Progressives Want To Eliminate Democracy

In the old days, only the people who had a say in how government spending was used, had the right to vote. In other words, the land owners who actually paid taxes. People who don't pay any federal income taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote in federal elections, same with state and local elections. Prove you pay into the till for that taxing authority and then you can vote. And, we subtract out any benefits you receive from that taxing authority in order to calculate if you are allowed to vote or not. It's downright ridiculous that it's possible that we would only vote in a government who is willing to give us free stuff, which is what progressives, liberals, and democrats want. They want us to take care of the poor and they want the poor to be able to elect representatives who will give them even more free stuff. No need to work. Working is not a requirement.

Watch that piece about the deadly flaws of democracy. There is a reason the word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence.

To prevent what the country turned into. A DEMOGOGUERY.
Democrats want to eliminate democracy. That's not a silly comment. They spent four years trying to claim that Trump wanted to be a dictator who would not want to leave office and since then we have had:

Trump left office

Democrats have issued mandates taking people's rights away and fired people from their jobs for refusing to comply with big government

Democrats have had Jan 6th witch hunt investigations to round up and jail peaceful protesters from the opposing side

Democrats have continued investigations into Trump in order so that Trump would not be able to run for office again, taking people's right to vote away

Democrats have wanted to eliminate the filibuster in order to stomp on the rights of the minority party

Democrats are now wanting to issue edicts and decrees on BBB instead of going through the Democratic process

Democrats want to add blue states onto the Union

Democrats want to add liberal seats onto the supreme court

Democrats are questioning our democracy and the system we use for voting

Democrats have taken the free speech rights away from anyone having an opposing opinion to theirs

Democrats are removing the licenses of medical professionals with whom they disagree with

I'm sure there are several I forgot about

You didn't read my link, and I'm not surprised. Dumb Donald is a demagogue (that is a person who tell others what they want to hear), a charlatan (a person who claims to have special knowledge) and is clearly a narcissist (clinically he can be diagnosed with half a dozen Personality Disorders).
You didn't read my link, and I'm not surprised. Dumb Donald is a demagogue (that is a person who tell others what they want to hear), a charlatan (a person who claims to have special knowledge) and is clearly a narcissist (clinically he can be diagnosed with half a dozen Personality Disorders).
What does Trump have to do with anything? I'm not going to read any links you provide about Mickey Mouse either. If you want to have an honest conversation then have one without invoking Trump. I don't really believe you can do it.
What does Trump have to do with anything? I'm not going to read any links you provide about Mickey Mouse either. If you want to have an honest conversation then have one without invoking Trump. I don't really believe you can do it.

I do have opinions supported by evidence on a number of issues. The war on Drugs, The War on Poverty, Public Education, Taxes, Abortion, Guns, Gays, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Equal Rights, Racism and the 21st Century iteration of the Republican Party, Faux Conservatives, Callous Conservatives, Libertarians, and the Idiot Fringe which seems to dominate OP's on this message board.
I do have opinions supported by evidence on a number of issues. The war on Drugs, The War on Poverty, Public Education, Taxes, Abortion, Guns, Gays, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Equal Rights, Racism and the 21st Century iteration of the Republican Party, Faux Conservatives, Callous Conservatives, Libertarians, and the Idiot Fringe which seems to dominate OP's on this message board.
There is evidence that supports every position.
Adding trillions and trillions onto the debt is irresponsible.
Depends. First Consider this:

Joe Biden​

On Oct. 1, 2021, at the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt was $28.4 trillion. Between the end of fiscal year 2020 and the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt grew $1.5 trillion, a 5.6% increase year over year.1 For fiscal year 2022, President Biden's budget includes a deficit of $1.84 trillion, which could grow the national debt to over $30 trillion by Oct. 1, 2022, when fiscal year 2023 begins.

Donald Trump
At the end of fiscal year 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020, a 33.1% increase, largely due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and 2020 recession.

Read this link in full, it's interesting and adding to the debt can be irresponsible or responsible, depending on events.

Depends. First Consider this:

Joe Biden​

On Oct. 1, 2021, at the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt was $28.4 trillion. Between the end of fiscal year 2020 and the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt grew $1.5 trillion, a 5.6% increase year over year.1 For fiscal year 2022, President Biden's budget includes a deficit of $1.84 trillion, which could grow the national debt to over $30 trillion by Oct. 1, 2022, when fiscal year 2023 begins.

Donald Trump
At the end of fiscal year 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020, a 33.1% increase, largely due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and 2020 recession.

Read this link in full, it's interesting and adding to the debt can be irresponsible or responsible, depending on events.

Ummmmmmmmmm, Trump was president for four years. Biden has been president for one year and, you're not counting yet another 5 trillion dollars from the BBB. Whether it passes or not or in a smaller form doesn't change the fact that democrats wanted to add another 5 trillion dollars onto the debt. Are you saying that you are against BBB?
Ummmmmmmmmm, Trump was president for four years. Biden has been president for one year and, you're not counting yet another 5 trillion dollars from the BBB. Whether it passes or not or in a smaller form doesn't change the fact that democrats wanted to add another 5 trillion dollars onto the debt. Are you saying that you are against BBB?
The BBB is fiscally responsible, waiting another four years the costs to repair, replace or build anew will be more costly, in terms of inflation, more "rusting", deaths on unsafe highways and larger costs to consumers when goods need to detour longer when bridges are closed, floods destroy roads and dams fail.

Our economy is consumer driven, and cuts to income taxes to Corporations under the Ryan Tax "reform" signed by Trump was absurd and irresponsible.
The BBB is fiscally responsible, waiting another four years the costs to repair, replace or build anew will be more costly, in terms of inflation, more "rusting", deaths on unsafe highways and larger costs to consumers when goods need to detour longer when bridges are closed, floods destroy roads and and dams fail.

Our economy is consumer driven, and cuts to income taxes to Corporations under the Ryan Tax "reform" signed by Trump was absurd and irresponsible.

LOL. So, you're saying that adding 5 trillion more dollars on to the national debt is fiscally responsible?
LOL. So, you're saying that adding 5 trillion more dollars on to the national debt is fiscally responsible?
Yep, and you are a simple Simon who fails to comprehend how BBB will create more well paying jobs in the private sector. Their income taxes will flood the Treasury and their dollars will be used to pay rents or mortgages, purchase goods and services from Main Street, pay SALT taxes and save for a rainy day.
Communist democrats have realized that the vote is the real insurrection. They realize that they will be in power only until the next election. To them, stop the insurrection means stop the vote.
Yep, and you are a simple Simon who fails to comprehend how BBB will create more well paying jobs in the private sector. Their income taxes will flood the Treasury and their dollars will be used to pay rents or mortgages, purchase goods and services from Main Street, pay SALT taxes and save for a rainy day.
Ummmmmmmmm, that's not what the CBO and several other independent sources have said. You are so hungry you will eat any of the fish food the left throw you.
Go away. You seem to be too young and too uninformed to respond to reality.
How about facts? Your side always claims you like to deal in facts - until the facts slap you in the face. Then, all of a sudden, you ignore the facts. I absolutely and completely understand why you want me to go away.

They do this pretty regularly. They read things being said about their savior and their party and then try to instead apply them to the Dems.

That indicates that what's being said about their savior and their party strikes a nerve. Good.

What do we need saving from? Can you define that? No one has called the former president savior except the opposition filth such as you as a term of derision and ridicule.

Care to explain yourself?
I don't know anything about Hunter Biden. Nor do you.

Character Assassination has become the foundation for all Trump Supporters.
So says the pathologic liar that hammered his shoe on the pulpit like Kruschev pushing The Russian Collusion lie to help The Dems, Their Uncle Putin, and their Grandma Xi out in the War against Trump, Our Economy and Our Democracy.

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