Pro-Life March Taking Place Tomorrow In Washington DC

What an excellent moment for a tactical non radio active and limited area nuclear weapon .

Quite poetic . imho .

So little to achieve so much .

So what exactly are you trying to say?
I will most definitely be watching. It's great that people are speaking up for those who cannot yet speak for themselves.

Yes, right, marching will save so many unborn lives. I'd absolutely love to be a fly on the wall when Anubis puts the hearts of all currently living Americans on the scales after they pass. If people cared about the survival of the unborn they'd be going to bloody war to prevent their slaughter. But hey, most people will just pray about it—pray that the abortionists stop mass murdering innocent, vulnerable little babies; just doing that is about as courageous as nothing.
Yup. Those pro-(some)-lifers sure are speaking up.

Who is to say it was not a leftist false flag operation?......You know, like the majority of other happenings like defacing Jewish headstones with swastikas and black churches with KKK signs.

Me, I'm pro-choice (with guardrails) as I see the "utility" in abortion on several levels but any law enforcement officer will tell you that leftists are usually behind such things.
I hope all the attendees stay away from the government instigators that will be there, trying to bait their trap for the innocent protestors. It worked on Jan 6 so what's to keep them from trying it again.
I hope all the attendees stay away from the government instigators that will be there, trying to bait their trap for the innocent protestors. It worked on Jan 6 so what's to keep them from trying it again.
The suckers always fall for it.
Who is to say it was not a leftist false flag operation?......You know, like the majority of other happenings like defacing Jewish headstones with swastikas and black churches with KKK signs.
And shooting up police stations...

23 Oct 2020Video shot that night shows a person later identified as Hunter firing 13 rounds from a semiautomatic assault-style rifle on the 3rd precinct police station
Planned Parenthood , the organisation jointly created by Bill Gate's father
The Eugenicists , dedicated to reducing world population by 90% .

Which Silly Billy tried with his Killer Shots .
Great guy that Baal Hates
Gawd. Have some more lettuce while you're down your rabbit hole.
I will most definitely be watching. It's great that people are speaking up for those who cannot yet speak for themselves.

Not pro-life for kids getting shot up in schools, not pro-life for Iraqis, Libyans etc, not pro-life for animals either... but apparently "pro-life"...
What an excellent moment for a tactical non radio active and limited area nuclear weapon .
Flatten the Capitol at the same time to rub in salt .

Quite poetic . imho .

So little to achieve so much .

People have the right to protest even if you do not agree with them. They are going to exercise a right enshrined in the Constitution and you want them dead over that?

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