Progressives celebrate Father's Day - 3 dead, 33 shot


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"It was another bloody weekend in Obama's hometown of Chicago as the city celebrated Fathers day. By the time the weekend drew to a close, two were dead and 25 wounded in violence across the city."

"With Thursday's carnage added to the weekend tally, that adds up to 33 shot and three dead."

Lefties proving that we need to evict morality and God, and level strict gun control in order to bring about a civilized society...

Oh...wait a minute....

There must be some mistake! This is Bush's fault!

Chicago Erupts in Violence over Fathers Day Weekend: 2 Dead 25 Shot
"It was another bloody weekend in Obama's hometown of Chicago as the city celebrated Fathers day. By the time the weekend drew to a close, two were dead and 25 wounded in violence across the city."

"With Thursday's carnage added to the weekend tally, that adds up to 33 shot and three dead."

Lefties proving that we need to evict morality and God, and level strict gun control in order to bring about a civilized society...

Oh...wait a minute....

There must be some mistake! This is Bush's fault!

Chicago Erupts in Violence over Fathers Day Weekend: 2 Dead 25 Shot

Sorry about that,

1. Define "progressive".

2. Buh-bye. :bye1:

adjective \prə-ˈgre-siv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate
: moving forward
: happening or developing gradually over a period of time
: using or interested in new or modern ideas especially in politics and education

Progressive - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"Chicago was to Progressive-era children's rights advocates what Boston was to antebellum abolitionists. While neither effort originated in either city, both served as incubators for movement leadership. Influential individuals from Chicago helped to redefine childhood and encouraged the passage of new laws regulating children's health, labor, education, and dependency. "

Children and the Law
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Once again your definition is over a hundred years old.

What does it mean this past weekend? Not in 18fricking89 but in 2014?

"Nine would-be maverick aldermen declared themselves the Progressive Reform Coalition Tuesday.
Although there has been a loose amalgamation of self-declared progressives on the City Council for years, Ald. Ricardo Munoz called it "historic" for the nine to form an organization with a set of bylaws, a statement of principles and a political action committee."

Progressive Aldermen Unite, Vow to End 'Business as Usual' - Chicago - Chicago
"It was another bloody weekend in Obama's hometown of Chicago as the city celebrated Fathers day. By the time the weekend drew to a close, two were dead and 25 wounded in violence across the city."

"With Thursday's carnage added to the weekend tally, that adds up to 33 shot and three dead."

Lefties proving that we need to evict morality and God, and level strict gun control in order to bring about a civilized society...

Oh...wait a minute....

There must be some mistake! This is Bush's fault!

Chicago Erupts in Violence over Fathers Day Weekend: 2 Dead 25 Shot

This fails as the consequence of at least three fallacies: post hoc, straw man, and hasty generalization.

The premise of this thread is partisan idiocy, and succeeds in only exhibiting the ignorance and stupidity of the OP and those who agree with her.
Progressives historically like to lie about themselves and pretend they aren't progressive...they like to switch up definitions of words in order to hide what they're really about.

But Chicago is and has always been, a progressive city.

And it's just so darned successful!
"It was another bloody weekend in Obama's hometown of Chicago as the city celebrated Fathers day. By the time the weekend drew to a close, two were dead and 25 wounded in violence across the city."

"With Thursday's carnage added to the weekend tally, that adds up to 33 shot and three dead."

Lefties proving that we need to evict morality and God, and level strict gun control in order to bring about a civilized society...

Oh...wait a minute....

There must be some mistake! This is Bush's fault!

Chicago Erupts in Violence over Fathers Day Weekend: 2 Dead 25 Shot

It takes a really twisted and dark person to take death and tragedy and spin it into some kind of political hackery.
"Nine would-be maverick aldermen declared themselves the Progressive Reform Coalition Tuesday.
Although there has been a loose amalgamation of self-declared progressives on the City Council for years, Ald. Ricardo Munoz called it "historic" for the nine to form an organization with a set of bylaws, a statement of principles and a political action committee."

Progressive Aldermen Unite, Vow to End 'Business as Usual' - Chicago - Chicago

I see. So this "loose amalgamation" of aldermen shot these people?

"Liberal policies that have been put in place to aid blacks in schools include — in elementary and high schools — not kicking out of school extremely disruptive or violent kids, or even effectively disciplining them; lessening rigorous expectations and assigning little homework; desegregating schools via forced bussing arrangements; ensuring the availability of public schools for all, paid for with tax money; hiring black teachers for black students; instituting the No Child Left Behind Act and the Head Start program; passing kids to the next grade who do not get passing scores, called social promotions; spending loads of money on teachers and teacher training to obtain quality educators; and creating small class sizes.

In colleges, an emphasis has been placed on minority inclusion campaigns, lowered requirements for entry — lower than for whites and Asians — and an abundance of grants and scholarships for minority and impoverished students, all under the label of “affirmative action.” But even with the near ubiquitousness of such policies, blacks haven’t fared well, as noted above, especially poor blacks whom the aid is purportedly meant to help most. "

Do Progressive Policies Hurt Black Americans?
the progressive Era ended in 1920's. It's just warmed over Great Society leftist trying to change name because in 1980's "liberal" became a bad word.
"Ironically, before all the programs to help blacks, the numbers of blacks graduating from colleges was climbing rapidly. According to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, “At the time of the Harlem renaissance in the 1920s, about 10,000 blacks — one in 1,000 — were college educated [about one-tenth of one percent].” By 1940, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 80,342 blacks who were more than 24 years old had four or more years of college, which equaled 1.2 percent of blacks versus 5.3 percent of whites with an equivalent education. By 1965, 4.7 percent of blacks had such educational attainments, versus 9.8 percent of whites — blacks had nearly half as many college graduates percent-wise as whites.

In 2008, after more than 40 years of “progressive” dominance in public schools, the college-degree attainment rate stood at 19.6 percent for African-Americans and 32.6 percent for whites. This still sounds like improvement from 1965 (albeit slow improvement) — more than half as many American blacks had degrees as whites. But let’s not rush to congratulate public schools and progressive policy. "

"Maybe even worse in terms of painful consequences for blacks are liberals’ gun control laws that restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to obtain and use guns to protect themselves. Since blacks are more likely than other races to be victims of violent crimes, they stand to benefit the most from being able to protect themselves. Democratic strongholds with strict gun control laws become killing fields.

Detroit, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. are among the places in the country with the stiffest gun control laws — and the worst violence. Chicago, the place Obama has been calling home since before he became a senator, makes national and even world news because of its homicide rate — at 359 murders this year, as of the end of October. Liberals insist that gun control laws will make citizens more safe, though major studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and the National Academies of Science — both pro-gun control entities — failed to find one gun control law that reduced murder. On the contrary, other major studies show very definitively that guns reduce crime, as do facts on the ground. Contrary to the liberal meme, when Florida became the first state to allow concealed carry of firearms, its murder rate dropped, not rose, as have the murder rates in other states that passed concealed carry legislation. "

"The drawbacks of liberal policies for blacks go on and on, seemingly without end, from tax policy to energy policy to social policy. Yet every time a liberal policy fails to fix growing societal problems that typically affect blacks, such as poverty, liberals always propagate more of the same solutions that exacerbated the problems in the first place. The correlation is so certain that it would be safe to say, “If one wanted to destroy black Americans economically, socially, and even physically, one could do no better than to think and act ‘progressively.’”

Do Progressive Policies Hurt Black Americans?
the progressive Era ended in 1920's.

True - that's what I keep telling them as they insist it's a contemporary term. When I axe for a definition they go all crickets.

It's just warmed over Great Society leftist trying to change name because in 1980's "liberal" became a bad word.

Actually Joe McCarthy started that, but yes I remember Bush I trying to use the word that describes the Founders of this country to denigrate his opponent -- obviously playing to the dumbdown vote (which he won).

But somehow Koshergrl doesn't strike me as a warmed over Great Society leftist -- she is after all the one proffering the term here.

Then again in another thread she described That Cochran is a "leftist asshole" so I guess anything is possible on that planet...
Chicago is a city where the most progressive policies have been in place for decades.

It is like the Holy Grail of progressivism.

It's no more progressive than our other large cities, but it is particularly special because it forces the entire state to drag along with it, while the other cities at least have to do homage to other political/socioeconomic ideologies.

Not Chicago!

Which explains the rampant criminality that haunts its streets.
Chicago is a city where the most progressive policies have been in place for decades.

It is like the Holy Grail of progressivism.

It's no more progressive than our other large cities, but it is particularly special because it forces the entire state to drag along with it, while the other cities at least have to do homage to other political/socioeconomic ideologies.

Not Chicago!

Which explains the rampant criminality that haunts its streets.

"Rampant criminality that haunts its streets"? :rofl:

So we can add Chicago to the list of places you've never seen. OK then.
I've been to Chicago several times on bidness. Didn't care for it at first but over the years it grew on me. Several adjectives come to mind: "old", "midwestern", "ethnic" .. even "quaint" -- "progressive" has never been one of them. "Rampant criminality", even less.

I love the dodge on definitions. Chicago is "progressive" because it's "progressive". Thanks for uh, clearing that up.

Some people, getting them to define terms is like trying to bite your own teeth.
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the whacko gun nuts in liberal cities will give up their guns when they are pried from their cold, dead fingers.

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