CDZ Programs opposed by Conservatives that were successes

You call those few the successes? Most of those programs have been DISASTERS, despite whatever good they may have done here and there. Meantime, shall we not look at the long list of programs supported by Atheist-Socialist Leftards that have been a total crashing failure? We would be sure to break the server in the massive data overload.
Name one and why it is a disaster

Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
What a despicable response

I knew the truth would hurt you. Proves once again your real nature that you're all for injustice so long as it is only against white male Christians! YOU are a walking HATE CRIME. :1peleas:
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Now you are just trolling.
You didn't mention civil rights?
Not if you read the responses on this thread

Meh...I just wish you were more of a unifier than divider. You're smarter than this.
Liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals. We get the best policies when they work together, and we get shit policies when they go alone.
You should know that.
And right now America's Achilles heel is our divisions.
Name one and why it is a disaster

Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Name one and why it is a disaster

Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!

nd sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!

" You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!"

But I see conservative christians working as government employees REFUSING to do their job (denying gays marriage licenses) based on their religious beliefs.

" You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?"

I see businesses and people cower in fear of being accused of being COMMIES simply because they don't share the same hatreds as conservatives.

" The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist."

Just because we recognize "racism" when we hear it and then denounce it doesn't make us "anti-white"

Sometimes racism really is can say "calling a spade a spade" but if you refer to blacks is n---ers or claim they are inferior then you are a racist.


This is just pure nonsense.

I AM white
mid 60's

I certainly don't hate myself.

" Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain."

gays treated with respect?
women treated as independent?


" It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

You probably don't realize that MOST of the POWERFUL people who tell you these things on 000whiteprivb.jpg 000WHITEPRIVa.jpg Fox news and breitbart and throughout the republican party are white males and females?

" And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!"

Good for him.
It proves he is a sane and rational person.
Name one and why it is a disaster

Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!
I remember the days white males used to have all the high paying jobs reserved for them

Today, you can’t even admit to being a white male ....Nobody will make you a wedding cake
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Now you are just trolling.
You didn't mention civil rights?
Not if you read the responses on this thread

Meh...I just wish you were more of a unifier than divider. You're smarter than this.
Liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals. We get the best policies when they work together, and we get shit policies when they go alone.
You should know that.
And right now America's Achilles heel is our divisions.
Conservatives threw away any semblance of bipartisanship once Obama was elected
Here's one to add to your list.

Racially segregated housing projects.

Conservatives opposed federal housing projects from day 1 and tried unsuccessfully to torpedo the bill by adding a desegregation amendment, which was hugely unpopular with Democrats but it was overturned. Segregated housing became a reality and was the precursor to modern destitute black ghettos and affluent white suburbia.
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Now you are just trolling.
You didn't mention civil rights?
Not if you read the responses on this thread

Meh...I just wish you were more of a unifier than divider. You're smarter than this.
Liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals. We get the best policies when they work together, and we get shit policies when they go alone.
You should know that.
And right now America's Achilles heel is our divisions.
Conservatives threw away any semblance of bipartisanship once Obama was elected

C'mon...the Democrats did the same thing with Reagan.
One of these days i would love to win you over to the middle...and realize that corruption and corporatism is the real enemy. And BOTH sides are no less corrupt than they other. Like Obama, he was a globalist and a corporatist. Bush was AWOL, Obama was an active participant in the continual investor class takeover of America.
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Now you are just trolling.
You didn't mention civil rights?
Not if you read the responses on this thread

Meh...I just wish you were more of a unifier than divider. You're smarter than this.
Liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals. We get the best policies when they work together, and we get shit policies when they go alone.
You should know that.
And right now America's Achilles heel is our divisions.
Conservatives threw away any semblance of bipartisanship once Obama was elected

C'mon...the Democrats did the same thing with Reagan.
One of these days i would love to win you over to the middle...and realize that corruption and corporatism is the real enemy. And BOTH sides are no less corrupt than they other. Like Obama, he was a globalist and a corporatist. Bush was AWOL, Obama was an active participant in the continual investor class takeover of America.
Tip ONeil worked with Reagan. He couldn’t have passed his agenda without Democrats crossing the aisle
Democrats worked with W Bush

Not a single Republican would work with Obama
Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!
I remember the days white males used to have all the high paying jobs reserved for them
That was only because white males created 99% of all the big corporations, invented 99% of all the big new ideas and technologies, and were 99% of the best educated, hardest working and most qualified. Other than that, we didn't have shit. PS: We still are.

Today, you can’t even admit to being a white male ....Nobody will make you a wedding cake
That's so stupid it doesn't even make any sense, but then, consider the source.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!
I remember the days white males used to have all the high paying jobs reserved for them
That was only because white males created 99% of all the big corporations, invented 99% of all the big new ideas and technologies, and were 99% of the best educated, hardest working and most qualified. Other than that, we didn't have shit. PS: We still are.

Today, you can’t even admit to being a white male ....Nobody will make you a wedding cake
That's so stupid it doesn't even make any sense, but then, consider the source.
Thanks for showing why Affirmative Action was necessary
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!
I remember the days white males used to have all the high paying jobs reserved for them
That was only because white males created 99% of all the big corporations, invented 99% of all the big new ideas and technologies, and were 99% of the best educated, hardest working and most qualified. Other than that, we didn't have shit. PS: We still are.

Today, you can’t even admit to being a white male ....Nobody will make you a wedding cake
That's so stupid it doesn't even make any sense, but then, consider the source.
Thanks for showing why Affirmative Action was necessary

Yes, necessary to put skin color above qualification so that the work force could be artificially populated with a forced, unnatural even distribution of whites and minorities even though whites were 80% of the population and 99% of the most qualified. Once again, RW shows that he was all for countless best-qualified people being turned down for decades for the jobs they were trained for so that much lesser qualified people could take their jobs based solely on their skin color thus weakening the talent pool of the nation! Congratulations, dude, you just fingered yourself not only as a pro-social-engineering prog, but a racist one at that. You discriminate against whites based purely on their skin color because it is the only way folks like you can get ahead.
"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."
I don't see any "special status" or "power"
Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.

You don't see conservative Christians or whites with the power to call the EOC or someone else and cry that a bakery wouldn't make your cake and rather than have them tell you to GET A FUCKING LIFE and try going to another bakery and slamming the phone on you instead have the full force of the federal government come out under the power of the Attorney General to slam your business down and stand on your neck till you can't breathe do you? I don't!

You don't see businesses and individuals cower in fear of being accused of being a racist (anti-black, because they are the only race I guess) or sexist because THESE groups haven't been given elite status, do you?

The very fact that being called "racist" presumes you are anti-black shows the highest racism of all. It means you can hate whites or anyone else all you want, and that is OK because again, no one's going to slam you down. Unless it is a black calling you a racist.

Gays have been given such lofty status that now gayness is being PROMOTED on television in practically every TV show and movie, and sexism promoted in the form of replacing formerly white male roles with women even when it doesn't make any sense, rather than create a new role for themselves. Women are even portrayed and promoted as being finally independent of white men and no longer needing them like we were some kind of a weight and chain.

It has gone to the point of the government and political correctness in the media being SO anti-white male christian now that they've even invented a new catch phrase for it all and they call it: WHITE PRIVILEGE, when in fact, whites have no privileges left, they've all been taken away and given to gays, blacks and now women BY FORCE, and now, whites have more things going against them than anyone.

And Rightwinger is 100% for all of this injustice, you can tell because he THANKED your post!
I remember the days white males used to have all the high paying jobs reserved for them
That was only because white males created 99% of all the big corporations, invented 99% of all the big new ideas and technologies, and were 99% of the best educated, hardest working and most qualified. Other than that, we didn't have shit. PS: We still are.

Today, you can’t even admit to being a white male ....Nobody will make you a wedding cake
That's so stupid it doesn't even make any sense, but then, consider the source.
Thanks for showing why Affirmative Action was necessary

Yes, necessary to put skin color above qualification so that the work force could be artificially populated with a forced, unnatural even distribution of whites and minorities even though whites were 80% of the population and 99% of the most qualified. Once again, RW shows that he was all for countless best-qualified people being turned down for decades for the jobs they were trained for so that much lesser qualified people could take their jobs based solely on their skin color thus weakening the talent pool of the nation! Congratulations, dude, you just fingered yourself not only as a pro-social-engineering prog, but a racist one at that. You discriminate against whites based purely on their skin color because it is the only way folks like you can get ahead.
Thanks for proving my point about affirmative action
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

These were successes !!!??????


Environmental Protection was passed nearly unanimously and signed by Nixon. Since that time, Conservatives have turned against it to the point Trump refuses to enforce it

EPA has ensured we have clean air, rivers, uncontaminated land

And the states don't have their own EPA' it is total doomsday....

Social Security is the cornerstone of Americans retirement

Prior to Social Security, people would work until they were physically unable and would then live with their children. If there were no kids they went to the poor house.

Social Security allowed people to actually retire

And eat catfood.

Social Security should be renamed "Let's fuck our grandkids".
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

These were successes !!!??????



Our country is better off for them

Ask Americans if they want to get rid of them
Social Security is the cornerstone of Americans retirement

Prior to Social Security, people would work until they were physically unable and would then live with their children. If there were no kids they went to the poor house.

Social Security allowed people to actually retire

And eat catfood.

Social Security should be renamed "Let's fuck our grandkids".
Children benefit from Social Security
Environmental Protection was passed nearly unanimously and signed by Nixon. Since that time, Conservatives have turned against it to the point Trump refuses to enforce it

EPA has ensured we have clean air, rivers, uncontaminated land

And the states don't have their own EPA' it is total doomsday....


Can you imagine state run EPAs?
With each state lowering the bar to lure businesses away from other states

Sure you can dump in our rivers......we don't mind
Name one and why it is a disaster

Why stop at one?
Medicare: bankrupting the nation while not really paying for the care people need!
Social Security: bankrupting the nation through government mismanagement while only letting old people starve more slowly.
EPA: weaponized strong-arm of the government used to attack people like Gibson Guitar like the gestapo for no good reason at all, and taking people's land.
OSHA: does some good while drastically increasing costs to companies and thus the services and products they provider to the consumer.
Affirmative Action: After decades of passing over better qualified white people, blacks are STILL poor and cannot find a job.
Gay Right: Gays have no rights that any other person doesn't have except government force now levied to use them to put bakeries out of business for simply not wanting to violate their religious beliefs.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Does a lot of good if you can get labeled disabled. Problem is the red tape for a lot of truly disabled people who fall through the government cracks.
Let’s look at gays before gay rights legislation
They were routinely beaten up by rednecks who would say...... that fag tried to grope me so I hit him
They were afraid to admit they were gay because they would lose their jobs
If they were in the military they could get arrested
They could not marry the person they loved
What were you saying about cakes?
Fine so you isolated a particular instance of injustice. All they had to do is not go around telling people they were gay or acting overtly queer and they could avoid 90% of all that! Don't you see, EVERYONE goes through things like that in one way, time or another, all the law has done is elevate them now to a SPECIAL CLASS while ignoring the problems of 10,000 other situations! Worse, it has now foisted some of the injustice they used to face now onto the laps of other people. The law solved nothing but move things around. Had it not been for the new special gay laws, a religious couple trying to merely run a quiet bakery could have protected their own religious interests and a gay couple would have merely said, Oh well, we'll go try the bakery two blocks down the street, instead, it became a FEDERAL matter costing people hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost costing them their lives and business!

All the "law" has done is create a BIGGER problem for a new set of people. Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have. And now many gays are leveraging that power against those they don't like. Government solves everything by force with threat of a gun. You never really solve anything that way and now a new problem simply exists for more people than before, meantime all other problems for other people have been ignored. The idea that you can solve everything with a new law has only led us to a gigantic, oppressive government and an over-regulated society.

"Gays are not normal, but we've decided to accept them. But they should not be given a special status with power over us that other people don't have."

I don't see any "special status" or "power"

Personally I don't think ANY like-minded group of Americans should have "special status" or "power". Not even conservative christians or white males.
Environmental Protection was passed nearly unanimously and signed by Nixon. Since that time, Conservatives have turned against it to the point Trump refuses to enforce it

EPA has ensured we have clean air, rivers, uncontaminated land

I believe you are wrong here. Like with almost any government program, the bureaucrats went regulation crazy and started passing regulations that did little good but came with an exorbitant cost.

Everyone wants clean air and water. But we simply cannot afford PRISTINE air and water.


EPA set strict standards
Yea , we know it saves you money dumping your contaminants directly in the river

It has been a major success
I remember pre 1970 America

No one has a problem with strict standards. They do have a problem with unreasonable standards. There always has to be a cost/benefit analysis done when enacting these regulations. The eco-zealots have went beyond reasonable.


Benefits over how long a period?
Costs are short term. Environmental impacts can be lasting

Come on. You truly don't believe that spending billions on iota's is logical, do you?

I trust the EPA more when they tell me what is safe to release into the environment than I trust manufacturers to tell me .....Don’t worry, this stuff can’t hurt you
Now you are just trolling.
You didn't mention civil rights?
Not if you read the responses on this thread

Meh...I just wish you were more of a unifier than divider. You're smarter than this.
Liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals. We get the best policies when they work together, and we get shit policies when they go alone.
You should know that.
And right now America's Achilles heel is our divisions.
Conservatives threw away any semblance of bipartisanship once Obama was elected

C'mon...the Democrats did the same thing with Reagan.
One of these days i would love to win you over to the middle...and realize that corruption and corporatism is the real enemy. And BOTH sides are no less corrupt than they other. Like Obama, he was a globalist and a corporatist. Bush was AWOL, Obama was an active participant in the continual investor class takeover of America.
Tip ONeil worked with Reagan. He couldn’t have passed his agenda without Democrats crossing the aisle
Democrats worked with W Bush

Not a single Republican would work with Obama

Ah but at the same time, Obama wouldn't work wit the Republicans. Obama's idea of "working" with them was to provide them the opportunity to agree with him. Obama didn't exactly help the relationship himself on many levels.
But this is what you get with a divided nation. One party will not dare to work with the other. You place more importance on who started this, I place more importance on stopping it.
We have a very well organized layered system of media/entertainment/education/advertising industries that work in unison to continue to divide us. And it is working spectacularly. Corporations/elite wealthy class are extracting every bit of value they can from the masses and none of us are paying any attention to it. We are too busy with Trump Derangement Syndrome and AOC syndrome to notice.

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