Pro-Life March Taking Place Tomorrow In Washington DC

People have the right to protest even if you do not agree with them. They are going to exercise a right enshrined in the Constitution and you want them dead over that?
No .
First tortured and grilled to a nice crispy colour .

New mantra :-
Keep Stupids Quiet . Keep America Great.
They are a direct violation of God's command to Be fruitful and multiply.

God also killed Onan for using the pull out method of contraception.

They are a direct violation of God's command to Be fruitful and multiply.

God also killed Onan for using the pull out method of contraception.

Onan is a bit more complex than your elementary attempt.

I don't have time to learn you and I seriously doubt you'd grasp it...but start with Old and New Covenants.... not testaments. There's a distinct difference
Onan is a bit more complex than your elementary attempt.

I don't have time to learn you and I seriously doubt you'd grasp it...but start with Old and New Covenants.... not testaments. There's a distinct difference

Ahhh, you are one of those smorgasbord Christians.

Why does this not surprise me in the least
You don't have the first clue about Christianity or the Bible. That's obvious

Go try and snow one of your fellow leftards you miserable fraud... have that other fake libertarian Mac help ya

Poor confused child. I undoubtedly have more experience, knowledge, education and training in the Bible and Christianity than you will ever have.

Have you ever even read the Bible front to back once?
I hope all the attendees stay away from the government instigators that will be there, trying to bait their trap for the innocent protestors. It worked on Jan 6 so what's to keep them from trying it again.
They've been holding this protest for decades, hundreds of thousands have attended, and it's always been peaceful. Doubtful instigators will be successful.

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