Professor Says Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade.

If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”

Friedman is wrong.
The country is on the verge of financial collapse, massive unemployment, dollar continues down the devaluation slide, and people spend time ranting about what party is of greater intellect? Really, come on! Then we have the argument about which came first, private enterprise addressing needs of the public and governments claim that without their esteemed wisdom and direction America would not be where it is today, another version of the chicken or the egg debate. Possibly if the government wasn't so large that it sucks the life blood out of the economy we would have a clearer picture.
I've had enough conversations with "conservatives" on this board where they simply choose to ignore recent history (ie. tax receipts from 2001-2003) that I believe, yes, generally speaking, liberals are more intelligent.

If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position. They will be unable to explain the liberal position.

A logical mind would be at a loss to explain a liberal position...

And again someone proves my point.

This thread is awesome.
The country is on the verge of financial collapse, massive unemployment, dollar continues down the devaluation slide, and people spend time ranting about what party is of greater intellect? Really, come on! Then we have the argument about which came first, private enterprise addressing needs of the public and governments claim that without their esteemed wisdom and direction America would not be where it is today, another version of the chicken or the egg debate. Possibly if the government wasn't so large that it sucks the life blood out of the economy we would have a clearer picture.

Full of shit. unemployment is by no means in a good range but its been much higher before, and inflation has been well kept in check. You're confusing the price of gold with the price of milk
I've had enough conversations with "conservatives" on this board where they simply choose to ignore recent history (ie. tax receipts from 2001-2003) that I believe, yes, generally speaking, liberals are more intelligent.

If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position. They will be unable to explain the liberal position.

A logical mind would be at a loss to explain a liberal position...

And again someone proves my point.

This thread is awesome.

You have no point to prove. Enjoy your pop tart.
Common sense coupled with basic mathematic and accounting skills far outshines some collegiate intellect isolated in a insulated vacuum.
I've had enough conversations with "conservatives" on this board where they simply choose to ignore recent history (ie. tax receipts from 2001-2003) that I believe, yes, generally speaking, liberals are more intelligent.

If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position. They will be unable to explain the liberal position.

How does laying off public employees decrease tax revenue?

I never said it did. I would guess because when someone is unemployed they don't spend as much and therefore there is less revenue from sales tax.

How is this a "conservative" position?

I never said you did say that did I? I was responding to your " challenge"

It was a mainstay in the OP that conservatives are stupid because they think laying off public employees won't decrease tax revenue. And guess what? They're right.

Sales tax is a state issue. And it still doesn't matter because the sales tax that public employees pay is still funded via the taxes of the private sector
A logical mind would be at a loss to explain a liberal position...

And again someone proves my point.

This thread is awesome.

You have no point to prove. Enjoy your pop tart.

On the contrary. As I said, I can explain any "conservative" view on an issue and you guys can't explain a liberal view. I even offered to do it and so far, I've seen about a half dozen "yer dumb" comments in reply.

Proving my point. You guys can't explain our positions, but we can explain yours. Kinda sounds like that means we're smarter.
How does laying off public employees decrease tax revenue?

I never said it did. I would guess because when someone is unemployed they don't spend as much and therefore there is less revenue from sales tax.

How is this a "conservative" position?

I never said you did say that did I? I was responding to your " challenge"

It was a mainstay in the OP that conservatives are stupid because they think laying off public employees won't decrease tax revenue. And guess what? They're right.

Sales tax is a state issue. And it still doesn't matter because the sales tax that public employees pay is still funded via the taxes of the private sector

Tax revenues go down across the board when people lose their jobs.

Its common sense.
On the contrary. As I said, I can explain any "conservative" view on an issue and you guys can't explain a liberal view. I even offered to do it and so far, I've seen about a half dozen "yer dumb" comments in reply.

Proving my point. You guys can't explain our positions, but we can explain yours. Kinda sounds like that means we're smarter.

Please explain my position on abortion. Thanks in advance.
The country is on the verge of financial collapse, massive unemployment, dollar continues down the devaluation slide, and people spend time ranting about what party is of greater intellect? Really, come on! Then we have the argument about which came first, private enterprise addressing needs of the public and governments claim that without their esteemed wisdom and direction America would not be where it is today, another version of the chicken or the egg debate. Possibly if the government wasn't so large that it sucks the life blood out of the economy we would have a clearer picture.

Full of shit. unemployment is by no means in a good range but its been much higher before, and inflation has been well kept in check. You're confusing the price of gold with the price of milk

Interesting but warped observation, however, maybe it's time you ceased from reading the teleprompter and did some research. FYI, if the Fed was not dumbing billions in the market to contain interest rates inflation would go through the roof. As for your pathetic position that the dollar is not suffering from the effects of devaluation maybe you should research the decline in purchasing power of the dollar over these past four years.
I've had enough conversations with "conservatives" on this board where they simply choose to ignore recent history (ie. tax receipts from 2001-2003) that I believe, yes, generally speaking, liberals are more intelligent.

If anyone would like a demonstration, give me a "conservative" point on an issue and I can fully explain their position. They will be unable to explain the liberal position.

A logical mind would be at a loss to explain a liberal position...

And again someone proves my point.

This thread is awesome.

And you proved mine. Let's take increasing taxes on the wealthy and giving that money to the 47% who pay no income taxes at all, can you explain that logically?
I never said it did. I would guess because when someone is unemployed they don't spend as much and therefore there is less revenue from sales tax.

How is this a "conservative" position?

I never said you did say that did I? I was responding to your " challenge"

It was a mainstay in the OP that conservatives are stupid because they think laying off public employees won't decrease tax revenue. And guess what? They're right.

Sales tax is a state issue. And it still doesn't matter because the sales tax that public employees pay is still funded via the taxes of the private sector

Tax revenues go down across the board when people lose their jobs.

Its common sense.

But you just stated unemployment was down and you further infer the economy was improving so how can tax revenues be in decline? Or is it the case of employment is higher than you wish to admit, corporate earnings are down, and we remain bogged down in the recession? Can't have it both ways slugger. One final note, if the value of gold is going up then one of two scenarios are present; the value, purchasing power, of currency is either going down, or people have lost faith in the currency based on the financial stability of the currency.
And again someone proves my point.

This thread is awesome.

You have no point to prove. Enjoy your pop tart.

On the contrary. As I said, I can explain any "conservative" view on an issue and you guys can't explain a liberal view. I even offered to do it and so far, I've seen about a half dozen "yer dumb" comments in reply.

Proving my point. You guys can't explain our positions, but we can explain yours. Kinda sounds like that means we're smarter.

We absolutely can explain your retarded positions. It's a piece of cake, every time.

And of course you think you are smarter than those that don't think like you. That's a no brainer that even a retard would understand, although a retard would probably not realize that such a proposition is without merit.
The country is on the verge of financial collapse, massive unemployment, dollar continues down the devaluation slide, and people spend time ranting about what party is of greater intellect? Really, come on! Then we have the argument about which came first, private enterprise addressing needs of the public and governments claim that without their esteemed wisdom and direction America would not be where it is today, another version of the chicken or the egg debate. Possibly if the government wasn't so large that it sucks the life blood out of the economy we would have a clearer picture.

Full of shit. unemployment is by no means in a good range but its been much higher before, and inflation has been well kept in check. You're confusing the price of gold with the price of milk

Interesting but warped observation, however, maybe it's time you ceased from reading the teleprompter and did some research. FYI, if the Fed was not dumbing billions in the market to contain interest rates inflation would go through the roof. As for your pathetic position that the dollar is not suffering from the effects of devaluation maybe you should research the decline in purchasing power of the dollar over these past four years.

I have done research. Both my points are correct. unemployment has been much higher in the past, and so has inflation.

As to inflation in the past 4 years, the CPI has risen from 218.1 to 229.5, for an annualized growth rate of 1.3%, very low by historic standards.
I don't know where you Libs get the bizarre notion that we're calling for the elimination of government

Primarily because you opposed 100% of it that isn't defense related.

Righties are even against public funding of parks for crying out loud.


Righties want to shut down the government

Righties want to shut down the government

Righties want to shut down the government

Righties want to shut down the government
Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade.

If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”

Friedman is wrong.


Don't involve yourself in things way above your diminished mental capacity, you could hurt yourself
Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade..

Einstein and virtually all theoretical physicists are and were supported in large part by government grants.
Here, I'll repeat Milton Friedman's words, he said it best, “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade.

If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”

Friedman is wrong.


Don't involve yourself in things way above your diminished mental capacity, you could hurt yourself

Oh, this will be fun. Lets get you on record.

Are you saying, that EVERY major achievement in civilization has NOT come from government bureaus, but rather from capitalism and largely free trade? EVERY major achievement.

Also, are you saying, that the ONLY way to improve the lives of ordinary people is through the free-enterprise system? The ONLY way.

Please answer. I want you on record for this.

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