Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Then why have I never experienced that? My checks written to me come from various banks. It's only marked as a deposit into my account just like I put cash in the bank. No copies of anything.

But that aside, why would anybody keep a copy of a check for 13 years? The only checks I keep copies of for 8 years are my tax write-offs. Anything not related to taxes, I shred in six months to a year.
Who cares. You guys take the most insignificant points and run them out to ridiculous lengths in order to make an irrelevant point.
I;m pretty sure that the copy of the check will be in the news soon.
Yah, just like you said Soviet Schiff had irrefutable proof of President Trump and Russian Collusion.
You and Schiff will be burning in Hell together for you lies.


Democrats have totally lost it. They're reduced to flinging shit and hoping some of it sticks. They're gonna get slaughtered.
Here's why this is bullshit:

She claimed to have a get well" card from Walker and, ostensibly, has provided that to the Daily Beast.


Why didn't she provide the most damning evidence of all? Why didn't she provide a copy of the check?

The get well card could've been because she had the flu for all we know.

Thus far, there's no reason to believe this story an iota...
Okay, 1 strike against Walker for an abortion a long time ago, perhaps he's changed since then,
perhaps, not.
Now, Warnock....high taxes, open immigration, high energy rates, high inflation......
In other words, he's just a far left stooge for the democratic socialists of America.

If I lived in Georgia....and I am against abortion, I would still vote for Walker with all things given.
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The handpicked MAGA candidate by Trump himself is getting beaten down on all fronts now. First, he's getting hammered over an accusation he paid for a girlfriend's abortion in 2009, a claim he is vehemently denying.

Second, his own son is now attacking him on Twitter.

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Republicans may as well pull all remaining resources out of this race and focus them on others like Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Ohio
Walker needs to hire Mr Clean as his spokesman because he has so much cleaning up to do

the Dems are pouncing LIKE A CAT

I never claimed they did. The bank wouldn’t need to if it was deposited electronically or even in person. I used that all the time then. At that time, at least my bank, no longer returned paper checks but images of the checks were available online and still are.
Walker would have gotten the image of the check or the cancelled check itself. Not the Bimbo Attention Whore.

Remember when all the Lefty Douchebags in The DemNazi party found some mentally ill skank to try to smear Kavanaugh with accusations that he was a Teenage Super Pimp?

You know. just like Tom Cruise in Risky Business?

I do.

That was pretty lame, and it was obvious you were lying. But most of all it WAS PURE EVIL and was a foreshadow of things to come with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

You people have Zero Ethics, and No Morals.

May you reap what you sow in an eternal burning Hell.
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I wish the Bidenbeciles on the Left that post here (Lesh, Penelope etc) were a very small sample of how truly stupid and self defeating people can be.
Too many with sub par IQ can ruin a really great nation for the rest of us.
Walker needs to hire Mr Clean as his spokesman because he has so much cleaning up to do

the Dems are pouncing LIKE A CAT

Democrats are scared to death. Next week Walker will be accused of molesting his children. It'll blow up in their faces. Democrats never learn.
And thus not murder.
The Kennedy Asswipe had the unmitoigated gall to traipse
around for weeks { or months } with some large neck brace cast
as if not able to turn his head.It was entirely for theatrics.
To gain him sympathy.It did not go over well.Old Man Joe
Kennedy even cursed him out for being such a Putz.
I have the Movie :
-- Chappaquiddick - { 2018 }
Actually, we're just fighting back. ;)

Isaiah 3:12
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

Also notice that God condemns our leaders.
Not only is Walker wrong on the issues, he's unfit to hold public office; his opposition to privacy rights is particularly reprehensible.

Hence the right's war on women continues.
This is an accusation from 13 years ago from an unnamed girlfriend supported by an unnamed friend the proof a bank receipt and get well card from 13 years ago. I’m not saying the claim isn’t true I don’t know either way but I found evidence of it lacking is it possible someone would keep a bank receipt and get well card for 13 years yes probable in my opinion no.
Too bad that is not how we elect the President.

Also, you are wrong. Look at 2004.
we also don't elect a president by trying to storm the Capitol in hopes of threatening the VP to overturn the election and declare your fragile cuck of a cult leader, your ruler for life....

I don't know about you, but most "popular presidents" don't rely on a violent overthrow to remain in power....fascists do tho.....and here you are
Read my lips......

I don't give a shit. He'd get my vote all week long and twice on Sunday.
You dumbfucks vote for people like AOC who actually work to destroy America.
I'm not here to judge personal lives or listen to asswipe Leftists in their families.

EVERYONE has dirt on them. No exceptions.
Of course he would.....of course he would. Just like you are falling all over yourself to vote for an admitted serial sexual assaulter. This is what you do.
Walker would have gotten the image of the check or the cancelled check itself. Not the Bimbo Attention Whore.

Remember when all the Lefty Douchebags in The DemNazi party found some mentally ill skank to try to smear Kavanaugh with accusations that he was a Teenage Super Pimp?

You know. just like Tom Cruise in Risky Business? I do.

That was pretty lame, and it was obvious you were lying. But most of all it WAS PURE EVIL and was a foreshadow of things to come with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

You people have Zero Ethics, and No Morals.

May you reap what you sow in an eternal burning Hell.
View attachment 705395
Electronic deposit, fool.
They have absolutely ZERO moral compass. They are ruled by moral narcissism and extreme "ME"ism.
What would you expect from hyenas who reject the notion of a superior being (because that would mean THEY can't be)
Your accusation is really an obvious con-fession. :heehee:

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