PROG actress names her child for genitals

It wouldn't surprise me if that vapid bitch did that on purpose. Screw the kid, that's funny!
OK. Have to admit, this was funny as hell. Parents sometimes don't think of the long term ramifications of picking certain names for your child or posting childhood videos. The Internet is forever and those things can come back to haunt your kids in a short period of time. You don't have to be famous to make this mistake. Ordinary people do it everyday.
I can see it now, they were stoned one night discussing how to avoid a preconceived gender identity based on mere genitalia. From there it was just a Freudian slip.
I had completely forgotten about that fat, sloppy fuck. And I wished it had remained that way.


Right now, my brain is so fucking mad at my eyeballs, but I did owe the OP one. We're even now.

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