Progressive Likes

Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions, and then their treatment is altered (without telling them) in order to facilitate a profitable *harvest* of baby organs.
Progressives wrote the Constitution, I guess they all can't be bad...
No, they were not progressives.

Progressives didn't come into being until the beginning of the 20th century.

Nice try though.

"Progressivism was the reform movement that ran from the late 19th century through the first decades of the 20th century, during which leading intellectuals and social reformers in the United States sought to address the economic, political, and cultural questions that had arisen in the context of the rapid changes brought with the Industrial Revolution and the growth of modern capitalism in America. "

"...Progressivism transformed American politics. What was that transformation? It was a total rejection in theory, and a partial rejection in practice, of the principles and policies on which America had been founded and on the basis of which the Civil War had been fought and won only a few years earlier. "

The Progressive Movement and the Transformation of American Politics
Progressives wrote the Constitution, I guess they all can't be bad...

Progressives didn't come into being until the beginning of the 20th century.
Proud to be a Progressive

Progressives loved them some Nazis...and Nazis loved progressives...

"The Founders believed that all men are created equal and that they have certain inalienable rights. All are also obliged to obey the natural law, under which we have not only rights but duties. We are obliged "to respect those rights in others which we value in ourselves" (Jefferson). The main rights were thought to be life and liberty, including the liberty to organize one's own church, to associate at work or at home with whomever one pleases, and to use one's talents to acquire and keep property. For the Founders, then, there is a natural moral order -- rules discovered by human reason that promote human well-being, rules that can and should guide human life and politics.

"The Progressives rejected these claims as naive and unhistorical. In their view, human beings are not born free. John Dewey, the most thoughtful of the Progressives, wrote that freedom is not "something that individuals have as a ready-made possession." It is "something to be achieved." In this view, freedom is not a gift of God or nature. It is a product of human making, a gift of the state. Man is a product of his own history, through which he collectively creates himself. He is a social construct. Since human beings are not naturally free, there can be no natural rights or natural law. Therefore, Dewey also writes, "Natural rights and natural liberties exist only in the kingdom of mythological social zoology."

The Progressive Movement and the Transformation of American Politics
Progressives wrote the Constitution, I guess they all can't be bad...
No, they were not progressives.

Progressives didn't come into being until the beginning of the 20th century.

Nice try though.
Progressivism is the support or advocacy of social reform...What the Founders did was go to war and create a society unlike any that existed before..They changed the society they existed in...
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.

Damn that progressive Trump, he loved and married a slut...Ahem..
Progressives wrote the Constitution, I guess they all can't be bad...
No, they were not progressives.

Progressives didn't come into being until the beginning of the 20th century.

Nice try though.
Progressivism is the support or advocacy of social reform...What the Founders did was go to war and create a society unlike any that existed before..They changed the society they existed in...


Just the exact opposite.

"The Progressives regarded the Founders' scheme as defective because it took too benign a view of nature. As Dewey remarked, they thought that the individual was ready-made by nature. The Founders' supposed failure to recognize the crucial role of society led the Progressives to disparage the Founders' insistence on limited government. The Progressive goal of politics is freedom, now understood as freedom from the limits imposed by nature and necessity. They rejected the Founders' conception of freedom as useful for self-preservation for the sake of the individual pursuit of happiness. For the Progressives, freedom is redefined as the fulfillment of human capacities, which becomes the primary task of the state."

You need to read up some more on what being progressive really means, mooner. Because you have it 180 degrees wrong.

The Progressive Movement and the Transformation of American Politics
As best you can, based upon recent Progressive and Starkey posting activity, assign an order to the following things that Progressives love more than the USA:

  • Kim Jong Un standing up to Trump
  • Illegals successfully and illegally entering the USA
  • Weather related tragedies that can be blamed on "Manmade global climate warming change"
  • Other

No, this would be childish tactics by people on the right who will deliberately misread everything and anything and then interpret it all to their own advantage.

And before you try and come back at me with "well people on the left do this too", yes, I know people on the left do this too, I'm not so low as to live in a pond and believe I am the same as everyone on my own political spectrum.

So I'm misreading the Progressive cheerleading for KJU?

Haha, you spelled "not reading" wrong.

^^^ has my vote for lame post of the month.
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.

Damn that progressive Trump, he loved and married a slut...Ahem..

Posing for pictures as a model is not the same as engaging in an orgy and having your owner take pictures of it.

As best you can, based upon recent Progressive and Starkey posting activity, assign an order to the following things that Progressives love more than the USA:

  • Kim Jong Un standing up to Trump
  • Illegals successfully and illegally entering the USA
  • Weather related tragedies that can be blamed on "Manmade global climate warming change"
  • Other
Other: Doing the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter.
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.

Don't project your youth on the President's mom.

You are happy to call any women who happens to be black- or marries a black man- a slut.

Especially if she is safely dead- so unable to respond. Because cowardness is a key feature of your ilk.

Women are only important to you as a device to attack 'progressives'
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.

Damn that progressive Trump, he loved and married a slut...Ahem..

Posing for pictures as a model is not the same as engaging in an orgy and having your owner take pictures of it.


Lying about the dead mother of the President in order to attack him and his family is not the same thing as being a moral person.

But congratulations- you have demonstrated the Right's propensity to try to slut shame.
As best you can, based upon recent Progressive and Starkey posting activity, assign an order to the following things that Progressives love more than the USA:

  • Kim Jong Un standing up to Trump
  • Illegals successfully and illegally entering the USA
  • Weather related tragedies that can be blamed on "Manmade global climate warming change"
  • Other
One thing we know for sure. You pseudocons sure like sucking Putin's cock.
As best you can, based upon recent Progressive and Starkey posting activity, assign an order to the following things that Progressives love more than the USA:

  • Kim Jong Un standing up to Trump
  • Illegals successfully and illegally entering the USA
  • Weather related tragedies that can be blamed on "Manmade global climate warming change"
  • Other
Other: Doing the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter.
There are female sphincters also......yeah I've taken the muddy back road many times...

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