Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Well his political opponent, Ralpheal Warnock, beats his wife

So who to vote for, a wife beater or someone who paid his girlfriend to have an abortion?
In your twisted Left winged mind, which is the better man?

At least voting for Walker gives pro-life supporters some hope of representation as where the wife beater has made it plain that the unborn must be thrown in dumpsters via taxpayer expense.

Not a hard decision at all. we are just supposed to allow the democrat monster to win, just cause they smear the Republican in October.....?

This ain't Charlie Brown and Lucy anymore....
After everything you morons have done, and have excused in your candidates, and everything they are doing to actively destroy the country, the most important part of this still expect Conservatives and Republicans to play by the old rules.....?


Biden has sold his political office to every foreign government willing to cut him a check, his handlers are dismantling the wealth and power of the United States and destabilizing the world.....

And you expect Conservatives and Trump supporters to go back to our fainting couches with the latest smear of a Republican candidate and give you more power and time to destroy our country?


We will vote out Walker next time around, during the next primary.....after he beats your asshole, corrupt democrat........
So, in other words... it's perfectly ok for Walker to hypocritically pay for abortion since winning is everything? Yeah, our point exactly. :itsok: we are just supposed to allow the democrat monster to win, just cause they smear the Republican in October.....?

This ain't Charlie Brown and Lucy anymore....
I was taken aback by how Hannity went after Walker in an interview, even after getting him to run in the first place.

What say you? Does Hannity prefer the Left wing loon wife beater?
You all do realize all we have here is a claim from an unarmed woman supported by an unnamed friend that Walker paid for her to have an abortion 13 years ago. The proof a bank receipt for 700 dollars and a get well card allegedly signed by Walker. I have no idea if the story is true or not but the evidence seems weak and the fact it’s come out a little over month away from a close midterm race makes it reasonable to question it.
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Ds are exactly the same. You know this, since you are no different.
Translation: Yup, it's perfectly ok if Republican women have abortions. We just want to prevent other women from having one.
In a small government that would be acceptable. But we live in a parasite nation now. Come on man. Would you pay five times more for an American TV if made here with real wages and benefits for the employee? And for all other products in direction. That of course would reduce the massive socialist government we have.
You support abortion, homosexuality and indoctrination of children about transgender surgery. Sick demonic evil.
Mac does not believe in evil. For example, adults who sexually abuse children are not considered evil in the mind of mac

In fact, he would even vote for them as President.

He would probably even vote for Hitler if it meant getting rid of Trump.
This fake news story might backfire and get Hershel a higher % of the black male vote, dang homie you dodged a potential baby momma!
So, in other words... it's perfectly ok for Walker to hypocritically pay for abortion since winning is everything? Yeah, our point exactly. :itsok:

Nope....but defeating you shitheads is, at this point, far more important. We can vote him out in the next primary.

You assholes are destroying the country, allowing our enemies at home and abroad to grow in power, grooming our children for sex, sterilizing children with drugs and surgeries, and keeping you out of power is the most important thing right now......

You shitheads vote in every single reprobate, corrupt asshole you can lay your hands on, and then protect them to the end, and have played the game of making us hand over any of our guys often without any actual crimes being committed.... this point...

Fuck you....see you in November...
And there ya go.

I know these people.
Look at the hypocrites praying for Walker in Atlanta. Doesn't he live in Texas?


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