Pro-"Palestinians"... is this what you want?

Jun 10, 2013
Assume the following hypothetical...

*Israel, under pressure from the international community, agrees to the establishment of a single democratic state encompassing all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and grants the "Palestinians" a right of return.

*Within a few years, the "Palestinian" Arabs have a substantial majority in this new state.

*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

*Shari'a legal principles are put into place.

*The country becomes increasingly hostile for Jews (much like the hostility encountered by the Coptic faith in Egypt) forcing a mass exodus from the state.

*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

*Ultimately, the Jewish religion disappears from the world.

Is that what you want?

Is that what would make you happy?

Is that your definition of justice?

Because, if it is, I have only two words for you:

Assume the following hypothetical...

*Israel, under pressure from the international community, agrees to the establishment of a single democratic state encompassing all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and grants the "Palestinians" a right of return.

*Within a few years, the "Palestinian" Arabs have a substantial majority in this new state.

*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

*Shari'a legal principles are put into place.

*The country becomes increasingly hostile for Jews (much like the hostility encountered by the Coptic faith in Egypt) forcing a mass exodus from the state.

*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

*Ultimately, the Jewish religion disappears from the world.

Is that what you want?

Is that what would make you happy?

Is that your definition of justice?

Because, if it is, I have only two words for you:


All of that is hypothetical, and possibly a fallacy of the extreme.

But - I don't agree with a one-state solution for a number of those reasons you have cited. I think the anger and hatred, from both sides towards each other is too much for them to share a state and I don't see the emergence of anyone powerful figure who could overcome that or ensure a continued democratic form of government that protects minorities and the rights now enjoyed by most Israeli citizens. There are inequalities for sure - but Israel's current legal and political system and open culture have a far better chance of addressing them than what exists with the Palestinians.

What would make me happy is a two state solution where both sides have something.
Assume the following hypothetical...

*Israel, under pressure from the international community, agrees to the establishment of a single democratic state encompassing all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and grants the "Palestinians" a right of return.

*Within a few years, the "Palestinian" Arabs have a substantial majority in this new state.

*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

*Shari'a legal principles are put into place.

*The country becomes increasingly hostile for Jews (much like the hostility encountered by the Coptic faith in Egypt) forcing a mass exodus from the state.

*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

*Ultimately, the Jewish religion disappears from the world.

Is that what you want?

Is that what would make you happy?

Is that your definition of justice?

Because, if it is, I have only two words for you:


That is essentially what the future holds for Palestine, except I think the government will be what the indigenous people democratically choose it to be, not necessarily Shariah law. AND there is nothing you can do to stop any of it. Occupations in the ME always ultimately end, all that is unknown is how long the Occupation will be in force. There is Justice in this. I cant wait to see it all unfold. Sherri
Assume the following hypothetical...

*Israel, under pressure from the international community, agrees to the establishment of a single democratic state encompassing all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and grants the "Palestinians" a right of return.

*Within a few years, the "Palestinian" Arabs have a substantial majority in this new state.

*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

*Shari'a legal principles are put into place.

*The country becomes increasingly hostile for Jews (much like the hostility encountered by the Coptic faith in Egypt) forcing a mass exodus from the state.

*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

*Ultimately, the Jewish religion disappears from the world.

Is that what you want?

Is that what would make you happy?

Is that your definition of justice?

Because, if it is, I have only two words for you:


That is essentially what the future holds for Palestine, except I think the government will be what the indigenous people democratically choose it to be, not necessarily Shariah law. AND there is nothing you can do to stop any of it. Occupations in the ME always ultimately end, all that is unknown is how long the Occupation will be in force. There is Justice in this. I cant wait to see it all unfold. Sherri

Must as you can't wait to see it all unfold, it is not going to happen.
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That is essentially what the future holds for Palestine, except I think the government will be what the indigenous people democratically choose it to be, not necessarily Shariah law. AND there is nothing you can do to stop any of it. Occupations in the ME always ultimately end, all that is unknown is how long the Occupation will be in force. There is Justice in this. I cant wait to see it all unfold. Sherri

The "Palestinian Constitution" provides that Shari'a law is to be the basis for its legal system.

As for what can be done to stop it... while you shout from the rooftops your words of hate, all we need is a still, small voice.
*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

The post is all a load of old bull but I thought I'd just go for these two lines.

Given most attacks on Jews (even excluding Hitler's little mess) over the last two thousand years have taken place in Europe, it'll just be 'business as usual'.
America would have fun with a mass Jewish population. The right wing, anti immigration bunch (the one's who commonly support Israel) would soon be raving anti Jew and the terrorist types (eg. Meir Kahane) would soon be bombing America and claiming California or where ever as a Jewish homeland.

Now to the Jewish identity.
There hasn't been a Jewish state in 2,000 years but there is still a Jewish population. Perhaps the OP can explain why that is if his daft version of the future is accurate.
*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

Democracy is wrong?

The post seems to support the maintaining of a single religion state but opposes a single religion state.
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Now to the Jewish identity.
There hasn't been a Jewish state in 2,000 years but there is still a Jewish population. Perhaps the OP can explain why that is if his daft version of the future is accurate.

I've disregarded the portion of your post that is too moronic to validate with a response.

As to your question, Hitler brought the Jews to the brink in Europe, while the Jews of America are fighting a war of attrition due to assimilation and inter-marriage.

Israel is the antedote for all of that. Having regained our homeland, we're not about to give it up again and take our chances in a new diaspora.
*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

Democracy is wrong?

The post seems to support the maintaining of a single religion state but opposes a single religion state.

Democracy with checks and balances to protect the rights of minorities is ideal.

Democracy with no restraints that allows the majority to vote to oppress the minority is simply mass tyranny
Christians have more rights and freedoms in Palestine than they do in Israel.

There is no "Palestine," so there can be no Christians in "Palestine," nor can there be any rights conveyed by "Palestine."

Maybe we should, instead, compare Christian rights in Narnia and Middle Earth.

Or, perhaps, we could just stay on topic, if that's not too much trouble for you.
Actually, PFT's post reminds me of the type of logic paradox that Captain Kirk might use to defeat a being of Artificial Intelligence.


But you said there is no Israel.


You believe that Israel is in Palestine


Therefore, all Christians in Israel actually live in Palestine


Then, it stands to reason, that there can be no distinction between Christian rights in Israel and Palestine


Cool. Now that I'm done with that, I can go and have sex with that green chick.

Damnit, Jim! Make sure you wear protection!
Excellent point. The occupation will remain in force until Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.

Assume the following hypothetical...

*Israel, under pressure from the international community, agrees to the establishment of a single democratic state encompassing all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and grants the "Palestinians" a right of return.

*Within a few years, the "Palestinian" Arabs have a substantial majority in this new state.

*The Arab majority begins to enact legislation that is decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Jew.

*After a few years, a groundswell of activism pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leads to an "Arab Spring" event in this new state, resulting in an Islamist leadership.

*Shari'a legal principles are put into place.

*The country becomes increasingly hostile for Jews (much like the hostility encountered by the Coptic faith in Egypt) forcing a mass exodus from the state.

*The bulk of the Jewish population moves to the United States and Europe.

*Over the generations, assimilation and inter-marriage erodes the Jewish identity.

*Ultimately, the Jewish religion disappears from the world.

Is that what you want?

Is that what would make you happy?

Is that your definition of justice?

Because, if it is, I have only two words for you:


That is essentially what the future holds for Palestine, except I think the government will be what the indigenous people democratically choose it to be, not necessarily Shariah law. AND there is nothing you can do to stop any of it. Occupations in the ME always ultimately end, all that is unknown is how long the Occupation will be in force. There is Justice in this. I cant wait to see it all unfold. Sherri
"...Now that I'm done with that, I can go and have sex with that green chick... Damnit, Jim! Make sure you wear protection!
No, HB... don't do it... no telling where that Orion 'tang has been...


"Avoid the clap. Jimmy Dugan."
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Now to the Jewish identity.
There hasn't been a Jewish state in 2,000 years but there is still a Jewish population. Perhaps the OP can explain why that is if his daft version of the future is accurate.

while the Jews of America are fighting a war of attrition due to assimilation and inter-marriage.

Does that mean Americans are inferior to Jews and, if not, why should you object to such marriages?
Christians have more rights and freedoms in Palestine than they do in Israel.

And your support for that amazing fantasy is what, exactly? The shrinking size of the Christian community in 'Palestine' - or the growing Christian community who are full citizens of Israel?
Christians have more rights and freedoms in Palestine than they do in Israel.

And your support for that amazing fantasy is what, exactly? The shrinking size of the Christian community in 'Palestine' - or the growing Christian community who are full citizens of Israel?

Still waiting for Tinnie to give me a link that discusses the rights of Christians in 'Palestine' and in Israel....

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