Progressive Likes

Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.

Damn that progressive Trump, he loved and married a slut...Ahem..

Posing for pictures as a model is not the same as engaging in an orgy and having your owner take pictures of it.

Hunney, in the bible belt, women like the first lady are not debutants they be considered whores and Jezabelle's...
Man, you can barely move about on this forum any more, what with all the fucking gasoline soaked straw men everywhere.
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
Progressives LOVE eugenics!

"In 1906, Ely persuaded the University of Wisconsin to hire Edward A. Ross.[16] At Wisconsin, Ross joined several other prominent supporters of eugenics, including President Charles Van Hise and Ely himself.[17] In his Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States, Van Hise expresses dismay that ā€œeven in civilized countriesā€¦defectives of various classes are allowed to propagate the race.ā€ The solution for this problem, he urges, is ā€œEugenicsā€:

'It is certain that as a first very moderate step toward the development of the stamina of the human race, defectives should be precluded from continuing the race by some proper method. . . . Whatever the method chosen, it should be thoroughgoing. Human defectives should no longer be allowed to propagate the race. We should reach at least as high a plane with reference to human beings as with the defective animals.'

"Van Hise regards ā€œsome proper methodā€ for ending the reproduction of ā€œdefectives,ā€ like institutionalization and sterilization, as a ā€œfirst, very moderate step toward the developmentā€¦of the human race.ā€

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
I think you must be stoned, or pretending to be stupid, because you are quibbling about definitions that you obviously don't understand.

The SADISTIC aspect of what Hitler did WAS progressivism. His politics weren't was the unfettered progressivism that the nazis engaged in when they made it into positions of power.

And yup, they LOVED American progressives.

And American progressives LOVED them.
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.


So just to point out- the photo's that you have posted have been dated to 1958.

Of course they are not of Ann Dunham- but if they were- she would have been 15 years old at the time- and you would have just posted child pornography.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.
"Enact sterilization, Ross urges, but proceed cautiously: begin with a very narrow definition of ā€œdegenerates,ā€ and, as the public becomes more accustomed to it, expand ā€œits scope until it fills its legitimate sphere of application.ā€ One wonders who all Ross thought this would include. For Harry Laughlin, at least, it meant sterilizing the lowest ten percent of Americans.[22]

"Between 1907, when Indiana enacted the nationā€™s first sterilization law, and the 1970s, when the practice finally ceased, approximately 60,000 Americans were sterilized. The Nazis, by contrast, sterilized around 225,000 in the first three years of their sterilization program.[23] Still, the number of Americans is shockingly high for a land ā€œconceived,ā€ at least, ā€œin liberty.ā€

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
I think you must be stoned, or pretending to be stupid, because you are quibbling about definitions that you obviously don't understand.

The SADISTIC aspect of what Hitler did WAS progressivism. His politics weren't was the unfettered progressivism that the nazis engaged in when they made it into positions of power.

And yup, they LOVED American progressives.

And American progressives LOVED them.
It's been going on with humans since humannity began....How can it just be you only know about one era?
Proud to be a Progressive

Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.


So just to point out- the photo's that you have posted have been dated to 1958.

Of course they are not of Ann Dunham- but if they were- she would have been 15 years old at the time- and you would have just posted child pornography.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

Wow you've given this a lot of thought.
If you think she's only 15, why are you thinking about it so much?

And where is the proof that they came from a magazine in 1958? You should make a thread about that.
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
I think you must be stoned, or pretending to be stupid, because you are quibbling about definitions that you obviously don't understand.

The SADISTIC aspect of what Hitler did WAS progressivism. His politics weren't was the unfettered progressivism that the nazis engaged in when they made it into positions of power.

And yup, they LOVED American progressives.

And American progressives LOVED them.
It's been going on with humans since humannity began....How can it just be you only know about one era?

"A new spirit of the times, known as "Progressivism", arose in the 1890s and into the 1920s "
History of the United States (1865ā€“1918) - Wikipedia

I get bored with people who engage in a false narrative because they want to hide the reality.

The reality is that Progressives are disgusting monsters, and Progressive policies are the reason the world reviles Hitler. It's not his politics, or anythign else. It was his embrace of balls to the wall progressivism and his willingness to fund and defend human chop shops in the name of bettering the race.

If you are going to engage in cerebral discourse, don't play dumb. It's not a valid tactic because it just makes you look dumb, and temps people to ignore you again.
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.


So just to point out- the photo's that you have posted have been dated to 1958.

Of course they are not of Ann Dunham- but if they were- she would have been 15 years old at the time- and you would have just posted child pornography.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

Wow you've given this a lot of thought.
If you think she's only 15, why are you thinking about it so much?

And where is the proof that they came from a magazine in 1958? You should make a thread about that.

I gave the link.

Of course it doesn't matter to you whether the young woman whose topless photo you posted is underage or not.

As long as you can attack a dead woman- its good enough for you.

How does it feel to know you are distributing nude photos of an underage girl?
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
I think you must be stoned, or pretending to be stupid, because you are quibbling about definitions that you obviously don't understand.

The SADISTIC aspect of what Hitler did WAS progressivism. His politics weren't was the unfettered progressivism that the nazis engaged in when they made it into positions of power.

And yup, they LOVED American progressives.

And American progressives LOVED them.
It's been going on with humans since humannity began....How can it just be you only know about one era?

The reality is that Progressives are disgusting monsters,.
Progressive monster according to KG

Of course Teddy wasn't going around posting photo's of topless girls.........
Progressives love it when vulnerable women are coerced into abortions,.

You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.


So just to point out- the photo's that you have posted have been dated to 1958.

Of course they are not of Ann Dunham- but if they were- she would have been 15 years old at the time- and you would have just posted child pornography.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

Wow you've given this a lot of thought.
If you think she's only 15, why are you thinking about it so much?

And where is the proof that they came from a magazine in 1958? You should make a thread about that.

I gave the link.

Of course it doesn't matter to you whether the young woman whose topless photo you posted is underage or not.

As long as you can attack a dead woman- its good enough for you.

How does it feel to know you are distributing nude photos of an underage girl?
You moron, you're the one who keeps bringing her up.
I thought you said it wasn't her. So.....which is it? Were you lying when you said it wasn't her? Or are you lying when you say the girl is her underaged self?

And I didn't see any evidence that the photos were of an underaged girl, or that it came from a 1958 magazine.

Not that it matters. One of the other things that Progressives like is underaged sex!

Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners ā€˜Is the Right Thing to Doā€™
Progressives love the STATE above all!

"For the Progressives, to begin, the power of government is NOT limited in principle to securing the natural or ā€œinalienableā€ rights of man, as the Declaration of Independence has it. ā€œIt is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state,ā€ as the German-trained progressive political scientist and future New Dealer Charles Merriam concludes in a 1903 survey of progressive thinking,

'...but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ā€˜natural rightsā€™ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle . . . each specific question must be decided on its own merits, and each action of the state justified, if at all, by the relative advantages of the proposed line of conduct.'

ā€œn general,ā€ as the German-trained progressive economist Richard T. Ely likewise affirms, ā€œthere is no limit to the right of the State, the sovereign power, save its ability to do good.ā€[12] The first step toward bold, experimental reform was to untie the hands of government."

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]

"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Progressives LOVE Nazis (I mean the old ones, who liked to *experiment* on "lesser" people):

Eugenics, American Progressivism, and the 'German Idea of the State' - Online Library of Law & Liberty
Which state? There are 50...

Eugenics, keep hearing that word and genocide around a lot lately, the religious dogma is thick in the air....Yet eugenics in the US is legal in some states if you are deemed as being mentally competent....Otherwise is illegal...And what the Nazi's did was not progressivism, is called sadism..
I think you must be stoned, or pretending to be stupid, because you are quibbling about definitions that you obviously don't understand.

The SADISTIC aspect of what Hitler did WAS progressivism. His politics weren't was the unfettered progressivism that the nazis engaged in when they made it into positions of power.

And yup, they LOVED American progressives.

And American progressives LOVED them.
It's been going on with humans since humannity began....How can it just be you only know about one era?

"A new spirit of the times, known as "Progressivism", arose in the 1890s and into the 1920s "
History of the United States (1865ā€“1918) - Wikipedia

I get bored with people who engage in a false narrative because they want to hide the reality.

The reality is that Progressives are disgusting monsters, and Progressive policies are the reason the world reviles Hitler. It's not his politics, or anythign else. It was his embrace of balls to the wall progressivism and his willingness to fund and defend human chop shops in the name of bettering the race.

If you are going to engage in cerebral discourse, don't play dumb. It's not a valid tactic because it just makes you look dumb, and temps people to ignore you again.
Really, so Teddy Roosevelt was a murdering dictator that killed people at random based on their social value, hmm, that damn Progressive party of the GOP..
You love to call women 'sluts' if they happen to have married a black man- and happened to give birth to President Obama.
Only if they engage in group sex and take pictures of it, like Obama's slut mom did.


So just to point out- the photo's that you have posted have been dated to 1958.

Of course they are not of Ann Dunham- but if they were- she would have been 15 years old at the time- and you would have just posted child pornography.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

Wow you've given this a lot of thought.
If you think she's only 15, why are you thinking about it so much?

And where is the proof that they came from a magazine in 1958? You should make a thread about that.

I gave the link.

Of course it doesn't matter to you whether the young woman whose topless photo you posted is underage or not.

As long as you can attack a dead woman- its good enough for you.

How does it feel to know you are distributing nude photos of an underage girl?
You moron, you're the one who keeps bringing her up.
I thought you said it wasn't her. So.....which is it? Were you lying when you said it wasn't her? Or are you lying when you say the girl is her underaged self?

And I didn't see any evidence that the photos were of an underaged girl, or that it came from a 1958 magazine.ā€™

Of course you didn't see any evidence- because you didn't go to the link.

Nor do you care whether the topless girl in the photo is underage or not.

How proud are you of posting what is either
a) a lie about a dead woman or
b) topless photos of an underage girl?

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

To his credit, Gilbert did somehow locate additional photos of the mystery woman he claims is Ann. And as noted above, he named several magazines where he claims they appeared. Both on his website and in Dreams, he shows the covers of six specific issues, and the website (on the right) flatly states "Frank Marshall Davis' photos of Ann Dunham appear in these vintage men's magazines." The magazines Gilbert shows are:

Exotique #2
Exotique #4
Exotique #6
Exotique #14
Secret Pleasures
Battling Babes
Bizarre Life #9

The last three magazines were published in 1958, 1957, and 1969, respectively. Exotique was published between 1955 and 1959.

Curiously, though, the pictures Gilbert shows appear in NONE of the issues he identifies. I consulted with the owner of a fansite for these magazines, who checked and confirmed that Gilbert's photos are nowhere to be seen in these issues. I personally reviewed copies of Exotique #14, Battling Babes and Secret Pleasures, and they included NO pictures of the mystery model.
Unfortunately for Gilbert, that's not all. Further up this post, there's a screenshot of Gilbert's own website, with a video still that shows the woman he claims is 'Ann' sitting on a couch, pulling a black opera glove onto her left arm. That image appears in Gilbert's Dreams and in his promotional videos as well, but he's never released a full-size copy of that photo.

This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

It can also be found reprinted in volume 2 of the 3-volume Exotique hardcover collection.

We may never know who the mystery model is. But the Dunham family didn't move to Hawaii until the summer of 1960. Unless Ann Dunham had access to a time machine in the 1960s, it simply cannot be her.

Moreover, Joel Gilbert knows this. He found that opera glove photo; it was not circulating the web as an 'Ann' photo prior to his videos. He knows it came from Exotique, a magazine that ceased publication in 1959. From WND: "Gilbert found that several of the photos in the collection appeared in a magazine called Exotique, published by pin-up photographer Leonard Burtman, who worked in New York City."

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

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