living in Israel don't live in settlements, bud. They are communities.

Obama doesn't live in a settlement in Washington, DC
No, they all live in a city together, some parts of it has religious fanatics, wouldn't care to live there myself, Tel Aviv is much better. If you are talking about the 'peace process' settlements has pretty much come to mean the entire Israeli state, because the Palestinians want it all. The traditional process involves the US sending money to pay for negotiations, Israeli's add money also for the negotiations, the Palestinians then pretend to agree, and a day later a suicide bomber sent by the Palestinians blows himself up or they send a rocket and destroy an apartment building in Israel. It's not hard to realize the process doesn't work, that's before you add in religion and the whole "Islam will rule the world" thing.
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The only problem you have is lack of access to medication. That can be cured.

Jews: one tactic is to "medicalize" dissent, i.e., anyone who disagrees with them has a mental problem. Used frequently during the Soviet days. Freud, an uber-Jew, pioneered the practice of telling white gentiles they were mentally ill for being "repressed" when really, they were perfectly normal, and his real goal was upsetting Western society.

You're so weak and insecure over a few million Jews in the world.

There is medication, you know, for paranoid schizophrenia.

You had him pegged and KOed in your first sentence.

Why lump him in with folks that genetically have little control over their condition?
This doesn't surprise me at all and it wasn't even worth a news story, back room deals and bribes have gone on over the settlements for years, it's not like this is anything new. :eusa_eh:

Jews living in Israel don't live in settlements, bud. They are communities.

Obama doesn't live in a settlement in Washington, DC
No, they all live in a city together, some parts of it has religious fanatics, wouldn't care to live there myself, Tel Aviv is much better. If you are talking about the 'peace process' settlements has pretty much come to mean the entire Israeli state, because the Palestinians want it all. The traditional process involves the US sending money to pay for negotiations, Israeli's add money also for the negotiations, the Palestinians then pretend to agree, and a day later a suicide bomber sent by the Palestinians blows himself up or they send a rocket and destroy an apartment building in Israel. It's not hard to realize the process doesn't work, that's before you add in religion and the whole "Islam will rule the world" thing.

The term settlement is intended to delegitimize legitimate Jewish communities built on sovereign Israel land.

Jews did not colonize their own land they have owned for 4000 years. That would be the Muslims who colonized and settled the Middle East
ISrael receives no economic aid. Israel receives strictly military aid, 75% of which must be spent in the US, by law, with American defense contractors.

Thus, aid to Israel is spent with US defense companies that employ millions of Americans and that form the foundation of the US economy.

Furthermore, Israel is one of the US's largest export markets, last year accounting for $15 billion in Israeli purchases of US products.

So......where is a credible link or source to back up your claim? (crickets from Marc39)

The web-site I provided in my previous post proves you WRONG about "Israel only receiving military aid" from the US. So, shut your pie hole for a change and admit it when you are WRONG.

And AGAIN, I am going to ask you......

Just what IS Israel's GDP??

Sex slavery? Human trafficking? Organ trafficking? Pronography? Child progography?? Bone and tissue Trafficking? Pick one, or all. You can say it....we know.

Or do you only chose to answer the questions you THINK you have the answers to?
Jews: one tactic is to "medicalize" dissent, i.e., anyone who disagrees with them has a mental problem. Used frequently during the Soviet days. Freud, an uber-Jew, pioneered the practice of telling white gentiles they were mentally ill for being "repressed" when really, they were perfectly normal, and his real goal was upsetting Western society.

You're so weak and insecure over a few million Jews in the world.

There is medication, you know, for paranoid schizophrenia.

You had him pegged and KOed in your first sentence.

Why lump him in with folks that genetically have little control over their condition?

He's too fucking stupid to realize the Arabs hold the American economy hostage with their control of oil. It's no conicidence American politicians never even utter a word of criticism against Arab shitholes with the worst human rights records in the world. Most of all, Saudi Arabia, which beheaded 6 people in just one month, last year.
You're so weak and insecure over a few million Jews in the world.

There is medication, you know, for paranoid schizophrenia.

You had him pegged and KOed in your first sentence.

Why lump him in with folks that genetically have little control over their condition?

He's too fucking stupid to realize the Arabs hold the American economy hostage with their control of oil. It's no conicidence American politicians never even utter a word of criticism against Arab shitholes with the worst human rights records in the world. Most of all, Saudi Arabia, which beheaded 6 people in just one month, last year.

Like I said, I agree.
Why lump him in with folks with a medical condition they can not help?
Notice how when I debunked you're stupidity and pointed out the Talmud was written before there was really a Christian religion you totally ignored it and moved on to something else .Just shows you're full of shit.
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about what is written, and thought about them.
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Notice how when I debunked you're stupidity and pointed out the Talmud was written before there was really a Christian religion you totally ignored it and moved on to something else .Just shows you're full of shit.
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about is written, and thought about them.

Notice how I debunked you, uneducated poor white trash? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Notice how when I debunked you're stupidity and pointed out the Talmud was written before there was really a Christian religion you totally ignored it and moved on to something else .Just shows you're full of shit.
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about is written, and thought about them.

Notice how I debunked you, uneducated poor white trash? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Marc39, you are a very sick person in need of professional psychiatric intervention:
personality disorders by DSM-IV. All the personality disorders show up as deviations from normal in one or more of the following:
(1) cognition -- i.e., perception, thinking, and interpretation of oneself, other people, and events;
(2) affectivity -- i.e., emotional responses (range, intensity, lability, appropriateness);
(3) interpersonal functions;
(4) impulsivity.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations.
The preferred theory seems to be that narcissism is caused by very early affective deprivation, yet the clinical material tends to describe narcissists as unwilling rather than unable, thus treating narcissistic behaviors as volitional -- that is, narcissism is termed a personality disorder, but it tends to be discussed as a character disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria

You got nothing, you are nothing, and you are clearly a mentally disturbed individual with classic exhibits of personality disorders.
You are the joke of the US Message Boards. Mr.Princeton grad wannabe LOL, "I live in a custom built house, I know more then anybody..." you are pathetically hilarious with your grandiose hallucinations, and stupid ignorant name calling ramblings. You are probably on disability for your mental disorders that render you incapable of functioning as a rational person in society without your meds. You have displayed for all that read this thread, that you fit the above described description quite appropriately, and the best way to proceed with a decent discussion of the original topic is to use the ignore function, or you can do humanity a grand service and kill your self. :eusa_pray:
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about is written, and thought about them.

Notice how I debunked you, uneducated poor white trash? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Marc39, you are a very sick person in need of professional psychiatric intervention:
personality disorders by DSM-IV. All the personality disorders show up as deviations from normal in one or more of the following:
(1) cognition -- i.e., perception, thinking, and interpretation of oneself, other people, and events;
(2) affectivity -- i.e., emotional responses (range, intensity, lability, appropriateness);
(3) interpersonal functions;
(4) impulsivity.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations.
The preferred theory seems to be that narcissism is caused by very early affective deprivation, yet the clinical material tends to describe narcissists as unwilling rather than unable, thus treating narcissistic behaviors as volitional -- that is, narcissism is termed a personality disorder, but it tends to be discussed as a character disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria

You got nothing, you are nothing, and you are clearly a mentally disturbed individual with classic exhibits of personality disorders.
You are the joke of the US Message Boards. Mr.Princeton grad wannabe LOL, "I live in a custom built house, I know more then anybody..." you are pathetically hilarious with your grandiose hallucinations, and stupid ignorant name calling ramblings. You are probably on disability for your mental disorders that render you incapable of functioning as a rational person in society without your meds. You have displayed for all that read this thread, that you fit the above described description quite appropriately, and the best way to proceed with a decent discussion of the original topic is to use the ignore function, or you can do humanity a grand service and kill your self. :eusa_pray:

Translation: I rip you a new asshole, uneducated, poor white trash. :lol:
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about is written, and thought about them.

I'm not very familiar with the passages you're referring to. Could you quote some?

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