Problem solved

well , when was it . About 1960 i was taking my UNCASED 15 shot .22 semi auto rifle and ammo to school on the school bus and giving it to the Principle to keep in his office till school let out at 3 or 3:30 . Then hitch hike to the woods and all this through town till i got to the woods and then walk home . -------- just an example of how things used to be in America .

You're exactly right. I even took my gun to school for a show and tell in 1982. No problem then. No kids going around blasting and killing other kids. Gun laws were even more lax back then.
We should NEVER hear this:

Fla. students hide as shots ring out in horrifying video

A barrage of gunfire from one weapon and hear ZERO return fire.


We should hear SOMEONE shooting back!!! WHAT THE FUCK???

While I do not disagree, part of me is very sad that we live in a society where that is the only answer.

Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?


So, are you saying freedom creates violence?
My entire country is a “gun free zone”. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

If you think we (citizens) pose any threat of armed rebellion, you're nuts.

Our economy is consumer driven and our Government functions on tax revenue. A military state type gun grab would destroy both-- the U.S. Government has no interest in ruining its own economy and tax base.
FYI - Palahniuk is openly gay.

It was a disturbed mentally ill anarchist character in his book who said that. Not him. You understand how fiction works, right?
Have you ever read any other Palahniuk writings?

Are you saying that gay men do not understand male group structure? His sexual preference is irrelevant.

I don't agree with his nihilist philosophy, but he is right about the nature of men.
If you think we (citizens) pose any threat of armed rebellion, you're nuts.
If you think we don't, you are a fucking idiot.

Texas citizens alone have more than 10 times the guns as that of all military forces combined. That just Texas.

No war is won without boots on the ground, and a ground war between citizens and our military would be a slaughter. That's assuming half the military didn't defect and side with us. If that happened, it would be over without a shot being fired.

But, let's assume you are right. Then, we are in serious trouble. We need machine guns, RPGs, Tanks, etc. We must repeal all gun laws to protect the world from this MASSIVE POWERFUL military we have created.
My entire country is a “gun free zone”. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Let’s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns aren’t any kind of match for MOAB’s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didn’t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government “by the people, of the people, and for the people”, instead of those who serve the elite.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

Get it repealed (if you can) if you want to end private gun ownership, which is what you would need to do to prevent things like this from happening. (even then it probably wouldn't work)

Explain specifically how anything I suggested is an "end run"...

Credible reports of serious mental illness...

Sharing of trade data?

you are trying to use lawsuits to ruin gun companies to lessen the ability of citizens to get guns. To do this you pervert tort law to blame a manufacturer for a product that is not malfunctioning, that is doing it's designed task, (propel a projectile) for political gain.

Stop trying to be "smart", it isn't working.

And lowering the bar to remove a right to diagnosed would be abused by gun grabber states.
People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?
I agree that the people close to Cruz failed to act much sooner. They ignored a lot of red flags.

Maybe we need more education on this type of stuff to help prevent it.

But, at the same time....shoot back.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

Get it repealed (if you can) if you want to end private gun ownership, which is what you would need to do to prevent things like this from happening. (even then it probably wouldn't work)

Explain specifically how anything I suggested is an "end run"...

Credible reports of serious mental illness...

Sharing of trade data?

The sharing of AIDS infectors isn't allowed, but you want to share data of people with mental problems.

HIPPA laws are important. But there needs to be a balance. Also, sharing info with police doesn't make it public.

People who work with children in CA and other states are required by law to report child abuse -- bruises, statements by the child, etc. At which time a social worker and police visit the home and look into it. Is this perfect, NO. Have millions of children been rescued from horrible situations. YES.

If a health care professional or teacher observes disturbing behavior and threats, when the police investigate, why aren't they allowed to temporarily remove guns IF CERTAIN CRITERIA ARE MEANT. Why are police not allowed to take preventative measures?

I believe one reason is because more that 60% of gun deaths are suicides and our society cynically sees this as "victimless" or a choice. Suicide happens when Major Depression or PTSD goes untreated. People who take anti-dresspents or anti-psychotics are not dangerous, when they take their meds and get needed therapy. However, when they stop therapy, go off meds--THEIR CHOICE-- if their behavior poses an obvious risk, then why don't we, as a compassionate society, intervene?
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------not a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing
His parents were died just recently. What's your Plan B?

more careful checks------I live in a state with very strict gun control------of course I have also
had the pleasure of caring for lots of people with -----"acute lead poisoning of the brain"
Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns aren’t any kind of match for MOAB’s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.
Let me guess. You have no military training or experience whatsoever?

Do you realize that the U.S. has been at war in stone-age Afghanistan for a decade, and still can't get that place under control? Why? We have all that shit. Why can't we achieve final victory?

I am not going to have this discussion again. Anyone who thinks armed citizenry has no chance against its government will immediately be label a fucking moron. I am tired of having this argument with people who obviously failed history.
The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.
This is complete horseshit, as I have proved over and over, but....OKAY. I will concede this point.

We need machine guns, RPGs, tanks, ect. Thank you for proving why we need to repeal all gun laws.
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I agree that the people close to Cruz failed to act much sooner. They ignored a lot of red flags.

Maybe we need more education on this type of stuff to help prevent it.

But, at the same time....shoot back.

You could say that about Adam Lanza. -- from one official report --

The authors also noted that despite multiple developmental and mental health problems, Lanza had not received adequate mental health treatment. They wrote: "It is fair to surmise that, had Lanza's mental illness been adequately treated in the last years of his life, one predisposing factor to the tragedy of Sandy Hook might have been mitigated"

Holmes also told a University of Colorado psychiatrist about his shooting fantasies. You'd think that local police would be empowered to remove weapons until they could determine how serious of threat he was.
This is complete horseshit, as I have proved over and over, but....OKAY. I will concede this point.

We need machine guns, RPGs, tanks, ect. Thank you for proving why we need to repeal all gun laws.

It's typically people who don't want to comply with federal warrants that push that type of agenda. People who think that police outside their home with a lawful arrest warrant are a "threat" and they have the right to fight back.
Holmes also told a University of Colorado psychiatrist about his shooting fantasies. You'd think that local police would be empowered to remove weapons until they could determine how serious of threat he was.
In Texas, the police do have the power to remove weapons under those circumstances. I don't know about Colorado.
Holmes also told a University of Colorado psychiatrist about his shooting fantasies. You'd think that local police would be empowered to remove weapons until they could determine how serious of threat he was.

You cretins have tried so many end-runs to get around the Second that we don't trust anything you say.... so you have no say.
I agree that the people close to Cruz failed to act much sooner. They ignored a lot of red flags.

Maybe we need more education on this type of stuff to help prevent it.

But, at the same time....shoot back.

You could say that about Adam Lanza. -- from one official report --

The authors also noted that despite multiple developmental and mental health problems, Lanza had not received adequate mental health treatment. They wrote: "It is fair to surmise that, had Lanza's mental illness been adequately treated in the last years of his life, one predisposing factor to the tragedy of Sandy Hook might have been mitigated"

Holmes also told a University of Colorado psychiatrist about his shooting fantasies. You'd think that local police would be empowered to remove weapons until they could determine how serious of threat he was.
Back when Jimmy Carter with his liberal compassion thought that incarcerating mentally challenged individuals was cruel, he was the president that opened the door for razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars. Since then, more mentally ill liberals have bred amongst us, and many are showing up and shooting innocent people. Want to stop the killings, open the liberal asylums back up and put the 47% away.


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