Professor Says Illegals Hurt Economy, Fascist Left Demands He Be Fired

The fascist Left must silence all opposing views and will at best destroy your life, worst end it just because you didn’t parrot their anti-American BS.

Illegal immigrants can hurt US economy, professor argues, prompting calls for his firing
It is against the Liberal laws, and the Fact that this outcry proveds the Democrats are racist. Attacking a non white over what he thinks is just the way they roll. Been doing it for over 200 years. These are the same people who give slavery ten different names but it is all slavery.
The fascist Left must silence all opposing views and will at best destroy your life, worst end it just because you didn’t parrot their anti-American BS.

Illegal immigrants can hurt US economy, professor argues, prompting calls for his firing

Yes. Reminds me of all the talk about the new Chinese Social Credit system. What I want to know, hear all about from our radical leftist fellow citizens, is why is it that in order to achieve political victory of any meaningful kind all opposition voices must be silenced . . . stamped out. Don't they realize that if their "message" had real merit and meaning, it would be capable of standing on its own in the minds of rational, sane American Voters? The key problem for modern political leftism in America is your average American can see right through the façade of Democrat deception on every last running platform, clear through to the decay and rot of bad ideas just beneath their surface. Without silencing all opposing political voices, the radical American Left would truly stand no chance of ever winning an election based on the psycho circus madness they're trying to sell us daily. If they cannot successfully cheat the system, they will lose . . . every time.

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