Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

You know nothing about the Warsaw ghetto----you are utterly clueless AND A DISGUSTING ISLAMO NAZI ASS LICKING WHORE.

I know quite a bit. Hitler penned Jews up in the ghetto, starved them and claimed they were terrorists. It was a very cruel, ugly crime.

All of it was cruel and ugly.. look at the Nuremberg laws. Hitler demonized and dehumanized the Jews.
I know quite a bit. Hitler penned Jews up in the ghetto, starved them and claimed they were terrorists. It was a very cruel, ugly crime.

All of it was cruel and ugly.. look at the Nuremberg laws. Hitler demonized and dehumanized the Jews.
the Nuremburg laws are based on the laws first created by CONSTANTINE and then generated as the JUSTINIAN CODE by---his descendant---I think his grandson. They became incorporated into CANON law and formed a basis for the INQUISITION of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (first Reich) ------the same laws were adopted into SHARIAH and form a portion of the DHIMMIA LAWS. -----and thence on to the THIRD REICH-----isn't history fun?
"Boyle's argument is that Israel has 'ruthlessly implemented a systematic and comprehensive military, political, and economic campaign with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnic, racial and different religious (Muslim & Christian) group' of Palestinians."
Odd that Israel has said repeatedly they are responding IAW international law.
Odd that Israel has said repeatedly they are responding IAW international law.
There's nothing odd about Israel lying about its many war crimes. For example, they've been lying about their deliberate murder of 34 Americans for 56 years:

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there.

"The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14"
There's nothing odd about Israel lying about its many war crimes. For example, they've been lying about their deliberate murder of 34 Americans for 56 years:
View attachment 858123
USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there.

"The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14"
They're never short of false flags George....~S~
They're never short of false flags George....~S~
And now their lies and greed risk the onset of WWIII:

Six steps that could see Gaza crisis spiral into WW3, warns ex-Navy chief


"With the possibility of Lebanon in shambles, the next step could be for Russian-backed Syria to join in, Lord West suggested.

"'[Bashar al] Assad would be very stupid, but he might feel that he should somehow be involved,' he said.

"'The problems there being that Assad is supported by Russia,' he added, explaining that would be a means for Putin to be pulled into the dogfight.

"West noted how the Israel-Hamas war is already “fantastic” for Putin 'because it’s taken people’s eyes off the Ukraine conflict'.

"'So the more he can stoke it up, the happier he’ll be.'

"And the happier his pariah pal Iran will be."
There's nothing odd about Israel lying about its many war crimes. For example, they've been lying about their deliberate murder of 34 Americans for 56 years:
View attachment 858123
USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there.

"The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14"
Yadda yadda....have the book.....more to it than meets the eye.
Yadda yadda....have the book.....more to it than meets the eye.
What does "the book" say about this bit of IDF terrorism?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack.

"The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship's research spaces. [20]

"Twenty-six Americans in addition to the eight who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion."

Did Israel have a right to attack Liberty?
What does "the book" say about this bit of IDF terrorism?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack.

"The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship's research spaces. [20]

"Twenty-six Americans in addition to the eight who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion."

Did Israel have a right to attack Liberty?
What were the Israeli's doing that the US gov't didn't want to happen?
What were the Israeli's doing that the US gov't didn't want to happen?
Israel's motives for its deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 would be easier to understand if an independent investigation into the incident were to happen before all surviving eyewitnesses die of old age.

It's possible the motive was to sink Liberty with all hands lost, blame Egypt, and use that false flag to justify a US invasion of Egypt. I turned 20 that summer, and, if that was the plan, it would have worked like a charm.

There were many Americans in Vietnam at that time who were not happy to be there.
Most of them would have fought for a place in line to invade Egypt if Liberty had gone down with all hands.
I suspect many of their grandchildren would be there today watching over the oil fields. o_O
Been investigated....get with it.
Got a link?

All investigations have been deliberate white-washes since US politicians are reluctant to criticize the racist, apartheid state of Israel:

Liberty Survivors Say US Still Downplays Israel's Attack on Ship

"From the start, the attack on Liberty was a political controversy, with a succession of presidents, lawmakers and military leaders showing little or no willingness to fully investigate it.

"The few lawmakers who pressed for an investigation of the incident have often been dismissed as conspiracy theorists and even anti-Semites.

"Just days after the attack, even before a brief Naval Court of Inquiry finished a limited investigation into the case, the Navy was calling it an accident in official telegrams sent to the families of the dead."
Been investigated....get with it.

Israel denied it for years just like they denied Operation Susannah..

The Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affair’s effects still reverberate today.

Those events included a public trial and conviction of eight Egyptian Jews who carried out the covert operation, two of whom were subsequently executed; a retaliatory military incursion by Israel into Gaza that killed 39 Egyptians; a subsequent Egyptian–Soviet arms deal that angered American and British leaders, who then withdrew previously pledged support for the building of the Aswan Dam; the announced nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser in retaliation for the withdrawn support; and the subsequent failed invasion of Egypt by Israel, France, and Britain in an attempt to topple Nasser. In the wake of that failed invasion, France expanded and accelerated its ongoing nuclear cooperation with Israel, which eventually enabled the Jewish state to build nuclear weapons.
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Israel denied it for years just like they denied Operation Susannah..

The Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affair’s effects still reverberate today.

Those events included a public trial and conviction of eight Egyptian Jews who carried out the covert operation, two of whom were subsequently executed; a retaliatory military incursion by Israel into Gaza that killed 39 Egyptians; a subsequent Egyptian–Soviet arms deal that angered American and British leaders, who then withdrew previously pledged support for the building of the Aswan Dam; the announced nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser in retaliation for the withdrawn support; and the subsequent failed invasion of Egypt by Israel, France, and Britain in an attempt to topple Nasser. In the wake of that failed invasion, France expanded and accelerated its ongoing nuclear cooperation with Israel, which eventually enabled the Jewish state to build nuclear weapons.
I learned about "operation susanah" as a child----in the 1950s what "denial"?----the "incursion into Egypt" was not retaliatory for the murder of the Egyptian jews. Nasser nationalized the SUEZ CANAL---a stab in the back of his British financiers--- because Nasser was a Baathist PIG. Nationalization of projects financed by "western" backers and betrayal of agreements is a thing that islamo nazis do just as their idols---the german nazis ----did. Doing so is the nature of
NAZISM and BAATHISM. Israel did not need France to make a nuclear reactor----Israel had Physicists and lots of heavy water from the Dead Sea. Nasser played-possum over and over whenever he screwed up---then dropped dead of a heart
Works that way in most countries regarding Spec Ops boo boo's.
boo boo it was and it harmed no one----and nothing ---except the poor jews who were murdered by Egypt-----BUT murdering each and every miscreant of the OTHER RELIGION is an EXCELLENT PRECEDENT. Israel should EMULATE

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