Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

Oh dear, another uneducated loser trying to peddle the bogus website electronic intifada.

You're even more pathetic than I thought, poor white trash.

Tell me, does electronic intifada do electronic suicide bombings, poor white trash.
It's bogus to you because it is not a site that is 100% Israeli slanted. The Israeli biased view is all you seem to know, you are a closed minded fool, who feels the need to type his uneducated, low self esteem, sexual frustrations on a political message board. You are a very sad individual who needs to boast of your income, and housing to make yourself appear, and feel adequate.
You've distracted enough already, getting back to point, congress men/woman who are putting Israel before the US, are traitors.

Uneducated, poor white trash, let's get back to demonstrating how utterly ignorant you are of Middle East affairs in these earlier posts...
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forced exile the Palestinians have witnessed since Israel's foundation.

Poor white trash, Arabs first called themselves Palestinians in 1967. Israel was founded in 1948, when Arabs were just Arab sand rats.
You are a racist piece of shit.

Furthermore, poor white trash, the UN granted your so-called Palestinians statehood in 1947, which they rejected, prior to going to war with Israel,
A very unfair partition recommendation by the UN to say the least, what with Arabs owning something along the lines of 80 to 85% of the land and the Jews owning 10% or so, they were expected to give up more then half of their land for the creation of Israel? Would you give up half of your house that maybe has been in your family for generations to some stranger simply because you were told to? Nobody in their right mind would say that is reasonable.

a flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter.
What about all the UN resolutions against Israel? You fucking hypocritical jagoff.

ou're clueless, again.

Pallies fled the war, common during any war.

You're clueless, yet, again.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant racist moronic asshole!

Thus, Pallies forced their own exile in launching a conflict with Israel and then displacing themselves.

Your history lesson for the day, poor white trash.

Let me give you some advice: Don't even think of mindlessly cutting and pasting historical bullshit because I'll just shred it to pieces.

Man, you are truly a work of ignorant racist uneducated dogshit, go fuck off.
forced exile the Palestinians have witnessed since Israel's foundation.

You are a racist piece of shit.

A very unfair partition recommendation by the UN to say the least, what with Arabs owning something along the lines of 80 to 85% of the land and the Jews owning 10% or so, they were expected to give up more then half of their land for the creation of Israel? Would you give up half of your house that maybe has been in your family for generations to some stranger simply because you were told to? Nobody in their right mind would say that is reasonable.

What about all the UN resolutions against Israel? You fucking hypocritical jagoff.

Y Shut the fuck up you ignorant racist moronic asshole!

Thus, Pallies forced their own exile in launching a conflict with Israel and then displacing themselves.

Your history lesson for the day, poor white trash.

Let me give you some advice: Don't even think of mindlessly cutting and pasting historical bullshit because I'll just shred it to pieces.

Man, you are truly a work of ignorant racist uneducated dogshit, go fuck off.

Sux I ripped you a new a-hole in these posts, eh, uneducated poor white trash?

I'm your worst nightmare :lol:
A very unfair partition recommendation by the UN to say the least, what with Arabs owning something along the lines of 80 to 85% of the land and the Jews owning 10% or so, they were expected to give up more then half of their land for the creation of Israel? Would you give up half of your house that maybe has been in your family for generations to some stranger simply because you were told to? Nobody in their right mind would say that is reasonable.

Utter rubbish, demonstrating your total lack of knowledge of the subject matter.

Jordan constituted 80% of Mandate Palestine, which was given to the Arab Hashemites from the Hijaz.

Furthermore, Arabs received 99.9% of the entire Ottoman Empire, representing 8 million square miles, twice the size of the US.

Israel is merely 8,000 sq miles, the size of Vermont, just 0.1% of the land mass.

Thus, you're a clueless twit, uneducated poor white trash
Electronic intifada is bogus because I have a Master's in Middle East studies from Princeton Univ. and I say it's bogus.

You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
You have a masters in bullshit from what you've been typing. You are full of shit, and all you say is bullshit, it's evident you are a sorry ass wannabe loser posing as something you wish you were. Did you learn all the fine points of debating from your so-called Princeton education? Oh yeah you sure come across as a well schooled ivy leaguer, you embarrass yourself, have you no shame? Do you really think coming here and posing as some highly intelligent rich asshole gives you some carte blanche? You really are full of shit, you are the asshole of these message boards by far.
Electronic intifada is bogus because I have a Master's in Middle East studies from Princeton Univ. and I say it's bogus.

You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
You have a masters in bullshit from what you've been typing. You are full of shit, and all you say is bullshit, it's evident you are a sorry ass wannabe loser posing as something you wish you were. Did you learn all the fine points of debating from your so-called Princeton education? Oh yeah you sure come across as a well schooled ivy leaguer, you embarrass yourself, have you no shame? Do you really think coming here and posing as some highly intelligent rich asshole gives you some carte blanche? You really are full of shit, you are the asshole of these message boards by far.

Let's show everyone just how uneducated you are, uneducated poor white trash, in which I rip you a new asshole repeatedly... :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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No, it's not. Actively harming one's country for any reason can be seen as treasonous, but simply disagreeing with your government IS NOT, even if it means you are looking out for someone else. The movie argument of "if you're not with me, then you're against me!" is one of the most immature illogical responses used to coerce a plot. You can be supportive of another country over your own, and it still doesn't mean you're against your own country.
You are intentionally ignoring the fact that Eric Cantor is not an ordinary citizen and what he's done is a great deal more than simply disagreeing with his government. He is an important member of the U.S. Government, an elected representative of the American People whose purpose is to speak for the People. But he has taken it upon himself to declare solidarity with the leader of a foreign government in opposition to the leaders of his own government and he's promised to serve the interests of that foreign government in conflict with the interests of the United States.

So what you've said here is a bunch of spurious nonsense which is nothing more than an effort to defend the actions of another disloyal Jew.
No, it's not. Actively harming one's country for any reason can be seen as treasonous, but simply disagreeing with your government IS NOT, even if it means you are looking out for someone else. The movie argument of "if you're not with me, then you're against me!" is one of the most immature illogical responses used to coerce a plot. You can be supportive of another country over your own, and it still doesn't mean you're against your own country.
You are intentionally ignoring the fact that Eric Cantor is not an ordinary citizen and what he's done is a great deal more than simply disagreeing with his government. He is an important member of the U.S. Government, an elected representative of the American People whose purpose is to speak for the People. But he has taken it upon himself to declare solidarity with the leader of a foreign government in opposition to the leaders of his own government and he's promised to serve the interests of that foreign government in conflict with the interests of the United States.

So what you've said here is a bunch of spurious nonsense which is nothing more than an effort to defend the actions of another disloyal Jew.

Birdbrain, Israel is a US ally and, in fact, America's closest and most reliable ally.

Try to wrap your tiny mind around that.
forced exile the Palestinians have witnessed since Israel's foundation.

You are a racist piece of shit.

A very unfair partition recommendation by the UN to say the least, what with Arabs owning something along the lines of 80 to 85% of the land and the Jews owning 10% or so, they were expected to give up more then half of their land for the creation of Israel? Would you give up half of your house that maybe has been in your family for generations to some stranger simply because you were told to? Nobody in their right mind would say that is reasonable.

What about all the UN resolutions against Israel? You fucking hypocritical jagoff.

Y Shut the fuck up you ignorant racist moronic asshole!

Thus, Pallies forced their own exile in launching a conflict with Israel and then displacing themselves.

Your history lesson for the day, poor white trash.

Let me give you some advice: Don't even think of mindlessly cutting and pasting historical bullshit because I'll just shred it to pieces.

Man, you are truly a work of ignorant racist uneducated dogshit, go fuck off.

Who is racist, uneducated poor white trash?
"Oh Allah Kill All Jews And Americans"
You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
You have a masters in bullshit from what you've been typing. You are full of shit, and all you say is bullshit, it's evident you are a sorry ass wannabe loser posing as something you wish you were. Did you learn all the fine points of debating from your so-called Princeton education? Oh yeah you sure come across as a well schooled ivy leaguer, you embarrass yourself, have you no shame? Do you really think coming here and posing as some highly intelligent rich asshole gives you some carte blanche? You really are full of shit, you are the asshole of these message boards by far.

You are unable to factually refute one word I've posted, clown.
I own you.
Electronic intifada is bogus because I have a Master's in Middle East studies from Princeton Univ. and I say it's bogus.

You're done, uneducated poor white trash.
You have a masters in bullshit from what you've been typing. You are full of shit, and all you say is bullshit, it's evident you are a sorry ass wannabe loser posing as something you wish you were. Did you learn all the fine points of debating from your so-called Princeton education? Oh yeah you sure come across as a well schooled ivy leaguer, you embarrass yourself, have you no shame? Do you really think coming here and posing as some highly intelligent rich asshole gives you some carte blanche? You really are full of shit, you are the asshole of these message boards by far.

Let's show everyone just how uneducated you are, uneducated poor white trash, in which I rip you a new asshole repeatedly... :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You need help, you are hallucinating again. You are in need of your meds and a strait jacket. LOL :lol: you are a hilarious idiot, shit man you are the # 1 asshole of the US Message Boards, I'm laughing so hard I'm tearing up...what a total moronic joke of a human being :lol:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder ..... grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism,..
That might explain your sorry mental state, but it's hilarious none the less, go back to school Mr. Ivy Leaguer, :eusa_liar:
I wasted enough time with you. Long day tomorrow, most of us have to work, and you probably need to see your shrink for a meds refill, night, night little boy :lol:
This administration is so desperate for some 'win' on foreign policy after the disaster trip following the disaster election day, that they are resorting to bribe of Israel. Not good for US and not good for the Middle East:

With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

By Daniel Kurtzer
Sunday, November 21, 2010;

It was only a little over a year and a half ago that the Obama administration demanded a freeze on Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, including even the "natural growth" of existing settlements. At the time, the administration called settlement activity "illegitimate" and appeared ready to go to the mat with Israel to show just how strongly the United States believed that settlements impede peace.

But now, the administration says it is prepared to pay off Israel to freeze only some of its settlement activity, and only temporarily. For the first time in memory, the United States is poised to reward Israel for its bad behavior.

Here's the offer that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is reported to have put on the table recently: The United States will provide a package of advanced weaponry and military assistance to Israel totaling several billion dollars, all in return for an Israeli commitment to freeze settlement construction for just three months, excluding construction in Jerusalem. During this period, the United States hopes Israel and the Palestinian Authority will negotiate an agreement on the final borders of a future Palestinian state. The Israeli cabinet is weighing the offer, having demanded a letter from Washington confirming the terms.

This is a very bad idea. And while Washington will almost certainly come to regret bribing Israel, Israel may regret receiving such a bribe even more.

Previously, U.S. opposition to settlements resulted in penalties, not rewards, for continued construction. Washington deducted from its loan guarantees to Israel an amount equivalent, dollar for dollar, to the money that Israel spent in the occupied territories. While it's true that the United States has turned a blind eye to indirect U.S. subsidies for Israeli activities in the territories - such as tax deductions for American organizations that fund settlements - the deal now being offered to Israel is of a totally different magnitude. If it goes forward, it will be the first direct benefit that the United States has provided Israel for settlement activities that we have opposed for more than 40 years.

It is not clear that Washington has thought through the implications. Will the United States similarly reward Palestinians for stopping their own bad behavior? Will Washington pay them to, say, halt the incitement against Israel and Jews in their public media and some educational materials - something that shouldn't have been going on in the first place?


Daniel Kurtzer, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt, teaches Middle East politics at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
This administration is so desperate for some 'win' on foreign policy after the disaster trip following the disaster election day, that they are resorting to bribe of Israel. Not good for US and not good for the Middle East:

You get your information on the Mid East from the Washington Post, Einstein?

Go back to reading your comic books.
This administration is so desperate for some 'win' on foreign policy after the disaster trip following the disaster election day, that they are resorting to bribe of Israel. Not good for US and not good for the Middle East:

You get your information on the Mid East from the Washington Post, Einstein?

Go back to reading your comic books.

What? You like Israeli news outlets better?
This administration is so desperate for some 'win' on foreign policy after the disaster trip following the disaster election day, that they are resorting to bribe of Israel. Not good for US and not good for the Middle East:

You get your information on the Mid East from the Washington Post, Einstein?

Go back to reading your comic books.

What? You like Israeli news outlets better?

Israel has a free press, birdbrain.
This doesn't surprise me at all and it wasn't even worth a news story, back room deals and bribes have gone on over the settlements for years, it's not like this is anything new. :eusa_eh:
It does when the country you choose to support attacks the American military.

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret

Israel killed American sailors in a failed attempt to pin the killing on Arabs and draw the U.S. into a war with Israel's enemies.
That's a nice backwater opinion from another hick such as yourself putting up information on his own personal website. However this issue was investigated by both governments and seen as a mistake. Israel paid millions.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And your best conspiracy theory you could come up with is that they tried to make it look Muslim? Really? Attacking an intelligent COMMUNICATIONS vessel with blatantly Israeli boats and planes, leaving many alive to talk about it? You think that is the best secret war starting effort Israel could come up with? I've heard of some stretches of the imagination, but your effort on this one is just sad.

Oh and then you go on to say that art students from Jersey somehow had access to top Israeli intel that was being withheld from the US? Yes, because we tell all American art students top secret information too.
Lt. Cmdr. James Ennes was the Deck Officer on the Liberty when she was attacked by Israel. The following is taken from his book, Assault On The Liberty:

"Survivors and many former top US officials like Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of State Admiral Thomas Moorer said it was a carefully orchestrated and deliberate attack by Israel against an American ship. Yet, the United States has denied the USS Liberty a congressional investigation. The attack remains the only major maritime incident in US history that has not received a public investigation by the US Congress.

“They fear the Israeli and Jewish reactions. Also, I think that there is so much pro-Israel propaganda that many American Jews really believe that the attack was a tragic accident and that any attention to this story comes from anti-Semites. That claim alone is enough to stifle discussion,” says Ennes who was officer-of-the-deck on the bridge the day of the attack.

In his book, Assault on the Liberty, Ennes explained that before the attack he witnessed more than 6 hours of surveillance by Israeli aircraft that circled the USS Liberty thirteen times; sometimes close enough that they “exchanged friendly waves.” The USS Liberty was on a peaceful mission in the area, a safe distance from the fighting, in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was clearly identified by Israel as a US intelligence ship and officers even heard Israelis recognize the ship as American on their radio frequencies. The ship also had an American flag hoisted high above it.

Ennes is not the only survivor of the attack who insists it was no accident. Every one of the survivors insist it was no accident! They were there. They experienced it. Don't you think they would know the difference? Why would they lie? And why have those survivors been deprived of an opportunity to tell their story to the American People via a formal investigation?
You get your information on the Mid East from the Washington Post, Einstein?

Go back to reading your comic books.

What? You like Israeli news outlets better?

Israel has a free press, birdbrain.

Wow, I must say that you have just crushed me with the comic books and bird brain remarks. Damn.

You might want to check my positions regarding Israel, anti-Israel has never been my position:

Kurtzer: US "bribe" to Israel bad for both countries | The Jewish Week

Kurtzer: US "bribe" to Israel bad for both countries
Submitted by James Besser on Sun, 11/21/2010 - 18:52

The Jewish right has always had a special place in its rogues gallery of enemies for Dan Kurtzer, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt. I've always thought that was because his pro-Israel credentials are so strong that his critiques of Israeli policy have to be taken seriously – except, of course, by those who believe Israel is the only nation in the history of the world incapable of making mistakes or pursuing flawed policy.

Kurtzer did it again today with a Washington Post op-ed arguing that the Obama administration's offer of a big incentive package in return for Israel's agreement to a one-time 90-day extension of its West Bank settlement freeze is a bad deal for both countries and for the cause of peace in the region.

The administration, he writes is “prepared to pay off Israel to freeze only some of its settlement activity, and only temporarily. For the first time in memory, the United States is poised to reward Israel for its bad behavior.”

Has the Obama administration thought through its offer? Kurtzer, a seasoned and thoughtful observer, obviously thinks it hasn't...

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