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Pro-Israel Jew in Congress Is Disloyal!

Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:

Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

This sonofabitch deserves to be booted out of the Congress. The fact that we haven't heard a word about his declaration from the mainstream media is cause for concern. Just how powerful is AIPAC and just how much of this kind of brazen disloyalty are the American People expected to tolerate?

Being pro-Israel, the only democracy in the fascist Arab Muslim Middle East and one that is America's closest and most reliable ally, is patriotic.

Even a clueless twit like you should understand this.
Eric Cantor is a hero and an American patriot.

Being a patriotic American or a patriotic Brit means being a supporter of Israel. It always has been and it always will be.

Americans and Brits who do not support Israel are subhuman scum of the lowest order and should be thrown out of the country after having their genitals removed (to prevent them from breeding more muzzie lovers and/or supporters of terrorism).

Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:

Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

This sonofabitch deserves to be booted out of the Congress. The fact that we haven't heard a word about his declaration from the mainstream media is cause for concern. Just how powerful is AIPAC and just how much of this kind of brazen disloyalty are the American People expected to tolerate?
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For the ignorant... Egypt *is* an ally at great expense to the leadership in that country which now has a huge problem with extremists. and egypt and saudi arabia and every other mid-east country (with the exception of iran and syria, i believe) get huge amounts of cash from us...

but keep spewing trash...

and you really deserve to be smacked just for making me agree with the rabbi

The "aid" we give Egypt is nothing but "keep quiet" money TO BENEFIT ISRAEL.

So, the fucking billions ROBBED from the American people to support The Hate State just north is IN ADDITION TO the billions we fork over to Arabs elsewhere. ALL OF IT falls under the heading of "what's good for Israel."

What about what's good for AMERICA?

Oil is what is good for America.
If one rides a bicycle and walks everywhere your thesis has merit.
I drive a car.

Try again. Prior to 1948 or whenever Israel was "born", we were pretty long-leashed in the middle east. Pay off a few sultans, set up the rigs, everybody gets rich. In fact, becoming allies with Israel -- the mortal enemy of Arabs, Muslims and the rest of the middle east -- would be totally counterproductive if oil were the goal.

But it sounds great to the left, so they keep repeating it.
Eric Cantor is a hero and an American patriot.

Being a patriotic American or a patriotic Brit means being a supporter of Israel. It always has been and it always will be.

Eric Cantor is a Jew and a traitor.

Being a patriotic American or patriotic Briton means being a supporter of America or Britain. It always has been and it alway will be.
For the ignorant... Egypt *is* an ally at great expense to the leadership in that country which now has a huge problem with extremists. and egypt and saudi arabia and every other mid-east country (with the exception of iran and syria, i believe) get huge amounts of cash from us...

but keep spewing trash...

and you really deserve to be smacked just for making me agree with the rabbi

The "aid" we give Egypt is nothing but "keep quiet" money TO BENEFIT ISRAEL.

So, the fucking billions ROBBED from the American people to support The Hate State just north is IN ADDITION TO the billions we fork over to Arabs elsewhere. ALL OF IT falls under the heading of "what's good for Israel."

Israel gives the US over $15 billion each year in export purchases, making Israel one of the largest US export markets.

Further, the antiterror intelligence and military assistance Israel provides the US, in addition to shared intellectual capital on information technology, biotech, solar power, electrical transportation, medical devices, chemicals, agriculture and military technology, makes Israel an invaluable US ally and strategic asset.

Now, even you know.:clap2:

Oh my God! We should all bow down and kiss the ass of every Jew! Without their TOTALLY UNIQUE invention of the cellphone (right), we'd be struggling, blind, lost! Before the great state of Israel and its brilliant citizenry came along, the entire West was just a backward bunch of bearskin-wearing spear-chuckers.

Thank you, Israel!
The "aid" we give Egypt is nothing but "keep quiet" money TO BENEFIT ISRAEL.

So, the fucking billions ROBBED from the American people to support The Hate State just north is IN ADDITION TO the billions we fork over to Arabs elsewhere. ALL OF IT falls under the heading of "what's good for Israel."

Israel gives the US over $15 billion each year in export purchases, making Israel one of the largest US export markets.

Further, the antiterror intelligence and military assistance Israel provides the US, in addition to shared intellectual capital on information technology, biotech, solar power, electrical transportation, medical devices, chemicals, agriculture and military technology, makes Israel an invaluable US ally and strategic asset.

Now, even you know.:clap2:

Oh my God! We should all bow down and kiss the ass of every Jew! Without their TOTALLY UNIQUE invention of the cellphone (right), we'd be struggling, blind, lost! Before the great state of Israel and its brilliant citizenry came along, the entire West was just a backward bunch of bearskin-wearing spear-chuckers.

Thank you, Israel!

Cell phones are kid's stuff, loser. Where would you be without the Pentium and Centrino microprocessors invented in Israel, which operate most computers?

What have you done, except, masturbate your life away, loser?

Bill Gates...
Israel is by many measures the country, relative to its population, that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution

It's no exaggeration to say that the kind of innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business . . . For Microsoft, having an R&D center in Israel has been a great experience . . . The quality of people here is fantastic.
The "aid" we give Egypt is nothing but "keep quiet" money TO BENEFIT ISRAEL.

So, the fucking billions ROBBED from the American people to support The Hate State just north is IN ADDITION TO the billions we fork over to Arabs elsewhere. ALL OF IT falls under the heading of "what's good for Israel."

Israel gives the US over $15 billion each year in export purchases, making Israel one of the largest US export markets.

Further, the antiterror intelligence and military assistance Israel provides the US, in addition to shared intellectual capital on information technology, biotech, solar power, electrical transportation, medical devices, chemicals, agriculture and military technology, makes Israel an invaluable US ally and strategic asset.

Now, even you know.:clap2:

Oh my God! We should all bow down and kiss the ass of every Jew! Without their TOTALLY UNIQUE invention of the cellphone (right), we'd be struggling, blind, lost! Before the great state of Israel and its brilliant citizenry came along, the entire West was just a backward bunch of bearskin-wearing spear-chuckers.

Thank you, Israel!

You've done shit for America, low IQ loser. You just play with your little needle dick all day.:lol:

SNAP! :clap2:

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...
We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats
How do you think James Jones got elevated to his spot? By being realistic about Israel? Nah. Nobody goes ANYWHERE in Washington -- Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative -- without bowing deeply to Israel.

These two men had the balls to put Israel in its place:

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How do you think James Jones got elevated to his spot? By being realistic about Israel? Nah. Nobody goes ANYWHERE in Washington -- Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative -- without bowing deeply to Israel.

These two men had the balls to put Israel in its place

You do shit for America, loser. Go back to polishing your knob, your only skill :lol:

US taps Israeli space exploration expertise...:clap2:
NASA - NASA Adds Israeli Technical Expertise to Lunar Science Research at Ames

US Chamber of Commerce establishes business partnership with Israel...:clap2:
U.S. Chamber Launches U.S.-Israel Business Initiative | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

US And Israel Expand Military Partnership...:clap2:
U.S., Israel Build Military Cooperation - WSJ.com

US and Israel establish military/medical research...:clap2:
IDF, US Army seek to coordinate medical-military R&D
How do you think James Jones got elevated to his spot? By being realistic about Israel? Nah. Nobody goes ANYWHERE in Washington -- Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative -- without bowing deeply to Israel.

These two men had the balls to put Israel in its place

You forgot to take your sxhizophrenia meds, psycho. :cuckoo:
How do you think James Jones got elevated to his spot? By being realistic about Israel? Nah. Nobody goes ANYWHERE in Washington -- Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative -- without bowing deeply to Israel.

These two men had the balls to put Israel in its place

Jackass, no wonder you're on the bottom rung of the economic ladder. You're just plain uneducated and ignorant and dumb. Sux being you, right?

You = White Trash

Former Secretary of State George Shultz, the greatest secretary of state in history...
The US supports Israel not out of favoritism based on political pressure or influence, but because both political parties, and virtually all our national leaders, agree with the American people's view that supporting Israel is politically sound and morally just. Those who blame Israel and its Jewish supporters for US policies they do not support are wrong. They are wrong because support for Israel is in our best interests. They are wrong because Israel and its supporters have the right to try to influence US policy. And they are wrong because the US government is responsible for the policies it adopts, not any other state or any myriad lobbyists and groups that battle daily,sometimes with lies, to win American support.
I'm just gonna go ahead and repeat what others have said - there is absolutely no change in POLICY regarding Israel under the Obama administration. Every single American administration since 1967 has been against the building of settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Since you have no clue what you're talking about, I'm happy to give you one, gratis.

There is an absolute change with the Obama admin.: Obama's the first US president to declare the JEwish communities--not settlements--illegal.

Previous presidents said the Jewish communities were a hindrance to peace negotiatins, but, not illegal.

Because, they are entirely legal.

There is no occupied territory under international law. There is no sovereign Arab state to be occupied and Jews are fully permitted to live on sovereign Jewish land.

You know less than zero about the matter.
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I don't quite see what your complaint is here. Is it his speech, which you believe should be restricted? Or the content which states he MAY disagree with the president in the future in certain situations. Which part is so wrong that you can justify removing him from office by force?
Being pro-Israel, the only democracy in the fascist Arab Muslim Middle East and one that is America's closest and most reliable ally, is patriotic.

Even a clueless twit like you should understand this.

Israel is NOT a "democracy". It has NO Constitution and NO Bill of Rights to protect it's citizens. They are an "ally" that extorts the US people to the tune of 3 MILLION A DAY!! That's right folks!! THREE MILLION A DAY!! Israel has spied on the US and has stolen from the US. Some ally.....:eek:

However, there are far too many "pro-Israeli" Congress-critters and certainly far too many dual US/Israeli citizens in Obama's cabinet. Not only does this creat a conflict of interest, but it is TREASON!!

America FIRST, SECOND and ONLY!! "Even a clueless twit like you should understand this."
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Being pro-Israel, the only democracy in the fascist Arab Muslim Middle East and one that is America's closest and most reliable ally, is patriotic.

Even a clueless twit like you should understand this.

Israel is NOT a "democracy".

Israel: Open society
Free speech
Free and fair elections
Independent judiciary, due process, appeals up to the High Court
Freedom of the press
Freedom of religion
Freedom of movement
Freedom of expression
Freedom of protest

Yah, Israel is a democracy. The only one in the Middle East

It has NO Constitution and NO Bill of Rights to protect it's citizens. They are an "ally" that extorts the US people to the tune of 3 MILLION A DAY!! That's right folks!! THREE MILLION A DAY!! Israel has spied on the US and has stolen from the US. Some ally.....:eek:

The UK has no constitution. Wanna shut them down, twit?

Israel's High Scourt elevated its Basic Laws to constitutional status in 1995.

Thus, you're clueless.

You're an idiot who knows nothing about he matter.

You're brain dead. Run along.
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They are an "ally" that extorts the US people to the tune of 3 MILLION A DAY!!

You just made that up, right?

Israelis purchase $15 BILLION in products each year making Israel among America's largest export markets in the world.

Thus, Israel is not only America's most important and closest ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports to Israel in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.
Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative

You made a complete asshole of yourself. Go away:clap2:
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[However, there are far too many "pro-Israeli" Congress-critters and certainly far too many dual US/Israeli citizens in Obama's cabinet. Not only does this creat a conflict of interest, but it is TREASON!!

Are you on drugs?

America supporting its closest and most reliable ally is treason?

You need serious psychiatric help.
However, there are far too many "pro-Israeli" Congress-critters and certainly far too many dual US/Israeli citizens in Obama's cabinet.

The US permits dual citizenship with any country, shit for brains.

D'oh, mental patient
Israel is NOT a "democracy". It has NO Constitution and NO Bill of Rights to protect it's citizens. They are an "ally" that extorts the US people to the tune of 3 MILLION A DAY!! That's right folks!! THREE MILLION A DAY!! Israel has spied on the US and has stolen from the US. Some ally.....:eek:
Why do you think a democratic nation needs those pieces of paper? That's not how a democracy is defined, it's just our rendition of democracy. Israel is a democracy. Look up the meaning of the word if you don't understand it.
Israel is NOT a "democracy". It has NO Constitution and NO Bill of Rights to protect it's citizens. They are an "ally" that extorts the US people to the tune of 3 MILLION A DAY!! That's right folks!! THREE MILLION A DAY!! Israel has spied on the US and has stolen from the US. Some ally.....:eek:
Why do you think a democratic nation needs those pieces of paper? That's not how a democracy is defined, it's just our rendition of democracy. Israel is a democracy. Look up the meaning of the word if you don't understand it.

The UK has no constitution.

Israel, for all intents and purposes, has a constitution.

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
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