Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

Let me see if I'm understanding your point correctly. You think the LGBT community should accept white supremacy and Nazis under the same premise that they expect to be accepted into society by Christians?
Is that right?
Yes and no. Yes they should allow equal expression of beliefs as they want for their own beliefs. No, neither should get abusive about it.

The difference between race and orientation is race is genetically determined but orientation is faith based like someones religious affiliation. So these beliefs ppl have can't be regulated by govt. Nor can they be established or prohibited. If there is a conflict between ppl of different beliefs, the fair thing to do is either resolve it mutually or agree to separate. Govt should never be abused to establish or prohibit a faith based belief. Ppl need to work those out for themselves, not impose on or abuse each other so badly they end up whining to govt to break up a fist fight. Grow up and quit incitng fights to begin with. Then govt doesn't have to step in to a fight between kids that escalates until someone gets hurt. It's called growing up, and I'm surprised more ppl haven't figured it out yet. Gee whiz.
The thing is Emily, we are not comparing to groups with a simple difference of opinion. We are talking about polar opposite situations. Gay rights is fighting for the right to LOVE who they want and live like a free citizen in their country. Nazis and WS's spread HATE SPEECH.

Regulation of speech is not new. I can't post a billboard of an old naked guy next to an elementary school. I can't walk into a business and threaten/intimidate employees or other customers. In some places I can't sign at the top of my lungs after midnight and wake up all the neighbors.

Excuse me Slade3200 but we should make the same disinction:
* between peaceful Muslims who believe in peace and obeying civil authority laws and govt
vs. the inciteful violent Jihadists who seek to violate laws, discriminate and destroy illegally
* between lawabiding white supremacist and nationalists who believe in obeying laws to preserve European history and culture
vs. the violent criminal groups seeking to conspire to violate the civil rights of others
* between the LGBT advocates seeking equality and inclusion
vs. the ones abusing party, media and govt to pass laws VIOLATING equal rights and beliefs of others.

If we want to credit the LGBT advocate for seeking inclusion and defense of equal rights
and NOT blame "that whole movement" for the LGBT defenders who BASH and SUE to REMOVE Christian references
from schools and public institutions while defending their own faith-based practices,
then we should make this same distinction with ALL groups.

Otherwise, we are guilty of discrimination and only
making this distinction for the groups we sympathize with, and not others.

I still work with all BLM supporters willing to work with me and others on common causes.
But if they keep dividing and refusing to work with ALM and other groups, that division is half their fault.

I can still work with LGBT activists willing to include and defend ALL beliefs under the same Constitution.
But Slade3200 when LGBT REFUSE to include former gays and DENOUNCE them as frauds,
when they BASH and BLAME Christians for their beliefs and seek to PENALIZE THEM BY LAW,
that is just as unconstitutional by discriminating by creed.

I've run into this over and over.

However, I am willing to distinguish the truly inclusive LGBT from the
ones preaching hatred, rejection and fear of Christianity.

But the way they reject and denounce any talk of people who once identified
gay, then came out as straight, this speaks to mass discrimination and hypocrisy on the side of LGBT in general.

Obama has problem with this sex-identity group

De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past
You make fair points and I agree with you for the most part. I don't think that crime should be excused by any group. The difference between the examples that you provided is the core mission of those 3 groups. The Muslim and LBGT groups have good core missions revolving around love and equality vs. their fringe extremists whose actions should be condemned. The Nazi's, KKK, and white supremacists have hateful, divisive, illegal and un-American core missions, to segregate, dispel and divide. We had a civil war and a civil rights movement that fought against those values. Their group as a whole is overwhelmingly condemned based on their core mission. The others are condemned when extremists take their protests too far and produce destruction and violence. Do you see the difference?
Because you happen to agree with the goals of the core groups, you find them based in "love and equality", rather than diviseness and furthering one group over another. It is nonsensical to claim that the Muslim and LGBT groups are not interesting in advancing their agendas at the cost of others, just as can be said about the others.
Many of these groups pursue their causes with inappropriate behavior and that should be condemned and punished. When the entire cause is condemnable then any action to promote that cause is inappropriate. We fought wars over the core of these groups and their ideals have been rejected at the cost of millions of lives. game over
You make fair points and I agree with you for the most part. I don't think that crime should be excused by any group. The difference between the examples that you provided is the core mission of those 3 groups. The Muslim and LBGT groups have good core missions revolving around love and equality vs. their fringe extremists whose actions should be condemned. The Nazi's, KKK, and white supremacists have hateful, divisive, illegal and un-American core missions, to segregate, dispel and divide. We had a civil war and a civil rights movement that fought against those values. Their group as a whole is overwhelmingly condemned based on their core mission. The others are condemned when extremists take their protests too far and produce destruction and violence. Do you see the difference?

Dear Slade3200

Sorry but the LGBT groups only exist to impose their own beliefs and policies.

I even criticized Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR for only defending civil rights of Muslims.
He explained it's a full time job, and that is their focus. I understand that.
But going through legal process to defend one side over the other is still divisive and biased.
And that's what is causing the competition and bullying.

Christians truly believe they are teaching God's love when they mistakenly teach
the Bible where it leaves out Buddhists, nontheists, and others who are secular gentiles under natural laws.

They mean to teach "unconditional love" but if their message is biased it causes rejection division judgment and damage.

All groups need to learn to use their principles to INCLUDE all others.
And nobody is doing that. Even people call me a bigot and think I'm
racist or enabling to "include all groups" and beliefs under the Constitution.

Slade3200 all these people in all these groups think they are pursuing
the truth and fighting against evil that is destroying society, the nation the world.

They all believe they are defending equality from being oppressed by some unequal group leaving them out and seeking to destroy them.

Until we address and treat each person and each group equally,
this fingerpointing, scapegoating blame game is going to continue,
where each person like you wants to blame a DIFFERENT group or groups as the ones to blame
while EXCUSING a different group. So the fighting continues.

The key is to acknowledge that all these groups blame different ones.
So let's accept that. And work with that, REGARDLESS which people blame which groups more.

The true difference I ahve found Slade3200
is which people admit that all groups are blamed by somebody in the other groups.

And when we can admit that we are all blamed by somebody,
maybe we can deal with that equally regardless whose fault it is.
Let's fix it all anyway. Even if we don't agree who is more or less to blame for what!
I actually agree with most of what you said and applaud your articulation. I just disagree when it comes to hate groups like the Nazi's, KKK, and White Supremacists. We've been down that road before. Nazi's gathered up Jews and cooked them in ovens and slaughtered them in the millions. The white Supremacists enslaved blacks and treated them like property, we fought a war over it. Following the war we had rebellion through the KKK and Jim Crow which resulted in segregation and blacks were lynched, forced to use different bathrooms and different schools etc. This happened until we finally had a civil rights revolution in the 60's. These are disgraceful times in our history that we have bled over and rejected from our society. We know where these hate groups are coming from and they type of society they are trying to promote. It leads to death.

You can take issue with LGBT advocates and their fights with religious groups. I like your approach on how to engage and believe inclusiveness and understanding is essential. I just see a clear separation between that situation and the situation we are talking about now with the hate groups.

I guess the main difference with me is I'm trying to PREVENT war, not rely on it.
The way this division and bullying goes, it makes it necessary to use war tactics.

If we are going to fully learn from history, we should be able to achieve
the same transformation but WITHOUT the bloodshed. We are a civilized
nation with democratic process protected for the people. Why the hell
can't we use our prized free speech to petition each other instead of resorting to physical force???
I agree, but the wars have already been fought with this issue, right now we are dealing with the after effects and shutting down any momentum or uprising that they may be initiating. I don't think they have the numbers to do anything serious. The political issue that is making this thing so talked about is the fact that the way our president responded has produced an empowerment of these groups where they are thanking him and assuming that he is supporting their cause. It makes them stronger and that is just sick. Despite all that he stays silent about it while he goes off tweeting attacks at senators and CEO's. How embarrassing.
Sorry, you're wrong yet again.

Trump did not empower these groups - he put them in exactly the same class as other violent extremist groups - groups like Antifa, BLM, etc.

This was his crime - he dared to shine the light of truth on the leftist terror groups just as he did the alt-right groups.
Why would you pick that moment to shine the light onto the left? The left has been shutting down speeches at schools and have been involved in many inappropriate protests in the past. Plenty of times to condemn their actions and make them accountable. This was not the time to turn the focus onto them. Not with something as deep cutting as Nazi's and skinheads killing an innocent girl. Stop making excuses man, don't you feel dirty?
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
Here's Mr drama queen again claiming that liberals want socialism. Get a clue dude.
You were saying

You can cherry pick all you want. There are fringe activists on both sides. The fringe does not represent the masses.

I assume then that you propose that the "fringe" on either side deserve exactly the same treatment.

I wouldn't generalize like that. It depends on the issues and actions taken. But for the most part I don't think the extremists should be taken too seriously, yet they dominate the conversations because it helps both sides demonize each other. Its all a game

Agree. But we can not let shit get like it did. Answer honestly, up to last year, how much thought did you give Joe Blo white power and BLM? Takes to consideration what would have been mentioned on the news. Likely not much considering you have an adult life and things to do. They did not dominate the conversation the because we marginalized and ignored them.
It's a democrat movement Camp. Remember, it was a democrat who bromides to keep blacks voting democrat for the next 200 years.

who's camp? Anyway, I'm not sure what a "bromide" here... I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Agree. But we can not let shit get like it did. Answer honestly, up to last year, how much thought did you give Joe Blo white power and BLM? Takes to consideration what would have been mentioned on the news. Likely not much considering you have an adult life and things to do. They did not dominate the conversation the because we marginalized and ignored them.

Here's the thing, Captain Literacy, up until last year, the Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi types were fringe groups, hiding under their little internet rocks. Then Trump got elected, preaching the kind of race hate that should have been consigned to the history books years ago. That's why these characters are coming out of the woodwork now.

BLM is a totally different animal and not even close. They actually have a valid complaint (that police officers are shooting black folks and largely getting away with it.)
Agree. But we can not let shit get like it did. Answer honestly, up to last year, how much thought did you give Joe Blo white power and BLM? Takes to consideration what would have been mentioned on the news. Likely not much considering you have an adult life and things to do. They did not dominate the conversation the because we marginalized and ignored them.

Here's the thing, Captain Literacy, up until last year, the Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi types were fringe groups, hiding under their little internet rocks. Then Trump got elected, preaching the kind of race hate that should have been consigned to the history books years ago. That's why these characters are coming out of the woodwork now.

BLM is a totally different animal and not even close. They actually have a valid complaint (that police officers are shooting black folks and largely getting away with it.)
Perhaps you can give us an example of Trump "preaching the kid of race hate" ....

We await your ever so considered input.
Here's Mr drama queen again claiming that liberals want socialism. Get a clue dude.
You were saying

You can cherry pick all you want. There are fringe activists on both sides. The fringe does not represent the masses.

I assume then that you propose that the "fringe" on either side deserve exactly the same treatment.

I wouldn't generalize like that. It depends on the issues and actions taken. But for the most part I don't think the extremists should be taken too seriously, yet they dominate the conversations because it helps both sides demonize each other. Its all a game

Agree. But we can not let shit get like it did. Answer honestly, up to last year, how much thought did you give Joe Blo white power and BLM? Takes to consideration what would have been mentioned on the news. Likely not much considering you have an adult life and things to do. They did not dominate the conversation the because we marginalized and ignored them.

I totally agree, the Right focused on BLM and politicized it to their advantage and the Left is politicizing the Nazi crew to hurt trump and help their cause. I still don't like how Trump handled it, I think its embarrassing and disgraceful but I also don't like how much the Left engaged. I would have just ignored them. I do however see how people felt the need to stand up to these pieces of garbage. I think if they were marching down a street in my neighborhood, it would be hard to not tell them to fuck off, but the end result of fighting them only fuels their base. It is also uniting our nation against them so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Perhaps you can give us an example of Trump "preaching the kid of race hate" ....

We await your ever so considered input.

Calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, to start with.

But like most Trump apologists, you'll babble out something like "What he meant was"....
I just think our country made a tremendous stride with the civil rights act and I can't imagine seeing a business in my community that was a whites only diner, or that had a sign saying no gays allowed. Or a cab company that won't service blacks... To me that is anti-american on the same lines as the nazi, white supremacist agendas.
I understand what you're trying to say - but I think it's misguided. It's much more anti-American to have government force private citizens or private industry into some perceived moral high ground.

We have to stop demanding that people stop hate. If someone hates gays, or blacks, or whatever, so be it. That's freedom. That's liberty. I could give a shit that the Black Panthers hate me because I'm white. Doesn't bother me in the least.
Oh pretty please with sugar on top, sue to make neo Nazis a protected class...:lol:

Fucking tools
The fact that you even support the idea of a "protected class" pretty much proves that you are the ultimate fascist.
Perhaps you can give us an example of Trump "preaching the kid of race hate" ....

We await your ever so considered input.

Calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, to start with.

But like most Trump apologists, you'll babble out something like "What he meant was"....
Are you saying that a rapist and or murder has never entered the country illegally ?
The difference is that one is using hate speech and the other is promoting a political agenda. Big difference.
Says who? Frankly, I consider everything that comes out of a progressives mouth to be the ultimate hate speech. Look at how they lie about people and destroy reputations.
Remember how inappropriate it was when BLM chanted for cops to fry like bacon.
Well you cannot advocate violence against people. Threatening a person is illegal.
By saying homosexuality isn't normal is not keeping it real. Who made you the arbiter of what is normal.
Unreasonable strikes again...denying science, fact, reason, and logic.

Homosexuality is not normal, stupid. You cannot philosophize your way into normalizing it. Nature proves it is not normal. Science proves it is not normal. Biology proves it is not normal. History proves it is not normal.

Do you know why two homosexuals cannot reproduce? Because it is not normal. :bang3:

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