Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

What would you call someone like Kermit Gosnell, the abortion doctor who snapped the necks of viable infants?

Was he evil/demonic?

A democrat be protected to the point that women and babies were murdered and the murders hidden and protected...
In a small government that would be acceptable. But we live in a parasite nation now. Come on man. Would you pay five times more for an American TV if made here with real wages and benefits for the employee? And for all other products in direction. That of course would reduce the massive socialist government we have.
Retard. What's any of that have to do with Herchel Walker being caught paying for abortion while being a hypocrite? Ease up on the drugs, fella. It's still early in the day. :itsok:
Why would any thinking person care about unsubstantiated accusations, levied against a black Republican, running in a critical race?

I understand why Democrats do --but thinking people? Not so much.
Nope....but defeating you shitheads is, at this point, far more important. We can vote him out in the next primary.

You assholes are destroying the country, allowing our enemies at home and abroad to grow in power, grooming our children for sex, sterilizing children with drugs and surgeries, and keeping you out of power is the most important thing right now......

You shitheads vote in every single reprobate, corrupt asshole you can lay your hands on, and then protect them to the end, and have played the game of making us hand over any of our guys often without any actual crimes being committed.... this point...

Fuck you....see you in November...
Nope, what, retard? You just agreed with my entire comment. Seriously, are you always this stupid or did I catch you at a bad time? :itsok:
When the yellow Press has to use "Anonymous" sources it means that it is just another Democrat lie smear campaign.
It's kind of like how the Crooked Democrats made up their infamous Russian peepee scandal against Trump.
The Democrats lie about everything every day.
Dirty POS Chuck Schumer is desperate to cling to power.
Greedy Corrupt Schumer is not finished looting the taxpayers.
Schumer's greedy spending has caused one of the worst recessions in American history, but he wants more.

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