Procession Honoring Virgin Mary Considered “Provocation,” Attacked by Muslims in Italy

Oh bull.

Christians are no more insulting than any other religion. Yes they can be arrogant and annoying, but so can Muslims, Jews and Hindus. Even Buddhists.

When people can not contain their displeasure and must "act out" we generally refer to them as children.

muslims who fart and shit upon things "not muslim" are not called "children" they are called HOLY WARRIORS IN DEFENSE OF ISLAAAM------mujahadeen. Muslim mothers
teach their spawn to lisp out in their cute baby voices ----MAWT AL________ (fill in the blank with any group not muslim or even 'the other sect')
and are proud of their precocious little bastards.
The very first time I ventured into a mosque----was----before 1970. The vulgar disgusting pig IMAM---was a special guest genius------I believe from AL AZHAR U. (not sure) His talk was on "the filth which is Christianity"-------well---I was about 20 years old and utterly disgusted I never heard such disgusting filth from a "cleric" ---my hosts were mystified--------they could not understand why I was offended------afterall----the lump of shit muslim cleric did not even mention jews---he merely farted and defecated on christians ----into the ears of little boys who sat next to their fathers---the fathers smiled and nodded at every disgusting word uttered by the pig up front-------the mosque was located walking distance from the site that the World Trade Center would LATER be built------anyone out there surprised? The man did not look like a "child" to me

Ok. So, apart from increasing the portapotty-to-human ratio, what is your solution to this Muslim problem?

EDUCATION -------I was a child of the 1960s------when the USA overcame (sorta)
segregation thru EDUCATION. Racism stinks----
we learned it is not nice and there was huge peer
pressure against it. Shariah stinks too-------any attempt by any country to adhere to that filth should be regarded as STINKING SHIT -------with huge peer pressure against such a disgusting idea. -----
islam as a belief is ok-----so long as it does not
get into the public sphere----ANYWHERE

So would the religion of Islam then be treated differently from other religions in this country or the same?

you are quite dull-------I proposed public education regarding the STINK which is shariah-------just as we had public education regarding the STINK which is segregation in the 1960s. By the mid 60s------any kid in my school who showed even a glimmer of ------support for segregation--------was an outcast. Considering that the town had once been ------RESTRICTED and even then did not harbor one black family------the whole situation was quite a "turn-around"

Would your "public education" teach them to hate Muslims then?

I think the porta-potty solution is better.
You expect Muslims to tolerate anybody who doesn't accept their cult?

Does the word naive mean anything to you?

If they didn't all other religions in the Middle East, parts of Europe, and Africa would have been eradicated centuries ago. Does history mean anything to you?

Thats an interesting observation because most religions that compete with Islamism in the Islamist Middle East are extinct, shrinking or under siege.

Where are the churches and synagogues in the KSA? Do you need a history lesson regarding the Christian Copts in Egypt? I suppose you can give us some happy-fun news regarding Christians and Jews in Yemen, Iraq, (the Yazidi are having a hoot, eh?), Iran, etc., etc.

It's remarkable how converts to Islamism, living in the Great Satan and protected from the very excesses of the "religion" they converted to, somehow lose all knowledge of Islamo-fascism.

Hollie----COYOTE repeated islamo Nazi propaganda------I have been hearing and reading it for decades------MUSLIMS PROVE THEIR "toleration" BY NOTING THAT THERE ARE STILL CHRISTIANS, JEWS AND HINDUS ALIVE IN THE WORLD----EVEN A FEW ZOROASTRIANS

Strange stuff Rosie. How do you explain the fact that these minority religions existed for centuries after Muslim expansion? In fact...until ISIS into existance? Certainly, they could all have been easily wiped out over the past thousand years.

Your naivete' is charming. You know NOTHING about shariah shit holes . I will help you----but there are some people beyond help----I learned that fact when I tutored really stupid high school kids thru plane geometry. First fact is ----no non muslim groups actually did WELL in shariah shit holes -----they were treated like shit BY LAW. -----and all got decimated to some degree-----it was just a matter of more or less. There are almost no Zoroastrians left out of tens of millions in Iran---just 1000 years ago. Of course no Christians, jews or Zoroastrians in Arabia. ------no Christians in Yemen and-----about seven jews left there. ----lots of the arab countries have almost no non muslims------ALL HAD CHRISTIANS AND JEWS----ALL OF THEM ----just 1000 years ago. As to your idiot contention that it is EASY to wipe whole
peoples out-------no it's not. It is almost impossible ----Oh----I forgot ---there were jews in
AFGHANISTAN and what is today Pakistan----too.----not now. Even your BF---adolf could not get rid of WHOLE peoples ----

Getting back to the reality of life in shariah shit holes------they are actually CASTE SOCIETIES-----they depend on underclasses They are very dependent on slaves-----BUT also on non muslims who can do things muslims cannot do An interesting factoid about SHARIAH SHIT-----is muslims are not supposed to handle leather or do
METAL WORK -------or-----interestingly enough----CHEMISTRY (too associated with drugs and alcohol) ------thus in many of the stinking shariah shit holes of the past several centuries------the "smiths" and the pharmacists were virtually all DA JOOOOOS-----is that not interesting? Yemen so depended on jewish silver smiths------that in 1949-----the KING of yemen agreed to let DA JOOOOS out ONLY IF HE COULD KEEP A FEW of the silver smiths---------two or three are still there------maybe more. CASTE SOCIETIES are like that------they cannot function without their underclass people-----your question is as stupid as if you had asked "how do the untouchables of india survive"??? easy-----they need people to clean the toilets (btw-----the jews of yemen were required to clean the gutters (that means primitive sewers))) gee--------did you never learn anything? uhm-----like sociology 101?

With few exceptions, religious minorities where frequently persecuted, kept as second class citizens or driven out under the more dominant religion. I'm not sure what makes Islam so special to you. Religious tolerance is a modern concept that seems to have come along with a seperation of religion and government.
If they didn't all other religions in the Middle East, parts of Europe, and Africa would have been eradicated centuries ago. Does history mean anything to you?

Thats an interesting observation because most religions that compete with Islamism in the Islamist Middle East are extinct, shrinking or under siege.

Where are the churches and synagogues in the KSA? Do you need a history lesson regarding the Christian Copts in Egypt? I suppose you can give us some happy-fun news regarding Christians and Jews in Yemen, Iraq, (the Yazidi are having a hoot, eh?), Iran, etc., etc.

It's remarkable how converts to Islamism, living in the Great Satan and protected from the very excesses of the "religion" they converted to, somehow lose all knowledge of Islamo-fascism.

Hollie----COYOTE repeated islamo Nazi propaganda------I have been hearing and reading it for decades------MUSLIMS PROVE THEIR "toleration" BY NOTING THAT THERE ARE STILL CHRISTIANS, JEWS AND HINDUS ALIVE IN THE WORLD----EVEN A FEW ZOROASTRIANS

Strange stuff Rosie. How do you explain the fact that these minority religions existed for centuries after Muslim expansion? In fact...until ISIS into existance? Certainly, they could all have been easily wiped out over the past thousand years.

Your naivete' is charming. You know NOTHING about shariah shit holes . I will help you----but there are some people beyond help----I learned that fact when I tutored really stupid high school kids thru plane geometry. First fact is ----no non muslim groups actually did WELL in shariah shit holes -----they were treated like shit BY LAW. -----and all got decimated to some degree-----it was just a matter of more or less. There are almost no Zoroastrians left out of tens of millions in Iran---just 1000 years ago. Of course no Christians, jews or Zoroastrians in Arabia. ------no Christians in Yemen and-----about seven jews left there. ----lots of the arab countries have almost no non muslims------ALL HAD CHRISTIANS AND JEWS----ALL OF THEM ----just 1000 years ago. As to your idiot contention that it is EASY to wipe whole
peoples out-------no it's not. It is almost impossible ----Oh----I forgot ---there were jews in
AFGHANISTAN and what is today Pakistan----too.----not now. Even your BF---adolf could not get rid of WHOLE peoples ----

Getting back to the reality of life in shariah shit holes------they are actually CASTE SOCIETIES-----they depend on underclasses They are very dependent on slaves-----BUT also on non muslims who can do things muslims cannot do An interesting factoid about SHARIAH SHIT-----is muslims are not supposed to handle leather or do
METAL WORK -------or-----interestingly enough----CHEMISTRY (too associated with drugs and alcohol) ------thus in many of the stinking shariah shit holes of the past several centuries------the "smiths" and the pharmacists were virtually all DA JOOOOOS-----is that not interesting? Yemen so depended on jewish silver smiths------that in 1949-----the KING of yemen agreed to let DA JOOOOS out ONLY IF HE COULD KEEP A FEW of the silver smiths---------two or three are still there------maybe more. CASTE SOCIETIES are like that------they cannot function without their underclass people-----your question is as stupid as if you had asked "how do the untouchables of india survive"??? easy-----they need people to clean the toilets (btw-----the jews of yemen were required to clean the gutters (that means primitive sewers))) gee--------did you never learn anything? uhm-----like sociology 101?

With few exceptions, religious minorities where frequently persecuted, kept as second class citizens or driven out under the more dominant religion. I'm not sure what makes Islam so special to you. Religious tolerance is a modern concept that seems to have come along with a seperation of religion and government.

excellent example of very shallow minded and erroneous generalization. The very first "mistake" made by the air head-----is DEGREE of
persecution There is no question that in most cases being of the KING's religion is an advantage----but it was not BY ANY MEANS always or even MOST of the time the answer to
being ok An interesting factoid of jewish history is time spent in pre-Islamic Persia. There was---
(a little known history) of persecution of jews by Zoroastrians------for a period of time-----but ----well---not very long and not all that much Then there was INDIA--------all A-OK until the muslims came----HINDOOOS have no history of persecuting DA JOOOOOS ----also jooos were not persecuted in PRE ISLAMIC ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) ----nor in BUDDHIST COUNTRIES like pre Islamic Afghanistan and BUDDHIST INDONESIA ----or china Of course "that's just jews"-------Buddhists and hindus seem to have had their disputes with each other------not so bad---but bad enough For the worst of religious persecution-------face facts COYOTE-------its da Christians and the Muslims that murdered in the millions------no one else. Christians have mostly gotten over the habit------but MUZZIES are still heavy into the shit that you struggle to trivialize with your "oh EVERYONE DOES IT bullshit"------and 'I CAN COME UP WITH AN EXAMPLE" bullshit. Nope----today it's ISLAAAAAAAM and tomorrow it will also be ISLAAAAAAAM
muslims who fart and shit upon things "not muslim" are not called "children" they are called HOLY WARRIORS IN DEFENSE OF ISLAAAM------mujahadeen. Muslim mothers
teach their spawn to lisp out in their cute baby voices ----MAWT AL________ (fill in the blank with any group not muslim or even 'the other sect')
and are proud of their precocious little bastards.
The very first time I ventured into a mosque----was----before 1970. The vulgar disgusting pig IMAM---was a special guest genius------I believe from AL AZHAR U. (not sure) His talk was on "the filth which is Christianity"-------well---I was about 20 years old and utterly disgusted I never heard such disgusting filth from a "cleric" ---my hosts were mystified--------they could not understand why I was offended------afterall----the lump of shit muslim cleric did not even mention jews---he merely farted and defecated on christians ----into the ears of little boys who sat next to their fathers---the fathers smiled and nodded at every disgusting word uttered by the pig up front-------the mosque was located walking distance from the site that the World Trade Center would LATER be built------anyone out there surprised? The man did not look like a "child" to me

Ok. So, apart from increasing the portapotty-to-human ratio, what is your solution to this Muslim problem?

EDUCATION -------I was a child of the 1960s------when the USA overcame (sorta)
segregation thru EDUCATION. Racism stinks----
we learned it is not nice and there was huge peer
pressure against it. Shariah stinks too-------any attempt by any country to adhere to that filth should be regarded as STINKING SHIT -------with huge peer pressure against such a disgusting idea. -----
islam as a belief is ok-----so long as it does not
get into the public sphere----ANYWHERE

So would the religion of Islam then be treated differently from other religions in this country or the same?

you are quite dull-------I proposed public education regarding the STINK which is shariah-------just as we had public education regarding the STINK which is segregation in the 1960s. By the mid 60s------any kid in my school who showed even a glimmer of ------support for segregation--------was an outcast. Considering that the town had once been ------RESTRICTED and even then did not harbor one black family------the whole situation was quite a "turn-around"

Would your "public education" teach them to hate Muslims then?

I think the porta-potty solution is better.

hating segregation in the 1960s did not equal hating southern fried chicken. (the colonel did well despite "equal rights") I have hated shariah since I came into contact with -----Islamic stuff-------but I have had lots of very close muslim friends and did well with muslim colleagues------I did manage to consider them "just people" -----just as I managed to consider GOOD OLD BOYS from the south-----"just people" I will mention---that it is not so easy for some muslims-----who were brought up in the stench of Islamic education. One of my very young colleagues ------a young muslim ophthalmologist from Pakistan-----turned green and almost fainted when I informed him
" I IS A JOOO " poor kid. He was devastated. HE KEPT INSISTING THAT I AM NOT REALLY A JEW ------well----in fact I am as jewish as anyone can be-------all the way down to
a maternal grandfather--a baker and a paternal grandfather ---a tailor-----and my dad----a WATCHMAKER-------who played the violin as a child------YA DON'T GET MORE JEWISH THAN THAT. oh btw ---you like the pastries of VIENNA? I grew up on the stuff. yum----almond paste and chocolate and apricot jam---YUM (and kosher, too) The poor Pakistani doc-------he was so SHOCKED I thought I would have to BANG on his chest. Pakistani kids are brought up on islamo Nazi propaganda ---the stuff written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt. I am simply NOT HIS IDEA of what jew is supposed to be

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