Problem solved

We should NEVER hear this:

Fla. students hide as shots ring out in horrifying video

A barrage of gunfire from one weapon and hear ZERO return fire.


We should hear SOMEONE shooting back!!! WHAT THE FUCK???

While I do not disagree, part of me is very sad that we live in a society where that is the only answer.

Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
NO I don't wonder that. Shooting back at a maniac is the only way to stop them, but most regressives want to lock the doors and wait until they run out of ammo.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
Will we be able to sue Ford when BOZO gets shitfaced and runs over grandma?
and if not hitch hiking to the woods i'd head down town to the ' KoC' or 'Masonic' [forget] building where the 40 year old , old men , most ww2 veterans taught informal target shooting in their basement Bootney .
Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?
It is BECAUSE it is nearly impossible to have open shootouts that we live in this type of society. No one fears a shootout. No one is afraid to do something violent and face any consequences. Everyone KNOWS nobody is armed.

It only takes a few shootouts for would-be mass shooters to be deterred.

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
I do. I cannot figure it out. It MUST be a new cultural thing. It must be the gangster-rap movement. We were not like this 40 years ago.
40 years ago an altercation would escalate until there was a fist fight. Nobody went to jail or got suspended for it and within a couple minutes that particular issue was solved. You went home took care of the split lip or black eye and moved on. Kids didn’t get a chance to become such out of control assholes before getting knocked down a peg so it didn’t reach this point. Oh yeah, the parking lot was full of vehicles with guns and everyone had pocket knives on them. They were never used though because pulling a weapon during a fist fight was worse than losing the fight. You were labeled a **** for doing it.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
Will we be able to sue Ford when BOZO gets shitfaced and runs over grandma?

Back to the drawing board for that nut
Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?
It is BECAUSE it is nearly impossible to have open shootouts that we live in this type of society. No one fears a shootout. No one is afraid to do something violent and face any consequences. Everyone KNOWS nobody is armed.

It only takes a few shootouts for would-be mass shooters to be deterred.

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
I do. I cannot figure it out. It MUST be a new cultural thing. It must be the gangster-rap movement. We were not like this 40 years ago.
40 years ago an altercation would escalate until there was a fist fight. Nobody went to jail or got suspended for it and within a couple minutes that particular issue was solved. You went home took care of the split lip or black eye and moved on. Kids didn’t get a chance to become such out of control assholes before getting knocked down a peg so it didn’t reach this point. Oh yeah, the parking lot was full of vehicles with guns and everyone had pocket knives on them. They were never used though because pulling a weapon during a fist fight was worse than losing the fight. You were labeled a **** for doing it.
-------------------------------------------------- it was common to meet your enemy at the FLAGPOLE or behind the Library . And yeah , right on , kids had guns displayed in their cars and pickups in the school parking lot . Many gun racks for cars and pickups were built in school Shop Class .
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?
Gun free zones.
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?

Evidently the FBI knew last September he was a threat...

Report: FBI Warned About Potential School Shooter Named Nikolas Cruz in September - Breitbart
Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?
It is BECAUSE it is nearly impossible to have open shootouts that we live in this type of society. No one fears a shootout. No one is afraid to do something violent and face any consequences. Everyone KNOWS nobody is armed.

It only takes a few shootouts for would-be mass shooters to be deterred.

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
I do. I cannot figure it out. It MUST be a new cultural thing. It must be the gangster-rap movement. We were not like this 40 years ago.
40 years ago an altercation would escalate until there was a fist fight. Nobody went to jail or got suspended for it and within a couple minutes that particular issue was solved. You went home took care of the split lip or black eye and moved on. Kids didn’t get a chance to become such out of control assholes before getting knocked down a peg so it didn’t reach this point. Oh yeah, the parking lot was full of vehicles with guns and everyone had pocket knives on them. They were never used though because pulling a weapon during a fist fight was worse than losing the fight. You were labeled a **** for doing it.
-------------------------------------------------- it was common to meet your enemy at the FLAGPOLE or behind the Library . And yeah , right on , kids had guns displayed in their cars and pickups in the school parking lot . Many gun racks for cars and pickups were built in school Shop Class .
Yep, and most of the time there were teachers watching just making sure it didn’t get out of hand.
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------not a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

His parents are dead.

Mother died in Nov. (I think) a huge stressor --

Police need more power when it comes to removing guns from people who are, to any REASONABLE person, dangerous.

put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?
Gun free zones.

My entire country is a “gun free zone”. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
40 years ago an altercation would escalate until there was a fist fight. Nobody went to jail or got suspended for it and within a couple minutes that particular issue was solved. You went home took care of the split lip or black eye and moved on. Kids didn’t get a chance to become such out of control assholes before getting knocked down a peg so it didn’t reach this point. Oh yeah, the parking lot was full of vehicles with guns and everyone had pocket knives on them. They were never used though because pulling a weapon during a fist fight was worse than losing the fight. You were labeled a **** for doing it.
Society has become unnatural. It has artificially suppressed male structure establishment. All other animals on earth are allowed to establish this structure, but not humans. Men are not allowed to act like men. It is as Chuck Palunak wrote in Fight Club -- we are generation of men raised by women.

This is primal coding and instinct. It cannot be suppressed forever. When left alone, men naturally select a leader and all others either challenge the leader or fall in line. Men are designed for this purpose.

Let men be men and a lot of these problems go away.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

Get it repealed (if you can) if you want to end private gun ownership, which is what you would need to do to prevent things like this from happening. (even then it probably wouldn't work)

Explain specifically how anything I suggested is an "end run"...

Credible reports of serious mental illness...

Sharing of trade data?
We should NEVER hear this:

Fla. students hide as shots ring out in horrifying video

A barrage of gunfire from one weapon and hear ZERO return fire.


We should hear SOMEONE shooting back!!! WHAT THE FUCK???

While I do not disagree, part of me is very sad that we live in a society where that is the only answer.

Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?

put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

People know their kids are in trouble. All these reports are this kid was angry, making threats against others, and obsessed with guns. That people in his social circle circle said that if someone were to go to school with a gun, it would be this guy.

There has to be a discipline trail leading to his expulsion. This isn’t someone who just “snapped”. This is a guy who was living in a powder keg while giving off sparks. Everyone saw it. Nobody did anything.

If your child is mentally ill, untreated and acting out, to say the parents bear no responsibility for his behaviour is a fallacy. It is their responsibility in society to raise their child to be a functioning, productive adult. These people raised a homocidal sociopath and you say they bear no responsibility for that?

Evidently the FBI knew last September he was a threat...

Report: FBI Warned About Potential School Shooter Named Nikolas Cruz in September - Breitbart
They were busy documenting Russian whores peeing on Donalds bed....
My entire country is a “gun free zone”. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.
Society has become unnatural. It has artificially suppressed male structure establishment. All other animals on earth are allowed to establish this structure, but not humans. Men are not allowed to act like men. It is as Chuck Palunak wrote in Fight Club -- we are generation of men raised by women.

This is primal coding and instinct. It cannot be suppressed forever. When left alone, men naturally select a leader and all others either challenge the leader or fall in line. Men are designed for this purpose.

Let men be men and a lot of these problems go away.

FYI - Palahniuk is openly gay.

It was a disturbed mentally ill anarchist character in his book who said that. Not him. You understand how fiction works, right?
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

Get it repealed (if you can) if you want to end private gun ownership, which is what you would need to do to prevent things like this from happening. (even then it probably wouldn't work)

Explain specifically how anything I suggested is an "end run"...

Credible reports of serious mental illness...

Sharing of trade data?

The sharing of AIDS infectors isn't allowed, but you want to share data of people with mental problems.

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