‘Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
In February 2013, Move America Forward announced an ambitious fundraising goal. The charity, launched in part by one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement, had adopted the 800 Marines in a battalion fighting in Afghanistan and wanted to send them all care packages.

"For some troops, these care packages are the only mail they will receive all year," the group said in one email solicitation.

The charity later described the fundraising drive as a rousing success: In less than five weeks, all 800 Marines in a 1st Marine Division battalion nicknamed Geronimo were sent care packages and notes in Afghanistan, it claimed.

But that couldn't have been true. The Marines of Geronimo weren't even in Afghanistan during Move America Forward's fund drive. Instead, they were deployed more than 3,000 miles away, in Okinawa, Japan.

Move America Forward calls itself the nation's "largest grassroots pro-troop organization," and has recruited a bevy of Republican luminaries, including former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, to support its efforts.

Yet an examination of its fundraising appeals, tax records and other documents shows that Move America Forward has repeatedly misled donors and inflated its charitable accomplishments, while funneling millions of dollars in revenue to the men behind the group and their political consulting firms.

In several instances, the charity has taken images and stories from other groups and from veterans themselves without permission to use in fundraising appeals.

Last year, Move America Forward even solicited funds by claiming a partnership with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the largest hospital for wounded service members in the country. No such partnership existed, Defense Department officials say.

The charity's funds and other assets also appear to have been used to subsidize three conservative political action committees, records show.

MUCH MORE: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers

Exclusive: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

Moving America Forward: The pro-troop charity that happens to give millions of dollars to "Tea Party" consultants.

'Pro-troop' conservative charity mainly exists to funnel money to Tea Party Express founder - U.S. Marine Corps News Today

This is yet another example why the IRS can't trust Conservatives not to misuse their tax-exempt status for political purposes.
well, here comes the SMEARS and using our vets to do it they could care less

and again they are suggesting THE IRS go after WE THE people for their Political vendettas

they did this same thing with Sean Hannity folks.

don't let these people ruin a good cause for their dirty hate politics against the Tea Party

you and Huffingtonpost all crawl lower than a snake

the hufferpufferpost and cult members should move to Iran, North Korea, China, none of you deserve to have Freedom
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Conservatives will avoid this thread like the plague. They don't care how their tax-exempt organizations misuse funds for political activities.
Come on, Cons, surely you have some rational justification for such illegal activity.
Move America Forward is smearing vets and gutting patriotism for political gain.

These types of crimes can easily land the principals in prison for more than a decade.

All who oppose investigation and prosecution should be charged under RICO statutes for aiding and abetting a racketeering and crime organization.
Move America Forward is smearing vets and gutting patriotism for political gain.

These types of crimes can easily land the principals in prison for more than a decade.

All who oppose investigation and prosecution should be charged under RICO statutes for aiding and abetting a racketeering and crime organization.

IF and I emphasis IF they did something illegal charge them but keep your pretend outrage to a minimum please.
Come on, Cons, surely you have some rational justification for such illegal activity.

Dude, you and the Huffington post are proven liars. I haven't read these links and I won't. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. But you and your sources are proven liars, so that's why no one cares about your troll thread dumbass.
Taking money that was donated for veterans and using it for political pay-offs????

Hanging is too good for 'em.
Taking money that was donated for veterans and using it for political pay-offs????

Hanging is too good for 'em.

I agree! Apparently some posters are too dumb or indifferent to research this story for themselves. They just don't care - but they want to lynch Lois Lerner.
Come on, Cons, surely you have some rational justification for such illegal activity.

Dude, you and the Huffington post are proven liars. I haven't read these links and I won't. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. But you and your sources are proven liars, so that's why no one cares about your troll thread dumbass.

better ?

Exclusive: ?Pro-Troop? Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

Thank you. However, Cons won't believe it until they hear it from Fox News types. Even then it may not register. But yet they eagerly believe the worst about Lois Lerner.
And the far right on this thread are cultivating deliberate ignorance: nothing new.

Well, the typical deliberate ignorance is often coupled with "oh yeah .... well what about ....?"

A clear sign the topic is just too painful to face.
Someone should tell Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy about this. Surely they'll want a Congressional investigation.

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