Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

The Kennedy Asswipe had the unmitoigated gall to traipse
around for weeks { or months } with some large neck brace cast
as if not able to turn his head.It was entirely for theatrics.
To gain him sympathy.It did not go over well.Old Man Joe
Kennedy even cursed him out for being such a Putz.
I have the Movie :
-- Chappaquiddick - { 2018 }
Still not murder.
Not only is Walker wrong on the issues, he's unfit to hold public office; his opposition to privacy rights is particularly reprehensible.

Hence the right's war on women continues.
Women should make sure they don't have unprotected sex when they are fertile. Abortion problem solved. ;)
It said his campaign, not him personally
It doesn’t matter because he’s responsible for his campaign.

But he’s said it personally plenty of times.

years, Herschel Walker has told the same inspiring story: that he graduated in the top 1% of his class at the University of Georgia. He's told the story, according to a review of his speeches by CNN's KFile, during motivational speeches over the years and as recently as 2017. The only problem: it's not true.

Electronic deposit, fool.
Not buying your Lefty DemNazi Lying Horse Shit. We learned our lesson with your Treasonous COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

We should have learned our lesson of how things were going to be when you dragged that mentally ill cum dumpster in front of congress to accuse Kavanaugh of being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Super Pimp ala Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

They even kinda look alike.

You people are Insanely Evil and Tragically Dishonest.

There will be NO MERCY for you on Judgement Day.

we also don't elect a president by trying to storm the Capitol in hopes of threatening the VP to overturn the election and declare your fragile cuck of a cult leader, your ruler for life....

I don't know about you, but most "popular presidents" don't rely on a violent overthrow to remain in power....fascists do tho.....and here you are
Never happened. Just more lying spin, just like the false accusations about Clarence Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh and The Russian Collusion Hoax.
We know your game by now.
Not buying your Lefty DemNazi Lying Horse Shit. We learned our lesson with your Treasonous COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

We should have learned our lesson of how things were going to be when you dragged that mentally ill cum dumpster in front of congress to accuse Kavanaugh of being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Super Pimp ala Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

They even kinda look alike.

You people are Insanely Evil and Tragically Dishonest.

There will be NO MERCY for you on Judgement Day.

View attachment 705400View attachment 705404
You are one deranged fool.
Not buying your Lefty DemNazi Lying Horse Shit. We learned our lesson with your Treasonous COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

We should have learned our lesson of how things were going to be when you dragged that mentally ill cum dumpster in front of congress to accuse Kavanaugh of being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Super Pimp ala Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

They even kinda look alike.

You people are Insanely Evil and Tragically Dishonest.

There will be NO MERCY for you on Judgement Day.

View attachment 705400View attachment 705404
I missed the resemblance.Musta been somethin' I ete for breakfast.
You are one deranged fool.
Deranged is a person who knowingly lies day after day about Russian Collusion or lies about someone like Justice Kavanaugh, knowing that they are lying just because they lust for political power.

There is a special place in Hell for Malicious Liars like that. I suggest you invest in Fire Proof Underwear.

Bill Clinton used an intern barely older than his daughter as a sex toy and lefties told us that his sex life was nobody's business but his own. Now they want to lynch a black guy for paying for an abortion. Want more examples of left wing hypocrisy? How about Joe Biden showering with his teenage daughter?
Your accusation is really an obvious con-fession. :heehee:
All of this because we don't believe gay people are subhuman, and we kinda like a strong social safety net....and we think investing in public education and infrastructure isn't a bad idea...

But since Republicans can never talk about policies, they have to make up hyperbolic positions and assign them to us -- to justify their blind hatred.....its boring...
Bill Clinton used an intern barely older than his daughter as a sex toy and lefties told us that his sex life was nobody's business but his own. Now they want to lynch a black guy for paying for an abortion. Want more examples of left wing hypocrisy? How about Joe Biden showering with his teenage daughter?
Are you saying that the current president and a whole political party is trying to take down a black man simply because he is black??

That would make this country systemically racist then....and I was told very clearly by folks like you that this country is not racist....make your mind up...

By the way, this is a see those fine " God-fearing conservatives" posing for the camera...behind them is a black man hanging from a tree...


Herschel Walker is not being lynched and it is disrespectful to those of us who actually had relatives who were lynched...but conservatives don't give a fuck about minimizing the trauma of black Americans...
Bill Clinton used an intern barely older than his daughter as a sex toy and lefties told us that his sex life was nobody's business but his own. Now they want to lynch a black guy for paying for an abortion. Want more examples of left wing hypocrisy? How about Joe Biden showering with his teenage daughter?
Exactly. Even if this story is true, it sounds like a normal occurrence in the black community. Black men paying for abortions. Black women who don’t want a/another baby.

All of a sudden lefties are in hysterics over a violent black guy impregnating women and having them get abortions.
All of this because we don't believe gay people are subhuman, and we kinda like a strong social safety net....and we think investing in public education and infrastructure isn't a bad idea...

But since Republicans can never talk about policies, they have to make up hyperbolic positions and assign them to us -- to justify their blind hatred.....its boring...
More lies and propaganda.
Go to the next lie down your list of canned lying responses for all occasions
Are you saying that the current president and a whole political party is trying to take down a black man simply because he is black??

That would make this country systemically racist then....and I was told very clearly by folks like you that this country is not racist....make your mind up...

By the way, this is a see those fine " God-fearing conservatives" posing for the camera...behind them is a black man hanging from a tree...

View attachment 705415

Herschel Walker is not being lynched and it is disrespectful to those of us who actually had relatives who were lynched...but conservatives don't give a fuck about minimizing the trauma of black Americans...
Actually it was Democrats who lynched everyone. They have not changed their tune even since they lost The Civil War.
Are you saying that the current president and a whole political party is trying to take down a black man simply because he is black??

That would make this country systemically racist then....and I was told very clearly by folks like you that this country is not racist....make your mind up...

By the way, this is a see those fine " God-fearing conservatives" posing for the camera...behind them is a black man hanging from a tree...

View attachment 705415

Herschel Walker is not being lynched and it is disrespectful to those of us who actually had relatives who were lynched...but conservatives don't give a fuck about minimizing the trauma of black Americans...
Oh, cut the propaganda. Sick fuck.
By the way, this is a see those fine " God-fearing conservatives" posing for the camera...behind them is a black man hanging from a tree...

Yea, people are happy when justice happens to violent criminals.

I know that’s a strange concept to you. You’d prefer the thugs be released and allowed to rape and murder whoever they want. You might be able to do that in Africa, but not in a white Western country.

I still don’t get you complain about our superior society and institutions. If you hate White Supremacy so much, why not move to Africa?

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