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Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about is written, and thought about them.

I'm not very familiar with the passages you're referring to. Could you quote some?

Much information about the passages about the Talmud can be read by a simple search. I have found arguments for and against the views and interpretations as well as the history very interesting. Like anything else the significance of it is left to the reader.
I'm asking you to support your point by citing specific passages. I'm not going to do your searching for you. That's not how making a point works.
Marc39, you are a very sick person in need of professional psychiatric intervention:
personality disorders by DSM-IV. All the personality disorders show up as deviations from normal in one or more of the following:
(1) cognition -- i.e., perception, thinking, and interpretation of oneself, other people, and events;
(2) affectivity -- i.e., emotional responses (range, intensity, lability, appropriateness);
(3) interpersonal functions;
(4) impulsivity.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations.
The preferred theory seems to be that narcissism is caused by very early affective deprivation, yet the clinical material tends to describe narcissists as unwilling rather than unable, thus treating narcissistic behaviors as volitional -- that is, narcissism is termed a personality disorder, but it tends to be discussed as a character disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria

You got nothing, you are nothing, and you are clearly a mentally disturbed individual with classic exhibits of personality disorders.
You are the joke of the US Message Boards. Mr.Princeton grad wannabe LOL, "I live in a custom built house, I know more then anybody..." you are pathetically hilarious with your grandiose hallucinations, and stupid ignorant name calling ramblings. You are probably on disability for your mental disorders that render you incapable of functioning as a rational person in society without your meds. You have displayed for all that read this thread, that you fit the above described description quite appropriately, and the best way to proceed with a decent discussion of the original topic is to use the ignore function, or you can do humanity a grand service and kill your self. :eusa_pray:

Translation: I rip you a new asshole, uneducated, poor white trash. :lol:
Only in your mind marc39, only in your mind :cuckoo:
Marc39, you are a very sick person in need of professional psychiatric intervention:
personality disorders by DSM-IV. All the personality disorders show up as deviations from normal in one or more of the following:
(1) cognition -- i.e., perception, thinking, and interpretation of oneself, other people, and events;
(2) affectivity -- i.e., emotional responses (range, intensity, lability, appropriateness);
(3) interpersonal functions;
(4) impulsivity.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations.
The preferred theory seems to be that narcissism is caused by very early affective deprivation, yet the clinical material tends to describe narcissists as unwilling rather than unable, thus treating narcissistic behaviors as volitional -- that is, narcissism is termed a personality disorder, but it tends to be discussed as a character disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria

You got nothing, you are nothing, and you are clearly a mentally disturbed individual with classic exhibits of personality disorders.
You are the joke of the US Message Boards. Mr.Princeton grad wannabe LOL, "I live in a custom built house, I know more then anybody..." you are pathetically hilarious with your grandiose hallucinations, and stupid ignorant name calling ramblings. You are probably on disability for your mental disorders that render you incapable of functioning as a rational person in society without your meds. You have displayed for all that read this thread, that you fit the above described description quite appropriately, and the best way to proceed with a decent discussion of the original topic is to use the ignore function, or you can do humanity a grand service and kill your self. :eusa_pray:

Translation: I rip you a new asshole, uneducated, poor white trash. :lol:
Only in your mind marc39, only in your mind :cuckoo:

Only here, uneducated, poor white trash [You're my bitch]...





Marc39's "poor white trash":


Take a moment and pay your respects. You, as a wealthy Jew, tap comfortably on your computer while the "white trash" you insult enlist, fight and die in the Middle East.
Notice how when I debunked you're stupidity and pointed out the Talmud was written before there was really a Christian religion you totally ignored it and moved on to something else .Just shows you're full of shit.
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about what is written, and thought about them.

So...The birth of Jesus was not the beginning of the Christian religion idiot. The Christian religion did not really become a major religion till Rome accepted it 400 yrs later. so really you're full of shit. and I'm sure Jesus studied the Talmud, Since he was a Jew :cool:
Marc39's "poor white trash":

Take a moment and pay your respects. You, as a wealthy Jew, tap comfortably on your computer while the "white trash" you insult enlist, fight and die in the Middle East.

:cuckoo:Hey moron.. If that’s what you think of our military 'Poor white trash" then you're the one that’s an idiot. Oh and there are more then white people in the military, and we have the most educated military in the history of the country. Now shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself further
Marc39's "poor white trash":


Take a moment and pay your respects. You, as a wealthy Jew, tap comfortably on your computer while the "white trash" you insult enlist, fight and die in the Middle East.

You don't have the manhood to fight in war, pussy. Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates...
The United States' commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable, and our defense relationship is stronger than ever, to the mutual benefit of both nations. The United States and our ally Israel share many of the same security challenges, from combating terrorism to confronting the threat posed by Iran's nuclear weapons program

Navy Admiral Mike Mullen...
The Israelis, of course, remain a vital ally and a cornerstone of our regional security commitments.

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...
We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats
Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.
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Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

Your first problem is attempting to think with your tiny, little brain whose size coincides with your small member, you girl.

Israel is a primary source of antiterrorism intelligence and military asisstance to the US.

You're not bright enough to figure this out, numbnuts.
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Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

Pussy, read and learn what men do. You have a vagina and wouldn't know.

In the Gulf War, Israel provided the US with key intelligence, air cover for military cargo and had IDF stationed in the Iraqi desert to rescue downed American pilots.

The IDF was the sole military force in the region that could successfully challenge the Iraqi army. That fact, which Saddam Hussein understood, was a deterrent to further Iraqi aggression.

The US military benefited from the use of Israeli-made Have Nap air-launched missiles on its B-52 bombers. The Navy used Israeli Pioneer pilotless drones for reconnaissance in the Gulf.

Israel provided mine plows that were used to clear paths for Allied forces through Iraqi minefields.

Mobile bridges flown directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia were used by the U.S. Marine Corps

Israel Aircraft Industries developed conformal fuel tanks that enhanced the range of F15 aircraft used in the Gulf War.

An Israeli-produced targeting system was used to increase the Cobra helicopter's night-fighting capabilities.

A low-altitude warning system produced and developed in Israel was utilized on Blackhawk helicopters.

Israel offered the United States the use of military and hospital facilities. U.S. ships utilized Haifa port shipyard maintenance and support on their way to the Gulf.

Israel shares with the US important experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs.

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.
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The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team had been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

The U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

Israel has been sharing with the US its experience in combating Palestinian terrorism, which has been helpful in the US's war in Afghanistan. The US military benefits from Israel’s tactics against suicide bombers, car bombs and improvised explosive devices.

Former Secretary of State and NATO forces Commander Alexander Haig has said that he is pro-Israeli because Israel is "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security"
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I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Not alone, kkk'er...

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

i think you've lost brain cells... nothing about that indicates even a modicum of intellect.
Israelis make the US a safer place for low rent, ball-less cowards like you.

I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

this is total and complete ignorance

why you would smear an entire group of people like that is beyond stupid
Notice how when I debunked you're stupidity and pointed out the Talmud was written before there was really a Christian religion you totally ignored it and moved on to something else .Just shows you're full of shit.
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about what is written, and thought about them.

So...The birth of Jesus was not the beginning of the Christian religion idiot. The Christian religion did not really become a major religion till Rome accepted it 400 yrs later. so really you're full of shit. and I'm sure Jesus studied the Talmud, Since he was a Jew :cool:

Just click the links on the google search I provided, they are very interesting, and you might learn something about Talmudism, the Pharisees, how the rabbis think about "goyim" etc. Learning about something or another opinion on a subject takes effort on the part of the seeker, try it sometime.
I always thought it was the U.S. military that made the U.S. safe.

Israelis spend their time studying the Talmud, spitting on Christians, and trafficking in poor white trash from the Ukraine forced into prostitution for sweaty bald guys named "Uri." Fun stuff, but it doesn't make us safer.

this is total and complete ignorance

why you would smear an entire group of people like that is beyond stupid
Ignorance like how a total group of people are smeared like the Arabs, muslims etc.?
You haven't debunked anything. The Talmud consists of 63 books of historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. From the birth of Jesus until this day, there has never been recorded more vicious, and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, and if people call themselves Christians, they should turn off the TV and learn about what is written, and thought about them.

So...The birth of Jesus was not the beginning of the Christian religion idiot. The Christian religion did not really become a major religion till Rome accepted it 400 yrs later. so really you're full of shit. and I'm sure Jesus studied the Talmud, Since he was a Jew :cool:

Just click the links on the google search I provided, they are very interesting, and you might learn something about Talmudism, the Pharisees, how the rabbis think about "goyim" etc. Learning about something or another opinion on a subject takes effort on the part of the seeker, try it sometime.

Still hearing voices in your head, psycho?

Does your asshole still hurt from having it ripped by me in these posts, uneducated poor white trash?...




I think it's funny how jillian, uber-liberal Jew from New York, jumps in on the side of the war-monger-for-Israel Jews like marc93.

Class, you'll note that Jews come together when it matters. You whites out there could learn a lesson from that.

You might be wondering why marc93 keeps using the term "white trash." What's he got against whites? They are, after all, fighting his wars.

Know what percentage of Jews fight for the U.S. military?

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