Progressives: Despicable Liars

Hey Pogo - how come 100% of Americans (except for your dumb ass) acknowledges that the left are progressives? :laugh:
"Bernie Sanders ran a good race. Now it's clearer than ever: establishment Dems' top priority is sabotaging progressives to maintain their own power," Stein tweeted on Wednesday.
That’s right, Dr. Jill Stein recognizes that progressivism is the current ideology of the left. A PhD. On the left.
The thing is --- "any honest Progressive" already died, decades ago, usually of old age.
Forget about the progressives, I’m dying (from your ignorance) :lmao:

Hard leftist Dr. Jill Stein recognizes that all leftists are progressives. Just like 100% of the U.S. - save for Pogo the Homo :laugh:

And in doing so violated Senate rules against deceptively edited video in hearings.

The Nazis, the democrats, obey no rule and follow no laws.
I've remarked to a few of the traitor scum infesting this place about how easy it is to edit a video. I have the Adobe software to do it. It came with the latest version of Photoshop Elements that I bought for 100 dollars. Their responses were about like you would expect.

From looking over the software I'd say I could edit some videos with only a few hours of training with it, and that training is free online.
Every time. Every single time we see a “racist” incident, it turns out to be the Democrats doing the only thing they do: lying
The left continues their repulsive lying...
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155
If I had a quarter for every piece of shit lying conservative I'd be a millionaire, but that doesn't mean that's what conservatism is about, or that most of conservatives are like that.

Your thread is laughable garbage, someone somewhere being shitty is no reason to broadbrush a third of Americans.
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If I had a quarter for every piece of shit lying conservative I'd be a millionaire, but that doesn't mean that's what conservatism is about, or that most of conservatives are like that.

Your thread is laughable garbage, someone somewhere being shitty is no reason to broadbrush a third of Americans.
Link after link after link, exposing you mother-fuckers. Which is what has you so pissed off. The people can see you leftists for who you really are. Pathological fucking liars who have to resort to Nazi tactics.
Folks, I said from Day 1 that "The Lincoln Project" was made up of life-long liberals trying to convince people that "moral" people would leave the Republican Party for the Democrat Party. From Day 1.

No, I'm not psychic. We've just seen this playbook from the left many times before. The left has been doing this shit for decades now. They showed up at Tea Party rallies with racist signs, hoping to convince society that they were part of the Tea Party movement, and thus that the Tea Party movement was "racist" (which illustrates the true depth of fear they have over the conservative movement). And how many Jussie Smollett hoaxes has the left initiated?

It's just what fascists do. Engage in propaganda campaigns to frame their political opposition.
Folks, this is just what the left does. It’s who they are to their core. Being a leftist requires a total lack of integrity and honesty because it requires one to promote information they know to be false.
Just a reminder that Pogo - out of serious desperation - spent this entire thread claiming that "progressives" do not exist and that it "died" over a century ago (as if an ideology could "die").

As if that isn't fall-down funny enough, the Democrats have today have a "Progressive Caucus". Here is their official website (and no - websites did not exist over 100 years ago :laugh: ):
:lmao: :dance: :lmao:
Just a reminder that Pogo - out of serious desperation - spent this entire thread claiming that "progressives" do not exist and that it "died" over a century ago (as if an ideology could "die").

As if that isn't fall-down funny enough, the Democrats have today have a "Progressive Caucus". Here is their official website (and no - websites did not exist over 100 years ago :laugh: ):
:lmao: :dance: :lmao:

"Progressive" just sounds better than "socialist" or "Marxist", in reality they're the same thing.
"Progressive" just sounds better than "socialist" or "Marxist", in reality they're the same thing.
Well that is exactly what the left does and why they do it. They started out in the late 1800’s as “Marxists”. When that ideology failed and had thus had a negative stigma attached to it, they rebranded themselves as “progressives” (still embracing the failed Marxist ideology of course). Once people realized that “progressives” caused failure across the U.S. and thus also had a negative stigma attached to it, they rebranded themselves yet again, this time as “liberals”.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155

Even the word Progressive is a lie. There is nothing Progressive about these Marxist pigs

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