Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Just like rats. They come out of their hole, run around and spread their feces, then run back to their hole.
The point is you racist clowns will dig deep to practice your racism.

apparently his own son is racist too.
Are you saying that the current president and a whole political party is trying to take down a black man simply because he is black??

That would make this country systemically racist then....and I was told very clearly by folks like you that this country is not racist....make your mind up...

By the way, this is a see those fine " God-fearing conservatives" posing for the camera...behind them is a black man hanging from a tree...

View attachment 705415

Herschel Walker is not being lynched and it is disrespectful to those of us who actually had relatives who were lynched...but conservatives don't give a fuck about minimizing the trauma of black Americans...
The Democrat Party is and has always been Racist. They only support minorities who act as Uncle Toms to keep their fellow Black Man on The DemNazi Plantation.

Everyone else they ostracize.

Let's also not forget The DemNazi Genocide Campaign to kill as many black babies they can at The Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers.
Over 70 Million Served. Planned Parenthood is The McDonald's of Genocide!

The Republican Party was born as an Abolitionist Movement and has stayed true to their roots since their inception always fighting for human rights and human freedoms, and independence from an overbearing tyrannical government.
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I presume certain libs (like the author of the OP) will accept the “news” which was “reported” by the daily beast at face value. Gullibility is their hallmark.

But Taz, you old cad, I kinda expected a bit less gullibility from you.

apparently his own son is racist too.
As always, you are lying.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is owned by The COX family who are all Democrats. Cox Communications was founded by James M. Cox. a lifetime Democrat and Socialist-Marxist. He and his family have opposed every Civil Rights effort lead by Republicans for over 100 years.

They are all devout Racists and are Socialist Marxist Wealthy Left Elitists.

Sorry, I would not read this rag, or that artcle, nor trust any hit piece of propaganda they produced just 30 days before an election.
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If true, he belongs in prison but can’t go there because abortion was sadly legal and not criminalized as murder at the time. But this is a late pre-election surprise allegation. Suspicious. And the claimant is anonymous. Taking this claim with a grain of salt is insufficient. A mountain of salt is needed.

By that standard, “Reverend” Warnock is a known pro-abort radical ghoul affiliated with Planned Parenthood and a whole hearted cheerleader for their slaughter - he is responsible for far more than one of these killings.

Meaning that if the allegation was true, both should ideally be disqualified from office. So this is hardly the win leftist pro-abort scum think it is.
There is proof that Walker paid for the abortion. His conservative son even admits Walker is a liar. He should fit in well in MAGA world.
There is no proof. His son has not said any of this, his son said his dad has laundry and who doesn't. His son is a flamboyant social media influencer it's how he makes a living. Where is the proof there is no proof. If I said you and I had a conversation and you told me you robbed a bank that doesn't make it true. Stick you Alinsky tactics up your rear which is where Walker's son parks a lot of penis.
As always, you are lying.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is owned by The COX family who are all Democrats. Cox Communications was founded by James M. Cox. a lifetime Democrat and Socialist-Marxist. He and his family have opposed every Civil Rights effort lead by Republicans for over 100 years.

Sorry, I would not read this rag, or that artcle, nor trust any hit piece of pdropaganda they produced just 30 days before an election.

You can see it from his own son himself.
its covered in many places, such as politico, and new york magazine. and the guardian. and wapo.
Amazing all of this coming out against Herschel Walker at once weeks before the Election. Walker has never held office. It shouldn’t be this tight for Democrats.

You can see it from his own son himself.
its covered in many places, such as politico, and new york magazine. and the guardian. and wapo.
Really don't care about anything a Racist, Lying Leftist Marxist Globalist DemNazi cares to show me.
The little douchebag was raised by his momma and became a fag. So he hates his dad like most of you pole smoking, hairy man ass loving, Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobbyists do. There is no way to even tell if the account is real or not... so it's just more unprovable propaganda.

It's just another baseless accusation like Brett Kavaugh was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Super Pimp. Justice Thomas put a pubic hair on Anita Hill's Coke, Russian Collusion and on and on.

You people are disgustingly predictable.
There is no proof. His son has not said any of this, his son said his dad has laundry and who doesn't. His son is a flamboyant social media influencer it's how he makes a living. Where is the proof there is no proof. If I said you and I had a conversation and you told me you robbed a bank that doesn't make it true. Stick you Alinsky tactics up your rear which is where Walker's son parks a lot of penis.
Walker has threatened to sue. If he wins the Senate seat, it will all go away.
Amazing all of this coming out against Herschel Walker at once weeks before the Election. Walker has never held office. It shouldn’t be this tight for Democrats.
Soon some mentally ill bimbo will come out and accuse Walker of being a Teenage Super Pimp in High School ala Tom Cruise in Risky Business.....or some other baseless unprovable accusation by an "ANONYMOUS SOURCE".

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