Pro or Con Ineligible Votes..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's come to this.. should illegal voting be legally sanctioned in America as Democrats seem to be in favor of. I'd like to believe I'm wrong but anytime voter ID is brought up Democrats piss and moan and start throwing the race card...I find that insulting to African Americans..


The concept of one man one vote is essential to the freedoms of the American Republic. Allowing people to vote more than once, or allowing people to vote who by law don’t have that right, partially disenfranchises those Americans who are legally voting. The weight of the legal votes is watered-down by the inclusion of illegal votes. I would argue that protecting the concept of one man one vote should be a top priority of our government.

Progressive politicians and organizations of the progressive persuasion argue that making people prove their eligibility to vote, will suppress voter turnout, especially in the minority community. But the only minority who will be disenfranchised will be people who have no legal right to vote.

Like most progressive organizations, the NAACP will do just about anything to ban states from requiring ID to vote (or register), so their latest tactic is to get the UN to call the requirement for voter identification, (hold on you may be surprised by this) racist!

» NAACP Whines To UN; Stop States From Checking Voters’ IDs - Big Government
I agree and find it insulting. But the Statist has always told thier groups of sheep that they can't be anything without government.

Some insult themselves for falling for it.

Add to the list dead people and cartoon character voter registrations.

I find that kind of chicanery equally insulting and a danger to this Republic.

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