Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Apparently he doesn't like his father.

His son has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of discussion...
He doesn't like his father because the son is a staunch conservative and the father is a womanizing hypocrite and pathological liar

The son is pissed that the father has four babies with four different women and ignores all of them
This is so typical of the Democrat slander machine that they crank up when their candidate is threatened. Walker is know for his altruism. He sends cards and sometimes money to hurting folks. In any case, she has no real proof of anything, I hope Hershel sues and wins. Meanwhile some of the biggest scandals go unreported and un investigated. Biden showering with his daughter, Biden's family involved in taking money from corrupt countries, Biden's obvious brain problems, Biden voters threatening SCOTUS justices, FBI instigators on Jan 6th, Hillary's crimes in hiding documents and smashing phones to get rid of evidence, obvious voting laws skirted in 2020, the FBI falsely claiming the Steele Dossier was verified when it wasn't....Just to name a few.
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This is so typical of the Democrat slander machine that they crank up when their candidate is threatened. Walker is know for his altruism. He sends cards and sometimes money to hurting folks. In any case, she has no real proof of anything, I hope Hershel sues and wins.
That's how you fuckers choose Senators?

never mind that they're not just liars but pathological liars...never mind that they hypocrites on virtually every issue, never mind that they're dumb as a fucking stump

They send cards put em in the Senate

He doesn't like his father because the son is a staunch conservative and the father is a womanizing hypocrite and pathological liar

The son is pissed that the father has four babies with four different women and ignores all of them

Sadly, democrats, like you, are too fucking stupid to recognize a hit piece when you see one. If Walker was such an issue, this twat should spoken up a long time ago. The fact that she's doing so now, and only doing so anonymously, is enough for any intelligent person to dismiss this whole affair as bullshit...
Dr. King was a Republican. So was Abraham Lincoln and so were all the People who pushed to get The Civil Rights Amendment passed while Democrats have opposed every Civil Rights Law Republicans have tried to pass since the 1860s.
Most black folks were Republicans at one point, until all the racist left the Democrat party and went to the Republiklan party.
How someone treats those he has no connection to is the true measure of a man.

Dipshits like you, though, don't comprehend that...
Sending cards is no way to choose a US Senator. You can't be serious

never mind that they're not just liars but pathological liars...never mind that they hypocrites on virtually every issue, never mind that they're dumb as a fucking stump

They send cards put em in the Senate"
Sadly, democrats, like you, are too fucking stupid to recognize a hit piece when you see one. If Walker was such an issue, this twat should spoken up a long time ago.
You keep attacking this "twat" and ignoring what his SON said about him...his CONSERVATIVE son
Sending cards is no way to choose a US Senator. You can't be serious

never mind that they're not just liars but pathological liars...never mind that they hypocrites on virtually every issue, never mind that they're dumb as a fucking stump

They send cards put em in the Senate"

If someone's hit a streak of bad luck, or in a bad way for whatever reason, how a person treats the downtrodden speaks volumes about him.

If I want "pathological liars", all I have to do is look to Biden, Harris, Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi...

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