Professor Says Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

On the contrary. As I said, I can explain any "conservative" view on an issue and you guys can't explain a liberal view. I even offered to do it and so far, I've seen about a half dozen "yer dumb" comments in reply.

Proving my point. You guys can't explain our positions, but we can explain yours. Kinda sounds like that means we're smarter.

Please explain my position on abortion. Thanks in advance.

I'd be happy to, but you haven't stated your position on abortion.
On the contrary. As I said, I can explain any "conservative" view on an issue and you guys can't explain a liberal view. I even offered to do it and so far, I've seen about a half dozen "yer dumb" comments in reply.

Proving my point. You guys can't explain our positions, but we can explain yours. Kinda sounds like that means we're smarter.

Please explain my position on abortion. Thanks in advance.

I'd be happy to, but you haven't stated your position on abortion.

So, you can explain my position on abortion if i explain it to you first? I thought you knew all conservatives' views on everything (despite me not being a conservative)?
Cut for content. Read the full post at Cameron Harris

Colorado Watchdog recently analyzed the political contributions of employees at 27 publicly supported campuses. What they found was truly astonishing, but one professor’s explanation is even more surprising.

The group found that University of Colorado employees gave Barack Obama $38,335 while only giving $6,550 to the Romney campaign. Colorado State faculty gave $13,175 to Obama while not a cent was given to Mitt Romney.

It has long been an accepted fact that academia is glaringly more biased towards liberal politicians and policies. These campaign numbers reinforce that claim, but many wonder why.

One professor thinks he has the answer.

Drew Westen, professor of Psychology at Emory University, feels that this data “confirms his sense that academics are smarter than everyone else.” Now I don’t think that many of us would take any issue with this claim. Academics devote their entire lives to the quest for knowledge, and they are most likely far superior to the majority of the rest of us in intelligence.

The next claim that Dr. Westen makes is the one that is disturbing and quite ridiculous.

Dr. Westen goes on to say: “That suggests that people who think logically and have been selected for intellect are more convinced by Democrats than Republicans. Perhaps that’s not a surprise when you take into consideration that Republicans defy basic math by arguing that you can cut deficits by throwing public employees out of work, which cuts the number of taxpayers (and hence reduces tax revenue), or that you can increase revenue by cutting taxes to the rich. Democrats tend to believe in science, e.g., they don’t believe in angels or Satan, but they do believe in evolution.”

No one is denying government has a ROLE to play
Oh really now? No one is denying that?


I can't be held accountable for your inability to understand basic English. So, we agree that public funds go to build bridges, roads etc... We agree that those play an important role in fostering business. We agree that government has a role to play in funding these projects...

Remind me again, what is it about Obama's statement you disagree with? Other than the fact he's a Dem?

What we're objecting to id Liz "Cheekbone" Warren and Barack "You didn't build that" Obama taking credit away from the Private sector and claiming all good flows from government as they both clearly stated
So you're objecting to a strawman that you created? OK then. Have fun with that straw.

Government plays a role in civil society, I don't know where you Libs get the bizarre notion that we're calling for the elimination of government, but since you and TM and Deany all say that, it must must been a "thought" fed into the Collective.

Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade.

If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”

I object to Obama (and apparently yours too since you've surrendered your ability for independent thought) notion that success is Totally owed to the government just because they collected the taxes that built the roads and bridges. It's backward, it's an idea from someone who never worked a day in the private sector and in fact is on record as calling the private sector "behind enemy lines" and gave us a 1984ish video show how the government takes care of Julia her whole life through.

[ame=]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]
That's not surprising, most progressives always think they are the smartest in the room
Don't be stupid, dude. You know exactly what I meant. It was pretty clear.

I did? You stated you can give the conservative view of anything.


If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position.

So, you're referring to a "point" as a basis behind a position? So, for example, a conservative position on abortion might be that it shouldn't be allowed at all because a human life deserves to be protected. What's there to explain about that point?
Cut for content. Read the full post at Cameron Harris

Colorado Watchdog recently analyzed the political contributions of employees at 27 publicly supported campuses. What they found was truly astonishing, but one professor’s explanation is even more surprising.

The group found that University of Colorado employees gave Barack Obama $38,335 while only giving $6,550 to the Romney campaign. Colorado State faculty gave $13,175 to Obama while not a cent was given to Mitt Romney.

It has long been an accepted fact that academia is glaringly more biased towards liberal politicians and policies. These campaign numbers reinforce that claim, but many wonder why.

Wrong. We don't wonder why. We aleady know the answer: they are sucking on the government tit. Professors are liberal because they know who feeds them. Students are more liberal because they spend 5 days a week getting bamboozled by liberal professors. It's really that simple.

Anyone who isn't a college professors knows this without it being explained to them. Only a college professor thinks it needs explaining. That proves they are more stupid than the majority of taxapyers who pay their salaries.
I did? You stated you can give the conservative view of anything.


If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position.

So, you're referring to a "point" as a basis behind a position? So, for example, a conservative position on abortion might be that it shouldn't be allowed at all because a human life deserves to be protected. What's there to explain about that point?

Let me re-phrase since you're just trying to be a dick and this will save everyone some time.

Someone state a "conservative" POSITION on an issue and I can fully explain that position.

Feel better now?

christ ...
Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade..

Einstein and virtually all theoretical physicists are and were supported in large part by government grants.

I'm so sorry you never learned to read! It must be tragic to be you.

In the meantime shut your fucking piehole until you find a grown up to read this to you, "Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat."
I'm so sorry you never learned to read! It must be tragic to be you.

In the meantime shut your fucking piehole until you find a grown up to read this to you, "Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat."

Hey there, you racist, cowardly fuck. I'm still waiting for you to man up and state your position. Take your time. I know you move slowly what with no back bone and all.

Friedman is wrong.


Don't involve yourself in things way above your diminished mental capacity, you could hurt yourself

Oh, this will be fun. Lets get you on record.

Are you saying, that EVERY major achievement in civilization has NOT come from government bureaus, but rather from capitalism and largely free trade? EVERY major achievement.

Also, are you saying, that the ONLY way to improve the lives of ordinary people is through the free-enterprise system? The ONLY way.

Please answer. I want you on record for this.
Lie about the context? That's hilarious. The right has created an entire cottage industry related to lying about the context of this quote (and others, of course. They lie with the same ease others breathe. It's just what they do.

Except for the fact that the right hasnt needed to lie about the quote. We just play Obama's words. He said exactly what we claim he said. Dont need to alter the quote whatsoever.
It has been a mystery to conservatives why an intellectual approach to politics leads to the left because they cannot accept the obvious conclusion, conservative politics requires a willingness to accept too many fallacies and never question them. It is not precisely a question of intelligence but a measure of authoritarian following behavior.

There's no mystery whatsoever. "intellectual approach" my ass. The leftwinger approaches politics the exact same way a thug approaches his victim. The "fallacies" are all on the leftwing side of the ledger, like the idea that riasing taxes is good for the economy. Any 8-year-old would laugh at such a proposition, if anyone ever dared to utter it out loud that is. Nevertheless, leftwingers all expect us to believe that tax increases are the answer to all our economic difficulties.

The stupidity and gullibility of leftwingers defies the comprehension of rational human beings.
Friedman is wrong.


Don't involve yourself in things way above your diminished mental capacity, you could hurt yourself

Oh, this will be fun. Lets get you on record.

Are you saying, that EVERY major achievement in civilization has NOT come from government bureaus, but rather from capitalism and largely free trade? EVERY major achievement.

Also, are you saying, that the ONLY way to improve the lives of ordinary people is through the free-enterprise system? The ONLY way.

Please answer. I want you on record for this.

This conversation is beyond you, I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to say.

The Roman built the aqueducts and the Colosseum and those are still standing today. Were they "bureaucrats" by today's standards? Nope.

Today Bureaucrats run NY City Public Housing and they only thing they created is poverty and slums.

Look at the People republic of Vietnam, which is now economically to the right of the "American Left. When Bureaucrats ran their economy they had to import 2 millions tons of rice annual to keep the population from starving. The Bureaucrats were handed their walking papers, free enterprise directs the economy and they are now the second largest exporter of rice on the planet

Did you follow that?

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