Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Says a fucking BIDEN and Harris supporter. You know, the ones that have totally fucked up America in less than 4 years.
The fact that you hate Dems does not negate the THIRTY THOUSAND lies Trump told in four years as President

Or the fact that Walker is a pathological liar and hypocrite
The fact that you hate Dems does not negate the THIRTY THOUSAND lies Trump told in four years as President

Or the fact that Walker is a pathological liar and hypocrite
Meanwhile under Biden the U.S. is in debt 31.1 trillion, rocket man is back, nuclear war threat is back, gas prices are skyrocketing....again, interest rates are 6%, inflation is highest in decades.......And here you are with your 'Orange Man Bad' talking points and are picking on a conservative black candidate by regurgitating lies. You are a sad, sad, idiot.
He doesn't like his father because the son is a staunch conservative and the father is a womanizing hypocrite and pathological liar

The son is pissed that the father has four babies with four different women and ignores all of them
How would he know?
Sending cards is no way to choose a US Senator. You can't be serious

never mind that they're not just liars but pathological liars...never mind that they hypocrites on virtually every issue, never mind that they're dumb as a fucking stump

They send cards put em in the Senate"
Link us up to anyone saying they will vote for him because he sends cards.

Watch this......
It is funny how you Republiklans love making all these homosexual references, I am pretty sure most of you are speaking from personal experience.
Take a gander at your post I was responding to, Homo boi.

Isn't funny how in your mind any black man who doesn't bow down to whites is a troublemaker. Most successful black men aren't boot lickers, why do you think only 8% of black folks support Republicans?

You are mad because I am not a boot licker who kisses your white ass. You do think black folks should spread cheeks for Republiklans? Sorry I am a man I don't spread my cheeks, but you will damn sure spread yours Trump Humper.
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When you lie like Walker does...knowing that everyone can see it...that's pathological.

When you ignore that're a dishonest partisan hack...Stymie

And when you say thit like that after supporting TRUMP (for God's sake)'re just insane
When you just make up shit about folks, you're a lying bag of shit. 'Stymie'
Not sure what the dems are whining about? There are pro-choice Republicans.
Indeed. However, they are not conservatives even if they protest that they are... much in the same way reform Jews pretend that they have not reformed themselves out of Judaism.

Pro Choice = Leftist/Liberal = Marxist/Leninist
Synthaholic's favorite song?

Most black folks were Republicans at one point, until all the racist left the Democrat party and went to the Republiklan party.

Actually not until the Democrats started giving them free shit and telling blacks their failures were the fault of whites and not themselves.
I need something cleared up for me. Has Herschel brought up his family in his campaign? Is he using them as a prop?

His son is making the whining and crying about Herschel using the family, but I have yet to see it.
Exactly my point.

Of course, the other problem is that this woman has waited 13 years to bring this to light.

Bullshit. She's full of shit and she's a fucking liar...

It sure looks that way. Who holds on to a copy of a check for 13 years? Who holds on to a receipt by an abortion clinic for 13 years? I think the warranty ran out years ago.
It sure looks that way. Who holds on to a copy of a check for 13 years? Who holds on to a receipt by an abortion clinic for 13 years? I think the warranty ran out years ago.

What does an abortion warranty look like? "If a kid shows up at your door 13 years from now bring him back and we will bash his skull in until dead"?

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