pro-life people, is abortion okay here?

Only opinion here that matters is that of the Creator of life... God.

Abortion is murder... no exceptions.

Except murder is a legal term that is not defined in the Bible so God's opinion means fuck all.
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Your joking right? I mean your not going with that are you? :cuckoo:
That is the law, something you are obviously ignorant of.

Your missing my point.....if someone else kills the "child" it's murder, if you do it yourself, it's not murder. Can you see the difference in the taking of a life....I can't. Dead is dead

Opinion, yours or mine, is not the law.
We are a nation of laws. If you want mob rule there are plenty of countries you can choose from.
We do not do it that way here.
That is the law, something you are obviously ignorant of.

Your missing my point.....if someone else kills the "child" it's murder, if you do it yourself, it's not murder. Can you see the difference in the taking of a life....I can't. Dead is dead

Opinion, yours or mine, is not the law.
We are a nation of laws. If you want mob rule there are plenty of countries you can choose from.
We do not do it that way here.

Mob rule?
I knew you wouldn't see it, can't do your own thinking huh?
What I keep thinking is that abortion has risks, too. Which in a child that age may even be greater than carrying the baby and delivering it. How far along was she when it was discovered?

Abortion also is traumatic, probably even more traumatic to a 10 year old than delivering a baby. A baby is at least a positive event, particularly to a child. But abortion is just invasive, humiliating and painful with no up side. You're killing an unwanted child, I mean that's the low-low.

If this were a child I had control of, I'd want to know all the risks of both..pregnancy and abortion. A 10 year old is very small and very small means it's very easy to screw up a procedure, and it's very easy to bleed out. I would weigh it carefully, and consider the personality of the kid and what she's been through already.

If she's lived a life where males have been sticking things into her and hurting her, which she probably has, I would seriously consider not authorizing an abortion. Unless, of course, an abortion is remarkably less dangerous than carrying the child.

It would be all about what is right for that little girl. If abortion is the right decision, that would be the result. But depending on how far along she is, what her issues are, I just don't think it's necessarily the ONLY decision that is plausible.
making a 10 year old, go through a pregnancy and labor could be very damaging psychologically as well as physically.

No, God would NOT expect the child to go through such, imho.

Of course, nobody has proposed that a 10 year old go through a pregnancy.

But when did you start speaking for God, C4A? one has proposed that this 10 year old go through pregnancy and delivery? :cuckoo:

and on the god reference dear, it said IN MY HUMBLE OPINION.....
Two brothers charged with molesting 10-year-old girl |

A 10 year old was raped by two family members (incest) and impregnated, she got an abortion. Was she wrong? Should a ten year old have to carry a baby to term?

A death for a death they both should die.

death for 10 yr olds? is that really how disposable we find children?

I am trying to figure out if he means both of the brothers or both the 10 year old and the abortionist. I' hoping he means the brothers and I'm also hoping he was joking.

Life in prison seems sufficient for the brothers.

How old are the brothers? What about the parents?

The same story pops up every time pro-abortionists are promoting baby killing. It's always "Lookie here, see this happened and so abortion should be legal for EVERYBODY".

But it's usually a mix of lies and urban legend. We all know bad stuff happens, but as much as the left would like everyone to believe it's rampant and we're all sex starved monsters from cradle to grave, that just isn't true.
How old are the brothers? What about the parents?

The same story pops up every time pro-abortionists are promoting baby killing. It's always "Lookie here, see this happened and so abortion should be legal for EVERYBODY".

But it's usually a mix of lies and urban legend. We all know bad stuff happens, but as much as the left would like everyone to believe it's rampant and we're all sex starved monsters from cradle to grave, that just isn't true.

I know of no one pro abortion.
I am anti abortion but fear the power of government more.
The Founders were the same way. Note abortion was legal in their time. Anti abortion forces came along at about the same time as anti slavery forces. The founders wanted no part of either. Slavery and abortion are both wrong but in different ways. Freeing slaves took away the rights of the oppressors, not the other way around and gave no additional powers to government.
No one I know is pro abortion. That is an absurd claim.
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How old are the brothers? What about the parents?

The same story pops up every time pro-abortionists are promoting baby killing. It's always "Lookie here, see this happened and so abortion should be legal for EVERYBODY".

But it's usually a mix of lies and urban legend. We all know bad stuff happens, but as much as the left would like everyone to believe it's rampant and we're all sex starved monsters from cradle to grave, that just isn't true.

Well maybe if you would stop deliberately confusing fetus with child or baby.

Anyway the point is that if you truly believe a fetus is a life with rights then it should still apply even if it's the bastard offspring of incest and rape.
What I keep thinking is that abortion has risks, too. Which in a child that age may even be greater than carrying the baby and delivering it. How far along was she when it was discovered?

Abortion also is traumatic, probably even more traumatic to a 10 year old than delivering a baby. A baby is at least a positive event, particularly to a child. But abortion is just invasive, humiliating and painful with no up side. You're killing an unwanted child, I mean that's the low-low.

If this were a child I had control of, I'd want to know all the risks of both..pregnancy and abortion. A 10 year old is very small and very small means it's very easy to screw up a procedure, and it's very easy to bleed out. I would weigh it carefully, and consider the personality of the kid and what she's been through already.

If she's lived a life where males have been sticking things into her and hurting her, which she probably has, I would seriously consider not authorizing an abortion. Unless, of course, an abortion is remarkably less dangerous than carrying the child.

It would be all about what is right for that little girl. If abortion is the right decision, that would be the result. But depending on how far along she is, what her issues are, I just don't think it's necessarily the ONLY decision that is plausible.

Do you have any scientific backing on these facts your spewing? Take into account the 10 year old's mental state after she carries the child, then bears a child, while being a 10 year old! YOu can prove of course it would be bettter for her to do that than having the abortion because your scientific proof will prove her having the abortion would be worse.

Her coming to full term AS A 10 year old is less problematic than an abortion. AGain, a link please. By the way, what happens to that infant. The one born to a freaking 10 year old. What happens to the baby?

Pro lifers are all about the fetus, not the children. Gotta love it.
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The term Pro-Abortion was invented by religious fanatics who are determined to take away an individual female's right to control her body. We are not, repeat NOT, pro-abortion we are PRO-CHOICE and there is quite a difference.

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