Prof thinks we used "too much force" to capture terrorists.

There is a quality of difference rather than kind to that, indeed, Sunshine.

In many of the Muslim sects, they hear daily rhetoric to war on the infidels, and a few do.

In many of the reactionary Christian sects, they hear daily rhetoric about whatever and there is almost no violence.
Our daily rhetoric is to live godly, gentle lives, and to love those who hate us and wish to do us harm. I'm adjured regularly by my Sunday school teacher to pray for and think lovingly of those who attack Christians and Christianity.
The reason why this made the light of day is so people could see what an idiot she is. She is a professor and her idiot ideas are transmitted to others. The young woman who thinks that we could stop rape if we told men not to rape is in the same class as she is.
I'm betting the Professor would be singing a different tune if someone she loved was injured or killed by these 2 bastards.

Neither of them is or was a bastard. Each is or was a son of a fine couple of god's children. Somewhere along the line, they took the path of evil.

I'm holding back to see if that 'find couple of god' was involved. A cyber dollar says they were. Even if only to the extent of the sons hearing the daily rhetoric about the 'infidels and the great satan.'
I'd lay odds that the main source of radicalization of these two came from their imam here...or whatever you call those demented "leaders" that encourage children to volunteer to blow themselves up or otherwise die for the cause. It's been noticed that these leaders do not volunteer to do these evil deeds themselves.

My point is that all newborns are innocent and unknowing. They are guided through life by many things...parents, siblings, peers, teachers, religious leaders and whatever else they contact along the road. If their parents encouraged them to do these horrendous deeds, their own instructions came from radical leaders of Islam. At one time, each of his parents was also an innocent, unknowing child of god. The root cause of this evil is radical Islam and the idiocy of setting up a delusional, perverted asshole like Mohammed as your prophet.:cuckoo:
Our daily rhetoric is to live godly, gentle lives, and to love those who hate us and wish to do us harm. I'm adjured regularly by my Sunday school teacher to pray for and think lovingly of those who attack Christians and Christianity.

Then your Sunday School teacher should be online here with us so that she can get a good gander at how you follow that advice. :doubt:
Radical muslims get radicalization from the mosques and community centers then that radicalization is enhanced by the radicalization they get in the schools, universities and colleges. It's the radical echo chamber only instead of fading away, each echo gets louder.
Neither of them is or was a bastard. Each is or was a son of a fine couple of god's children. Somewhere along the line, they took the path of evil.

I'm holding back to see if that 'find couple of god' was involved. A cyber dollar says they were. Even if only to the extent of the sons hearing the daily rhetoric about the 'infidels and the great satan.'
I'd lay odds that the main source of radicalization of these two came from their imam here...or whatever you call those demented "leaders" that encourage children to volunteer to blow themselves up or otherwise die for the cause. It's been noticed that these leaders do not volunteer to do these evil deeds themselves.

Nor do they volunteer their kids but they do teach and preach their hateful message to other's kids. They nurture that hate in young, impressionable, often disillusioned not-too-brights. Evidently Islam has more than their fair share of them.
Goes to show lefty profs can be as idiotic as any of our far right reactionaries here.
Stupid professor.

Neither the right nor the left has a monopoly on idiocy (or smarts) but as has been established, this stupid prof gets paid to teach our young, impressionable kids. Ward Churchill was also once a paid professor:

Ward Churchill September 11 attacks essay controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Churchill may be fired from his faculty position at the University of Colorado for having written and spoken some of the most moronic nonsense ever to emanate from the mouth of an alleged academic. But he should not be punished for being a hack. The folks who hired him should. - Dahlia Lithwick , Slate, February 10, 2005
Fuck you, you anti American, terrorist sympathizing, dishonest piece of pig shit. Stop polluting my threads.
"City University of New York Professor Ruth O'Brien complains in an op-ed that "too much force" had been used against Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed by the police.

Read more: Professor: We Used 'Too Much Force' Capturing Boston Bombers | Ruth O'Brien | Fox Nation"

She was alarmed by the mortuary pics of the elder bomber. :cuckoo:

How does someone that STUPID get to teach anyone's kids? :puke:
Liberals actually breed.:eusa_angel:

Yes we do. :D....but not all of us agree with that Professor.
Liberal professor whines that liberal terrorists were killed.

Ok, whatever, no one is surprised by the way these traitors always support the enemies of the USA.
She said nothing about excess in oppressing people and invading private homes.

Guess the ideology kicked in!!

All property is theft and all that!!

Liberal terrorists? mean bad guys who terrorize liberals. I think they had a few RWrs wetting their undies too.
In one respect I sort of agree with her. The show of force and multi-millions and millions of dollars of hardware on the street to catch the second suspect was absolutely pathetic and kind of evil by the government. Especially since in spite of all that, they really accomplished dick. However, fuck the first suspect and I hope he's burning in hell right now.
Of course you do. Nobody here would have doubted that you would agree with her.
he was run over by his brother.

how many unused bombs did they find after wards?

to pretend these guys were not ready to kill some more if they could is insane.

who are you people who seek to blame the first responders?

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