Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Hey, douchebag.

What’s the accuser’s name? Where’s the records from the clinic? Where’s the proof she paid money to an abortion clinic? Where’s the proof he gave her the money for that purpose?

I mean, sure, I’d like to see people who kill kids to die in prison, but you’d better have proof and not just hearsay bullshit.

And then of course we have his opponent, who is responsible for the deaths of far more than one kid.
I was taken aback by how Hannity went after Walker in an interview, even after getting him to run in the first place.

What say you? Does Hannity prefer the Left wing loon wife beater?
He recognizes just how BAD a candidate Walker is
Hey, douchebag.

What’s the accuser’s name? Where’s the records from the clinic? Where’s the proof she paid money to an abortion clinic? Where’s the proof he gave her the money for that purpose?

I mean, sure, I’d like to see people who kill kids to die in prison, but you’d better have proof and not just hearsay bullshit.
Just like Dana Loesch...YOU DON'T CARE
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Just more lies and Propaganda from that assholes that brought you The Scam of Global Warming, and the Treasonous Lying COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Of course...they sold their souls about 8 years ago.
Just like Dana Loesch...YOU DON'T CARE
I’m just noting you have no actual proof of these last minute, out of the blue, wholly suspicious claims, you raving shitbird.

You give two shits about this actually being true, hack, you just want to use these probable lies for opportunity.
I've always like Biden

FAIL martian

Damn, now I have even less respect for you.

Retard. What's any of that have to do with Herchel Walker being caught paying for abortion while being a hypocrite? Ease up on the drugs, fella. It's still early in the day. :itsok:

Yep, another democrat October surprise…….well, shitstain…. The opec countries had an even bigger one for you morons and the handlers controlling biden….

No oil for you…….just before midterms
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
The recent video of his son saying everything Walker says is a lie, is classic!
Newt is responsible for the political climate today. Total POS.
POS you say?


In September 1980, according to friends who knew them both, Gingrich visited Jackie in the hospital the day after she had undergone surgery to treat her uterine cancer; once there, Gingrich began talking about the terms of their divorce, at which point Jackie threw him out of the room.[261][260] Gingrich disputed that account.[262] Although Gingrich's presidential campaign staff continued to insist in 2011 that Jackie had requested the divorce, court documents from Carroll County, Georgia, indicated that Jackie had in fact asked a judge to block the process, stating that although "she has adequate and ample grounds for divorce ... she does not desire one at this time [and] does not admit that this marriage is irretrievably broken."[263]

According to L. H. Carter, Gingrich's campaign treasurer, Gingrich said of Jackie: "She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer.

This from a creep with a face that looks like a soccer ball left out in the weather for a couple decades


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