We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater

States which have voted Democrat in every Presidential election since 1992 and their position with high school graduation.
First of all, so-called “graduation rates” aren’t a reflection of anything. Inner-city progressive schools pass illiterate students just to get them out of the system.

Second, don’t change the subject. The left whines about how there is no money for education a while they are pissing away trillions of dollars in waste, fraud, abuse, and pork.
We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater

Or maybe the right piss away education by calling it "indoctrination" if they're teaching SCIENCE instead of religion.

Let's look.

States which have voted Democrat in every Presidential election since 1992 and their position with high school graduation.

California 50th
Connecticut 18th
Delaware 27th
Hawaii 11th
Maine 8th
Maryland 23th
Massachusetts 19th
Minnesota 2nd
New Jersey 26th
New York 37th
Oregon 19th
Rhode Island 34th
Vermont 6th
Washington 16th

An average of 21

Now for Republican states who have voted Republican every time since 1992

Alabama 44th
Alaska 4th
Idaho 22nd
Kansas 17th
Mississippi 48th
Nebraska 14th
North Dakota 7th
Oklahoma 32nd
South Carolina 37th
South Dakota 13th
Texas 49th
Utah 10th
Wyoming 3rd

That's an average of 23rd.

Seems that for solid Republican states since 1992 their high school graduation is worse than for Democrat states.

If we go to Bachelor degrees then what do we see?

An average of 10 for Democratic states.
For Republicans is an average of 32.

So the higher you go up the education ladder, the better Democratic states get and the worse Republican states get.

And you're saying Democrats are destroying education only?

I'd say both parties are destroying the whole country.

California is 50th when it comes to HS graduation rates?

Nobody with a brain and an ounce of integrity thinks that Trump is anywhere near as intelligent as Obama.
We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater

Or maybe the right piss away education by calling it "indoctrination" if they're teaching SCIENCE instead of religion.

Let's look.

States which have voted Democrat in every Presidential election since 1992 and their position with high school graduation.

California 50th
Connecticut 18th
Delaware 27th
Hawaii 11th
Maine 8th
Maryland 23th
Massachusetts 19th
Minnesota 2nd
New Jersey 26th
New York 37th
Oregon 19th
Rhode Island 34th
Vermont 6th
Washington 16th

An average of 21

Now for Republican states who have voted Republican every time since 1992

Alabama 44th
Alaska 4th
Idaho 22nd
Kansas 17th
Mississippi 48th
Nebraska 14th
North Dakota 7th
Oklahoma 32nd
South Carolina 37th
South Dakota 13th
Texas 49th
Utah 10th
Wyoming 3rd

That's an average of 23rd.

Seems that for solid Republican states since 1992 their high school graduation is worse than for Democrat states.

If we go to Bachelor degrees then what do we see?

An average of 10 for Democratic states.
For Republicans is an average of 32.

So the higher you go up the education ladder, the better Democratic states get and the worse Republican states get.

And you're saying Democrats are destroying education only?

I'd say both parties are destroying the whole country.

California is 50th when it comes to HS graduation rates?

Nobody with a brain and an ounce of integrity thinks that Trump is anywhere near as intelligent as Obama.
You know them both huh? I Really laugh out loud whenever you lying trolls talk about people you have never met as though you have known them all your life.
We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater

You're totally wrong; they didn't destroy it, They perfected an intergenerational, poverty and government-dependant Democrat Party voter manufacturing facility
We've turned our kids into neurotic, hypersensitive, open emotional wounds.

Damn near child abuse.
Nobody with a brain and an ounce of integrity thinks that Trump is anywhere near as intelligent as Obama.
No argument there. Obama’s IQ can’t be more than 72. President Trump has to be around 120 at least. Definitely no where near the intelligence of Obama.
What's scary is it's intentional. A stupid, indoctrinated populace is easy to control....see the left for a prime example
Why is it just "progressives" who have "destroyed education in America"? It depends on the curriculum. Reading, writing, mathematical pursuits, real science, chemistry, physics, real literature, history as told honestly and not littered with omissions, foreign languages, geography, sociology, and anthropology that include a basic understanding of cultures and religions around the world, all serve to provide a well-rounded education.

Does anyone remember the Gablers who started an organization known as "Educational Research Analysts," which was and is dedicated to censoring and rewriting textbooks to indoctrinate students in a certain very specific "conservative" and religiously-sectarian viewpoint in the school system rather than produce critical thinkers. And they have absolutely nothing to do with "Progressives."

Norma Gabler; Conservative Texan Influenced Textbooks Nationwide

Educational Research Analysts

Please read the quotes in the first article.

They also have absolutely nothing to do with what goes on in the class room.

The video you posted seems to have nothing to do with classroom work. This appears to be a meeting of supporters of the BLM movement at a meeting chanting a poem by Assata Shakur.
This is a prime example of how Democrats have destroyed education in America. This “representative” has the grammar of an elementary school drop out from the ghetto. And progressives actually elected him to public office!!!

And if that wasn’t enough, he’s unprofessionally sporting dreadlocks with the ghetto name of “Trayon”.
”Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation.”
“Y’all”? Seriously? Y’all? This what progressives elect to make decisions about their city?!? But wait, it gets even worse.
And D.C. keep talking about, “We a resilient city.”
Hey Tra’yon....that would be “we are a resilient city” you ignorant, illiterate, idiot. And then Mr. No Grammar finishes up illustrating his ignorance to the world by claiming that Jews are controlling and manipulating the weather (you can’t make this stuff up). Yep...this is the type of ghetto trash that progressives actually elect to public office. Is it any wonder their cities have morphed into 3rd-world shit-holes?

DC councilman claims Jews are ‘controlling the climate,’ says he ‘did not intend’ to be anti-Semitic
We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater
You mean like unprotected sex with porn stars who you tell looks like your daughter?

You mean like candidates who were banned for moving in on underage girls?

That kind of deviancy?

There is one party that is trying to destroy education in America. Because they want the entire country as ignorant as their own states.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Imagine, Republicans so ignorant they think Algebra is "fuzzy math".
We constantly hear progressives whine about the lack of money for education in America - while they piss away trillions of dollars on waste, fraud, abuse, and pork. There is no doubt where their priority lay (the advancement of sexual deviance above all else).

Feds Fund Trans Plays, Cowboy Poetry, 'Social Justice' Theater

Or maybe the right piss away education by calling it "indoctrination" if they're teaching SCIENCE instead of religion.

Let's look.

States which have voted Democrat in every Presidential election since 1992 and their position with high school graduation.

California 50th
Connecticut 18th
Delaware 27th
Hawaii 11th
Maine 8th
Maryland 23th
Massachusetts 19th
Minnesota 2nd
New Jersey 26th
New York 37th
Oregon 19th
Rhode Island 34th
Vermont 6th
Washington 16th

An average of 21

Now for Republican states who have voted Republican every time since 1992

Alabama 44th
Alaska 4th
Idaho 22nd
Kansas 17th
Mississippi 48th
Nebraska 14th
North Dakota 7th
Oklahoma 32nd
South Carolina 37th
South Dakota 13th
Texas 49th
Utah 10th
Wyoming 3rd

That's an average of 23rd.

Seems that for solid Republican states since 1992 their high school graduation is worse than for Democrat states.

If we go to Bachelor degrees then what do we see?

An average of 10 for Democratic states.
For Republicans is an average of 32.

So the higher you go up the education ladder, the better Democratic states get and the worse Republican states get.

And you're saying Democrats are destroying education only?

I'd say both parties are destroying the whole country.
All you have to do is look at the states to know who is destroying the country.

Don't some of those GOP states have so few people they have two Senators and one Congressman?
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Years ago, experts argued that increased K-12 spending and lower pupil-teacher ratios would boost students’ academic performance. It turned out that some of the worst academic performance has been at schools spending the most money and having the smallest class sizes. Washington, D.C., spends more than $29,000 per student every year, and the teacher-student ratio is 1-to-13; however, its students are among the nation’s poorest-performing pupils.
Is there anything that left-wing policy hasn't destroyed? Economies? Check. Liberty? Check? Wealth? Check. Education? Check. Prosperity? Check.

Human Ignorance and Market Genius
Progressives have completely destroyed education in the U.S. (and most likely around the world as well). Students are no longer receiving anything that even remotely resembles a real education. Classes are cancelled if something hits their ears that isn’t extreme left-wing. They are allowed to choose their own grades if they find something “traumatic” (like losing an election). It’s a complete and total disaster. That’s what progressivism does.

Student Jokes about Snowflake Classmates… Entire Class Gets Cancelled?!
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
The scores are a particular indictment of Obama-era education policies, including historically high levels of spending, the addition of new programs, numerous federal directives, and perhaps most consequentially, Common Core.
The more money progressives have thrown at education and the more they have tried to control it, the worse the results have gotten.

Nation's 'Report Card' Shows Federal Intervention Has Not Helped Students
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity.
There is only one way to tear down American - by convincing people that it is “evil”. And there is only one reason to want to tear down America - because you hate it.

Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins
This the type of person the left hires to educate your children. Uneducated. Illiterate. Unprofessional. And radical.


Teacher tweets spelling-challenged death threat about Kavanaugh – here’s what happened to her
IMO, for normal humans, public school is damaging. I will guess the public school agenda became a dumbing down type thing starting in the mid 60's when jewish folks kind of weaseled their way in to control key aspects in order to try to make blacks and browns feel better about themselves, or more accurately, make whites feel bad about themselves.

1923. The Frankfurt School. That's when/where the long march through the institutions really got rolling.

The older roots go back to just after our nation's founding. I've been meaning to post a thread about that little window in time, and some of the lesser known people from that time who planted those seeds, just never got around to it.

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