Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

There's nothing odd about Israel lying about its many war crimes. For example, they've been lying about their deliberate murder of 34 Americans for 56 years:
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USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there.

"The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14"
Israel lying or is it the US covering up an event because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time during a highly critical operation that Israel was engaged in ????? Otherwise Israel was engaged with multi level threats that had to be defeated at all cost...... Sending a CIA spy ship to close to a war zone was a huge mistake by the US, and so the stakes were way to high for the tiny country of Israel to have anyone jeopardize it's mission by having it compromised (their literal lives as a Jewish state or country was on the line)......The US realized it's mistake, and covered it up for year's.
stupid kids----reminds me of my college years-----the flower children (1960s thru 1970s) were so clueless------crowds joined any campus or college town "DEMONSTRATION" without even knowing what the OBJECTIVE was
We should have learned, because it destroyed our national security, and compromised our mission in keeping the south Vietnamese a free and democratic country, otherwise the same as South Korea and Taiwan today.... We were assisting the south against a communist Vietnam in the north.... Just like Afghanistan though, we left those poor souls to die at the hands of their enemies, and it was all because of super propaganda and the leftist media in our country then undermining the USA abroad, and it is still taking place to this very day.
Israel lying or is it the US covering up an event because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time during a highly critical operation that Israel was engaged in ????? Otherwise Israel was engaged with multi level threats that had to be defeated at all cost...... Sending a CIA spy ship to close to a war zone was a huge mistake by the US, and so the stakes were way to high for the tiny country of Israel to have anyone jeopardize it's mission by having it compromised (their literal lives as a Jewish state or country was on the line)......The US realized it's mistake, and covered it up for year's.
Expand on the "huge mistake" Liberty made by sailing in international waters while representing a neutral state in the conflict Israel was involved in.

If the Egyptians had murdered 34 Americans on Liberty, would your reaction to the war crime be any different?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."
Expand on the "huge mistake" Liberty made by sailing in international waters while representing a neutral state in the conflict Israel was involved in.

If the Egyptians had murdered 34 Americans on Liberty, would your reaction to the war crime be any different?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."
the USS Liberty's BIG MISTAKE was to float itself into an ARENA OF WAR---and fail to respond to HAILS. Maritime accidents are very common-----and lots of
US sailors have died since----in Maritime accidents-----I served as an officer in the US NAVY-----navy people who discuss the events are IN VIOLATION OF
NAVY LAW (my job in the navy got me in contact with lots of "accidents")
the USS Liberty's BIG MISTAKE was to float itself into an ARENA OF WAR---and fail to respond to HAILS. Maritime accidents are very common-----and lots of
US sailors have died since----in Maritime accidents-----I served as an officer in the US NAVY-----navy people who discuss the events are IN VIOLATION OF
NAVY LAW (my job in the navy got me in contact with lots of "accidents")
Georgie----how much time did you serve in the USA navy? how would you know?
the USS Liberty's BIG MISTAKE was to float itself into an ARENA OF WAR---and fail to respond to HAILS. Maritime accidents are very common-----and lots of
US sailors have died since----in Maritime accidents-----I served as an officer in the US NAVY-----navy people who discuss the events are IN VIOLATION OF
NAVY LAW (my job in the navy got me in contact with lots of "accidents")
56 years after Israel's mass murder, the hasbara rolls on.

Need comic relief? Watch Israel's PR stunt collapse

"Within a few short moments, and without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty.

"The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons.

"After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm..." [17]

"The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders.[19]

"After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack.

"The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship's research spaces. [20] Twenty-six Americans in addition to the eight who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion.

"Following their torpedo attack, the torpedo boats moved up and down the length of the ship (both the port and starboard sides), continuing their attack, raking the ship with cannon and machine gun fire.[21] .."

"Survivors report that the torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks.[22...]"

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order "prepare to abandon ship."[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched.[25]"

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
I served no time in the US Navy.
How much time did you serve in the SS garrison at Auschwitz?
How would you know?
what is the "garrison at Auschwitz"? My grandfather had brothers in Austria---
married with children---eyewitnesses saw two little girls (my cousins) picked up by their ankles and their heads smashed against brick walls by your heroes---I
was not yet born at the time. As to maritime accidents---my navy job involved
evaluation of lots of navy accidents
what is the "garrison at Auschwitz"? My grandfather had brothers in Austria---
married with children---eyewitnesses saw two little girls (my cousins) picked up by their ankles and their heads smashed against brick walls by your heroes---I
was not yet born at the time. As to maritime accidents---my navy job involved
evaluation of lots of navy accidents
Nothing accidental about Israel's murder of 34 Americans on the USS Liberty and there's no shortage of Jews willing to lie about their war crime.
"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.
Why would that be? Hanky panky from both US and Israel....that''s why.

Methods and procedures.....get over's been compartmented by both sides.
Expand on the "huge mistake" Liberty made by sailing in international waters while representing a neutral state in the conflict Israel was involved in.

If the Egyptians had murdered 34 Americans on Liberty, would your reaction to the war crime be any different?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."
Well there you have it, otherwise the fact that America has kept what happened secret for so many long years (even changing metals to represent another theater etc), should tell you that something wasn't right, but you want Israel to be wrong so bad that you attempt to drag America into your hatred of Israel. Give it up, and be ready for Israel to make right for themselves what Hamas made wrong for them on that barbaric day.

Nah we don't cause trouble no matter where we go..

Right !!!!!
Why would that be? Hanky panky from both US and Israel....that''s why.

Methods and procedures.....get over's been compartmented by both sides.
It is a crime for US military personnel to discuss publically, military events according to military law----that is USA MILITARY LAW. I was an officer in the USA navy---I would not violate military law by doing so. I am horrified that some
Well there you have it, otherwise the fact that America has kept what happened secret for so many long years (even changing metals to represent another theater etc), should tell you that something wasn't right, but you want Israel to be wrong so bad that you attempt to drag America into your hatred of Israel. Give it up, and be ready for Israel to make right for themselves what Hamas made wrong for them on that barbaric day.

Nah we don't cause trouble no matter where we go..

Right !!!!!

Was Israel wrong to murder 34 Americans on the USS Liberty?
Whatever its initial egalitarian aspirations, Israel has morphed into a vicious, racist, apartheid state with the same "right to defend itself" as White South Africa or Nazi Germany.
If you don't hate ethnic cleansing, you're on the wrong side.
Why would that be? Hanky panky from both US and Israel....that''s why.

Methods and procedures.....get over's been compartmented by both sides.
Compartmented in the same way Gaza was by the Abraham Accords. Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine is bringing the world closer to WWIII than any time since 1962.
Was Israel wrong to murder 34 Americans on the USS Liberty?
Whatever its initial egalitarian aspirations, Israel has morphed into a vicious, racist, apartheid state with the same "right to defend itself" as White South Africa or Nazi Germany.
If you don't hate ethnic cleansing, you're on the wrong side.
Can't comment on the event that took place, because America has hidden the facts of that event, therefore undoubtedly accepting some of the blame for it .. Was the ship where it was supposed to be or did it get into close for possible reasons that couldn't be explained by a country that took action to possibly silence the ship, otherwise if it had any orders to gather Intel on the war that it was monitoring without Israeli defense knowledge of it monitoring the area or war like it was ?

So I guess the question might be - could the Israeli defense forces totally trust the United States at the time ?
Compartmented in the same way Gaza was by the Abraham Accords. Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine is bringing the world closer to WWIII than any time since 1962.
If so, it was possibly the goal of the Arab states who sympathize with Hamas the entire time.
If so, it was possibly the goal of the Arab states who sympathize with Hamas the entire time.
If a third world war begins with Israel invoking its Samson Option, neighboring Arab states like Syria and Lebanon could well be the Zionists' initial targets.

If Pakistan follows through on its pledge to offer its nuclear weapons in retaliation, Israel/Palestine would cease to exist; what then?
Can't comment on the event that took place, because America has hidden the facts of that event, therefore undoubtedly accepting some of the blame for it .. Was the ship where it was supposed to be or did it get into close for possible reasons that couldn't be explained by a country that took action to possibly silence the ship, otherwise if it had any orders to gather Intel on the war that it was monitoring without Israeli defense knowledge of it monitoring the area or war like it was ?

So I guess the question might be - could the Israeli defense forces totally trust the United States at the time ?
The Liberty was gathering intelligence off the Egyptian coast in international waters when it was attacked. There's a possibility it intercepted Israeli plans to murder Egyptian POWs in the Sinai. It's also possible it overheard Israeli plans to occupy Golan after Syria suspended hostilities. This is one of those historical mysteries that would be much easier to solve before all eyewitnesses die of old age.

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