Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

You hate Warnock just like you hated Dr King, I sure as hell don't trust Republiklans.
Dr. King was a Republican. So was Abraham Lincoln and so were all the People who pushed to get The Civil Rights Amendment passed while Democrats have opposed every Civil Rights Law Republicans have tried to pass since the 1860s.
Now that Herschel Walker's campaign is in crisis, don't let Republicans memory-hole this: GOP leaders backed him for the nomination well after extraordinary revelations about his past clearly showed him to be unfit for office. This is their own damn fault.
It's not in crisis. But you are a pathological liar. Seeing all the smears coming from The Left, I think you and they are in a panic. That is when your lying ass goes into overtime sacrificing goats and praying to Satan for a miracle to stop your Godless Lying Heathen Asses from losing power.
All of this because we don't believe gay people are subhuman, and we kinda like a strong social safety net....and we think investing in public education and infrastructure isn't a bad idea...

But since Republicans can never talk about policies, they have to make up hyperbolic positions and assign them to us -- to justify their blind hatred.....its boring...

We're always happy to talk about policies, it's the Communists that fear such talk. What are they going to say about their policies? Out of control inflation, out of control border, stock market losing trillions of dollars, some places still no baby formula, highest interest rates in 14 years. Wasting money on bullshit like paying college graduates to vote for them, 87,000 new IRS workers to hassle Americans over nickle dime deductions. Pick a policy, any policy.
Marjorie Greene, Herschel Walker, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz…the faces of Republican family values. It’s like Ed Gein being the face of skin care products.
Walker's son, a minister, also came out against him.
Saying he has 4 children by 4 Different women and is not there for any of them.
Walker is Finished.

(love these welfare baby machine hypocrites)
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Yea, people are happy when justice happens to violent criminals.

I know that’s a strange concept to you. You’d prefer the thugs be released and allowed to rape and murder whoever they want. You might be able to do that in Africa, but not in a white Western country.

I still don’t get you complain about our superior society and institutions. If you hate White Supremacy so much, why not move to Africa?
I love my country, there is no need for me to leave it -- I just continue to do my part to improve it by progressing...dic suckers like you are the ones whining about wanting to go "BACKWARDS" -- back to when you think America was great...funny how Conservatives think the further back the country goes, the better it is......better for who?

And aren't you dic suckers the ones whining about Democrats being both racist against whites and blacks??

Shut yo goofy ass up
Isn't funny how in your mind any black man who doesn't bow down to whites is a troublemaker. Most successful black men aren't boot lickers, why do you think only 8% of black folks support Republicans?

You are mad because I am not a boot licker who kisses your white ass. You do think black folks should spread cheeks for Republiklans? Sorry I am a man I don't spread my cheeks, but you will damn sure spread yours Trump Humper.
You spread your cheeks daily for your Dimwinger Slave Masters.
There is no proof. His son has not said any of this, his son said his dad has laundry and who doesn't. His son is a flamboyant social media influencer it's how he makes a living. Where is the proof there is no proof. If I said you and I had a conversation and you told me you robbed a bank that doesn't make it true. Stick you Alinsky tactics up your rear which is where Walker's son parks a lot of penis.
HIs son… says Walker has four kids by four different women and neither supports nor sees them
Isn't funny how in your mind any black man who doesn't bow down to whites is a troublemaker. Most successful black men aren't boot lickers, why do you think only 8% of black folks support Republicans?

You are mad because I am not a boot licker who kisses your white ass. You do think black folks should spread cheeks for Republiklans? Sorry I am a man I don't spread my cheeks, but you will damn sure spread yours Trump Humper.

No, trouble makers are those who CAUSE trouble. Dumbass. Doesn't matter what color they are.

Jason Miller snuck an abortion pill into the smoothie of a stripper he got pregnant

Scott DesJarlais R-TN, RUNNING THIS CYCLE, urged a mistress and his ex-wife to have abortions

Tim Murphy, R-PA had an affair, pushed her to end her pregnancy

Herschel Walker didn’t corner the market on hypocrisy
Apparently the GOP has
According to the story in the OP she did cash it, and the bank gave her a copy of the check which I never heard of before. The payer gets a copy of the canceled check, but not the payee. The story makes no sense.

Exactly my point.

Of course, the other problem is that this woman has waited 13 years to bring this to light.

Bullshit. She's full of shit and she's a fucking liar...
This is what Democrats do when they are losing. Every damn time. They're very very sick creatures.
Exactly. Even if this story is true, it sounds like a normal occurrence in the black community. Black men paying for abortions. Black women who don’t want a/another baby.

All of a sudden lefties are in hysterics over a violent black guy impregnating women and having them get abortions.
Thank you for that bit a racism and rationalization

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