Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
Well we know you want them here for their vote. They shouldn't be here in the first place. I give kudos to Trump, gives healing for grieving families.
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It's simple really, going back to my original beef: stop farmers who pay the illegals. But the government won't, because illegals are cheaper and Republicans representing farmers have come right out and said their farmers would go bankrupt if they had to pay legal workers legal wages.

The lawmakers own a lot of the farms.

That's an old report, btw. They've voted themselves much more since then.

And that gets back to what was saying about policy and living in a free society in relation to hiring immigrants. If we got back to free-markets instead of the Keynesian bailouts we'd be a little freer to stop the worst of the worst.

But that's not gonna happen any time in our lifetimes.
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I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
Well we know you want them here for their vote. They should be here in the first place. I give kudos to Trump, gives healing for grieving families.
I'm not a Dem, I don't want illegals here, but I'm not into scapegoating.
There's been a lot of that going on. I think I'd posted some place around here where they were putting covid on death certificates for people who got shot to death.

Sorry to read about your uncle. Gonna have to get my own colon checked soon, gonna hit the big 50 in a few months.

I'd love to be 50 again. The hospital called my cousin to ask about his approval of the treatment his father got. When my cousin told him he was outraged by what was on his death certificate, the Doctor told him he's part of a large group of families who were upset about the same exact thing.
How about the millions of illegal immigrants who pick our crops and cut our lawns and make our beds.

Can we remember them too
Nope the ones that pick the crops come here legally with temporary visas and return back to Mexico when they are done. They are welcomed and probably make enough money in a short time here to support their family in Mexico for a year.
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
I grew up around illegals---------had a neighbor teen friend and her baby murdered by an illegal and its grand anchor who lived next door to us when I was 4. Trust me they murder, they rape, deal drugs, and join gangs in mass. 26 of them and their extended family lived in a 2 bedroom 1 bath home. The baby btw was fathered by the anchor. They are truly awful people--------- My parents sold their home and moved immediately afterwords.

I should also note that besides the crime, the welfare fraud, etc, they had this weird obsession with murdering the neighborhood dogs including the two st Bernards that lived across the street from us and my sweet little poodle mix named TAGS who wasn't even a 1 year old when they killed him for kicks. So sick of idiots trying to pretend these people aren't awful when they are.
Sorry all that happened to you. It doesn't make all immigrants terrible people, though. White people sell drugs and go on welfare and abuse animals, too, but it doesn't make them all awful people does it?
I see, you weirdos still can’t make the distinction between legal and illegal.
All ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are in fact “terrible people”.
Good people never shit on the laws of neighboring nations and break in against the will of the people.

LefTard Logic:
“Since all drunk drivers aren’t terrible people we should be cool with all drunk fact, we should encourage drunk driving.”
And yes, many many US citizens are criminals and dirt bags of all types.
But their presence in the country is a given. Not so for illegal immigrants.

Correct. If my neighbor goes out and rapes or kills somebody, that's something we can't prevent. When an illegal does the same thing, that's something we could and should have prevented.
Then I highly doubt it was on his death certificate--either that or he did have Covid. Strike 2 today, Ray.

If I didn't see it myself I might have questioned it. But a month later my cousins stopped over, and he had a picture of it on his phone. I seen it with my own eyes.

No, he didn't have Covid because he couldn't walk and never went anywhere. Nobody around him ever had Covid either before he went to the hospital or after. He was staying at his son's house.
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
Well we know you want them here for their vote. They should be here in the first place. I give kudos to Trump, gives healing for grieving families.
I'm not a Dem, I don't want illegals here, but I'm not into scapegoating.
They shouldn't be here and Trump has slowed it way down. That alone should get him reelected.
Certainly hand sanitizer and whatnot helps kill those germs. But it should kill off covid, too.
It does. One of the reasons China and every other country in the world reacted to Covid the way it did is because the contagion rate is so much higher than the common flu. It's a little stinker.
How do you explain Sweden where there was no lockdown?

Then I highly doubt it was on his death certificate--either that or he did have Covid. Strike 2 today, Ray.

If I didn't see it myself I might have questioned it. But a month later my cousins stopped over, and he had a picture of it on his phone. I seen it with my own eyes.

No, he didn't have Covid because he couldn't walk and never went anywhere. Nobody around him ever had Covid either before he went to the hospital or after. He was staying at his son's house.
Did your he report it as fraud then? Maybe he should have, or asked to have the M.E. explain it. If your uncle was at your cousin's home, no one got rich off a misdiagnosis, so what was it about? Was your cousin's family tested?
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump is singling out illegal aliens because he wants to make sure we don't forget they are all rapists, drug dealers, and gang members. You know, the ones you hire cheap to mow your lawn and clean your house, milk the cows, pick the produce--when they're not busy out murdering and raping, of course. It's the Elevator Speech. He is using the Angel families' grief and misfortune to fuel hatred against poor Hispanics who sure as hell don't dare stick their neck out and dispute his scapegoating. But we can.
I grew up around illegals---------had a neighbor teen friend and her baby murdered by an illegal and its grand anchor who lived next door to us when I was 4. Trust me they murder, they rape, deal drugs, and join gangs in mass. 26 of them and their extended family lived in a 2 bedroom 1 bath home. The baby btw was fathered by the anchor. They are truly awful people--------- My parents sold their home and moved immediately afterwords.

I should also note that besides the crime, the welfare fraud, etc, they had this weird obsession with murdering the neighborhood dogs including the two st Bernards that lived across the street from us and my sweet little poodle mix named TAGS who wasn't even a 1 year old when they killed him for kicks. So sick of idiots trying to pretend these people aren't awful when they are.
Sorry all that happened to you. It doesn't make all immigrants terrible people, though. White people sell drugs and go on welfare and abuse animals, too, but it doesn't make them all awful people does it?

You are ignoring the murder of the baby--------by its illegal daddy and its illegal great grandmother. (back then anchors of illegals were illegals as well) These aren't the only illegals I grew around....btw They are chronic animal and child abusers.....
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Did your he report it as fraud then? Maybe he should have, or asked to have the M.E. explain it. If your uncle was at your cousin's home, no one got rich off a misdiagnosis, so what was it about? Was your cousin's family tested?

They were either tested or quarantined like my 89 year old father. Nobody came down with it. My fathers doctor told him that testing would be fruitless because it won't show a positive result in under 5 days of contact. The people that were taking care of him like immediate family were all tested. Nobody had it.
They shouldn't be here and Trump has slowed it way down. That alone should get him reelected.

Correct, it just might.

I believe that a lot of Americans were sick of this illegal immigration stuff which is the main reason he was elected. Even in the primaries, nobody came close to him because he's the only one that had a closed border message. The rest talked crap like pathways to citizenship and immigration reform. We never asked for either. We asked to stop illegal immigration.

Given the Presidents success on the matter in spite of all the opposition from the Democrats and their commie judges in the court, Trump still managed to get the job done. I hope a lot of Americans are considering this when they vote, because Biden will reverse all the successful policies that Trump implemented that greatly slowed down the problem.
Certainly hand sanitizer and whatnot helps kill those germs. But it should kill off covid, too.
It does. One of the reasons China and every other country in the world reacted to Covid the way it did is because the contagion rate is so much higher than the common flu. It's a little stinker.
How do you explain Sweden where there was no lockdown?

It's really interesting. The fact that most Swedes complied with restrictions voluntarily kind of screws it up for us copying them, though, because as a nation we are not willing to comply, even when ordered to.
Did your he report it as fraud then? Maybe he should have, or asked to have the M.E. explain it. If your uncle was at your cousin's home, no one got rich off a misdiagnosis, so what was it about? Was your cousin's family tested?

They were either tested or quarantined like my 89 year old father. Nobody came down with it. My fathers doctor told him that testing would be fruitless because it won't show a positive result in under 5 days of contact. The people that were taking care of him like immediate family were all tested. Nobody had it.
I'd definitely insist on a chat with that M.E. then.
How about a day of remembrance for all the unarmed black people killed by police?

Is there a reason you wouldn’t lobby for a day of remembrance for all the police killed by armed black men?
What about a day of remembrance for the victims of blacks in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and NYC?
I'd definitely insist on a chat with that M.E. then.

That's not my call and my cousins didn't say what they would do next. They are both business owners and conservative Republicans who believe much of this Covid stuff is way overblown.

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