Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

we also don't elect a president by trying to storm the Capitol in hopes of threatening the VP to overturn the election and declare your fragile cuck of a cult leader, your ruler for life....

I don't know about you, but most "popular presidents" don't rely on a violent overthrow to remain in power....fascists do tho.....and here you are
Hay Buckwheats ... How many firearms were collected and or used
on the Infamous { only in the stewed prunes minds of lefties }
January 6th Insurrection.Try NONE. Not one firearm was collected
on January 6th.Not one Malatov cocktail.Or fire set.Or frozen
water bottle hurled at the nearest cop.Yes,Trump still stays on top
the mountain as current Living Presidents of fame.
Biden is ALL FALLING DOWN each week more than the previous
week.Plus Tucker just proved on Tuesday nights { Bobulinski Special hour }
how the 2020 Election was " Rigged " or stolen.Where just 3 states
and 43,ooo votes determined the winner.3 states that took their sweet
time counting votes.Plus the TOTAL censorship/Suppression of the
breaking Hunter Biden Laptop news prior to November 3rd.
Where the FBI played a major role.Meaning the FBI was actively
engaged in Election tampering by denying the MSM dare mention .
Plus ... Gee how odd.That this totally " corrupted " Mainstream media
refuses to write articles explaining how Raphael Warnock has issues
with spousal abuse.How his wife called the cops on Raphael after he
purposedly ran over her foot with his car.
Ex-wife Ouleye Ndoye told police that Raphael ran over her
foot when he was driving off with their children.
Trump talking in CONFIDENCE MAN about why the allegations about Walker’s personal history wouldn’t be a problem

Trump talking in CONFIDENCE MAN about why the allegations about Walker’s personal history wouldn’t be a problem

WhAtEvEr ... That still does not explain nor compare to how much
a creepy goon this Fetterman appears.I mean,like just go
back to the 60's and a spooky Twilight Zone episode.
- * To Serve Man - { 1962 } considered a classis.Where an
Alien { played by the 7'2" Richard Kiel } comes to earth in a
very large spaceship promising peace and technology.But has a hard
time communicating.A book is found aboard his spaceship in a foreign
tongue that has to be Decoded.It's discovered that this Big Lug of a
Alien wants to appear good intentioned so as to get as many Earthlings
aboard his very large spaceship as possible.
At the last minute before taking off a couple notable linguistic
scientist working fast & furiously discover what - To Serve Man -
really means.Finally decrypting the book the Spaceman left on
his spaceship.- To Serve Man - actually means to use humans
as a suitable food source.
I mean,even Kiel has a striking resemblance to this Fetterman

Wow! This is not surprising. He is just another repub Hypocrite.

Why is a Republican considered a "hypocrite" for obeying the current law if they disagree with it- but a Democrat isn't?

Hard core leftists like Warren Buffett whine about low taxes, yet still take advantage of those rates instead of ponying up what they say they think is fair. Yet are never attacked as hypocrites by the Lame Stream Media.
So Walker supports women’s reproductive rights.

Is the left upset that Walker is not a Democrat?

How many abortons has Warnock the Wife Beater paid for?
Still no evidence to support the lying thread title. None, nada, no proof. Lying cult leftists will believe anything.
They don't believe it. It's a smear and their hope is enough ignorant voters believe it.

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