Progressive Government Fails

Progressive economic ideas come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail rate

The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

If we could lay the crash of 08 at someone's feet it would be Barney Frank and his ilk.
Harding/Coolidge USA 1920's

Thanks for proving my point.

I'm sure the crash of 1929 had nothing to do with the "1920'" was caused by gay marriage.

The feeble attempt at humor doesn't hide the fact that you have no understanding of the period.

Foremost....FDR turned a recession into 'The Great Depression.'

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.

2. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.” This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

3. After the stock market crash,, the Dow hit 250 in 1930 under Hoover (it had been 343 before the crash). January 1940, after seven years of the New Deal, the market had collapsed to 151, and remained in the low 100’s through most of FDR’s terms.

Get this:

4. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

5. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

What your post does reveal is that the Left has no ability to judge which federal policies are important....and which are not.
My point is that you idiots are living in the past and have to stretch to find examples of anything remotely worthy of what you would consider conservative government success stories.


The Reagan 80's

You really want to go there? let me know...

You really go out of your way to prove how uninformed and indoctrinated you are.

1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
a. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
b. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
c. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
d. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
e. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) FDsys - Browse ERP
f. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

2. “Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”
How Capitalism Will Save Us - Forbes
Sure....see post #26.

So the crash in 29 was unrelated to the "roaring 20's" you so eagerly cited? Is that your position?

The Roaring Twenties was due to Republican policies.

The magnification of the recession into the Great Depression was due to the policies of Emperor Franklin the First......

Did you know that FDR was a Democrat?
True story.

Not what I asked you. But nice try at dodging the question.

The crash that happened in 29....was it, or was it not related to the "roaring 20's"?

Let's try again.
Thanks for proving my point.

I'm sure the crash of 1929 had nothing to do with the "1920'" was caused by gay marriage.

The feeble attempt at humor doesn't hide the fact that you have no understanding of the period.

Foremost....FDR turned a recession into 'The Great Depression.'

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.

2. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.” This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

3. After the stock market crash,, the Dow hit 250 in 1930 under Hoover (it had been 343 before the crash). January 1940, after seven years of the New Deal, the market had collapsed to 151, and remained in the low 100’s through most of FDR’s terms.

Get this:

4. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

5. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

What your post does reveal is that the Left has no ability to judge which federal policies are important....and which are not.

Nobody cares you daft bitch.

You're living proof the world can take a joke.
Progressive economic ideas come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail rate

The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

Wait, is the stock market good today? You approve of the Fed putting the American people in debt an additional $85B/month to help the 1% fatcats?

$85B * 12 = $1 trillion.

Looks like CF completely missed the news from the CBO on the deficit.

CBO Sees Deficit Narrowing to $642 Billion -

WASHINGTON—A rapidly shrinking federal budget deficit is upending bipartisan talks to reach a federal budget deal, illustrating the conundrum Washington faces with an improving near-term fiscal outlook but continued longer-term pressures tied to aging baby boomers.

The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the federal deficit is expected to shrink to $642 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, narrowing from the agency's estimate of $845 billion three months ago and sharply lower than last year's $1.087 trillion shortfall.
Progressive economic ideas come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail rate

The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

If we could lay the crash of 08 at someone's feet it would be Barney Frank and his ilk.

Nope, Republican "free market deregulation" is what opened the door for Wall St to fund the Great Subprime Mortgage Scam.
Thanks for proving my point.

The only point you have in on top of your head.

Bet you can't figure out why the period was called "The Roaring Twenties."

Reality bites.

Remind me again how the 20's ended?

The Progressive Herbert Hoover got elected and embarked on progressive policies.
What was your point here? Is that you're an ignoramus who gets his ass handed to him? Or that periods of prosperity and expansion under conservatives get derailed by progressives when they take power?
You're right on both counts.
The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

If we could lay the crash of 08 at someone's feet it would be Barney Frank and his ilk.

Nope, Republican "free market deregulation" is what opened the door for Wall St to fund the Great Subprime Mortgage Scam.

Remind what deregulation occurred after 2000.
The only point you have in on top of your head.

Bet you can't figure out why the period was called "The Roaring Twenties."

Reality bites.

Remind me again how the 20's ended?

The Progressive Herbert Hoover got elected and embarked on progressive policies.
What was your point here? Is that you're an ignoramus who gets his ass handed to him? Or that periods of prosperity and expansion under conservatives get derailed by progressives when they take power?
You're right on both counts.

Which of Hoovers policies caused the crash? (specifically)
Remind me again how the 20's ended?

The Progressive Herbert Hoover got elected and embarked on progressive policies.
What was your point here? Is that you're an ignoramus who gets his ass handed to him? Or that periods of prosperity and expansion under conservatives get derailed by progressives when they take power?
You're right on both counts.

Which of Hoovers policies caused the crash? (specifically)

Specifically the Smoot Hawley tarriff, although there were multiple causes.

Smoot Hawley was the Obamacare of its day.
If we could lay the crash of 08 at someone's feet it would be Barney Frank and his ilk.

Nope, Republican "free market deregulation" is what opened the door for Wall St to fund the Great Subprime Mortgage Scam.

Remind what deregulation occurred after 2000.

"Free market deregulation" began with Gingrich's Contract on America in the 1990's. By the 2000's it resulted in the Enron, Worldcom, Arthur Anderson financial scandals. The deregulation of Glass-Stiegall was the what opened the door for the Great Subprime Mortgage Scam. And yes, WJC did sign it but it was all part of the Republican deregulation dogma that resulted in the 2008 collapse.

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