Progressives Want To Eliminate Democracy

What did I say that was not the truth? I posted a link to what she said. She wants to bypass democracy and have a socialist dictator issue decrees without going through the democratic process. And, the left are already questioning the integrity of our upcoming midterms. Why would democrats question our democratic process and want to bypass it? These people are traitors trying to take over the country and rule by edict. It already started with mandates and that wasn't enough for them. They want a full blown socialist dictatorship.
The democratic process is how we elect representatives, not how we pass laws silly.
lol, you're not an independent thinker Bozo, you don't think at all. Don't try to get away by putting this thread in the Politics Forum, it belongs in the Rubber Room. Hopefully some mod will do their duty and move it there.


The mods should be allowed to put individual posts in the rubber room.

If they did you're thread would be about nine thousand replies long.



That's such a good suggestion I might put it in Announcements & Feedback
A leading House Progressive Democrat demands Biden bypass Democracy and become a socialist dictator, ignoring the democratic process and simply decreeing their policies into law. Meanwhile, Democrats question the integrity of our upcoming election process.

What does this have to do with JBinder's FEELINGS the right are the left? You saw his thread didn't you?
I notice you haven't addressed the link or denied the OPs assertion.
Ok, you fucking idiot. A representative in congress asking the President for executive orders is perfectly allowable in our Democracy. There, you can go back to fucking yourself.
I'm sure they won't. Thus instead of reporting the Mods, I posted what I thought. Since you rarely think, I'll ignore your ludicrous comment.
Since you are incapable of saying anything remotely clever, we'll just leave it at that.
Ok, you fucking idiot. A representative in congress asking the President for executive orders is perfectly allowable in our Democracy. There, you can go back to fucking yourself.
eat a dick you pussy.

you motherfucking internet warriors are a complete JOKE. FUCK RIGHT OFF AND ENTER THE IGNORE LIST moron.
Ok, you fucking idiot. A representative in congress asking the President for executive orders is perfectly allowable in our Democracy. There, you can go back to fucking yourself.
And a president should enforce plainly unconstitutional EO's? Try again. That member of Congress should know better.
The dems want a other words they don't want any protections for the minority party and those they represent no matter how slim a majority they currently have.

Of course when the dems are the minority party then it's all about protecting the minority party and those they represent no matter if the other party has a mandate from the public or not.

Meh, they just see what is coming next November so they are trying to make hay now. Peeps here act as if this is something new.

Tater can EO all he wants but his EOs can also be enjoined by some of the federal judges The Turtle installed. ;)
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The dems want a other words they don't want any protections for the minority party and those they represent no matter how slim a majority they currently have.

Of course when the dems are the minority party then it's all about protecting the minority party and those they represent no matter if the other party has a mandate from the public or not.

Meh, they just see what is coming next November so they are trying to make hay now. Peeps here act as if this is something new.

Tater can EO all he wants but his EOs can also be enjoined by some of the federal judges The Turtle installed. ;)
The good news is that EOs can be undone. As long as Manchin stays true to the country and doesn't allow these clowns to get to him......we will be fine.
What did I say that was not the truth? I posted a link to what she said. She wants to bypass democracy and have a socialist dictator issue decrees without going through the democratic process. And, the left are already questioning the integrity of our upcoming midterms. Why would democrats question our democratic process and want to bypass it? These people are traitors trying to take over the country and rule by edict. It already started with mandates and that wasn't enough for them. They want a full blown socialist dictatorship.
Yeah, sure.

Q. Have you taken Poli Sci 102***

Poli Sci 102 was a general examination of different forms of Government.
  • Who Rules
    • Monarchy
    • Despotism
    • Aristocracy
    • Oligarchy
    • Democracy
    • Popular Sovereignty
    • Authoritarianism
    • Class Conflict
These are the general systems of governance:

  • Political Economy
    • Capitalism
    • Socialism
    • Globalization
    • Keynesianism
    • Mercantilism
    • Neoliberalism
    • Objectivism
  • Rules by the many
    • Anarchism
    • Representative Democracy
    • Conservatism
    • Liberalism
    • Libertarianism
    • Social Democracy
It's been decades since I took this course, but it seems you need some help. Thus, look up each of these bullet points and you won't make silly comments.
A leading House Progressive Democrat demands Biden bypass Democracy and become a socialist dictator, ignoring the democratic process and simply decreeing their policies into law. Meanwhile, Democrats question the integrity of our upcoming election process.

Actually they use democracy to eliminate our republic which was what it was always supposed to be. Not a democracy.

We were never supposed to be a democracy and voting was never supposed to be a RIGHT.

As a result, the leftists are able to seduce swaths of people, divide into groups, promise the stars and moon for free, demonize the other groups via propaganda and turn their base into walking cliches which turn into two word tropes or campaign slogans.

I would rather 1 percent of the public vote if the 1 percent understood the issues. I would say anyone on a government program of any kind makes them ineligible.

But that's me. As a result of the tactics of political correctness, they allow any moron or tart into a voting booth and democrats are the result. Each one more demented, stupid or wicked than the next. From aoc to geritol biden and pelousy or heels up and apart Harris.

Those are the facts and we are circling the bowl as a result of the marxist tactics thought up at the Franfurt School with their divide and conquer strategy.
Actually they use democracy to eliminate our republic which was what it was always supposed to be. Not a democracy.

We were never supposed to be a democracy and voting was never supposed to be a RIGHT.

As a result, the leftists are able to seduce swaths of people, divide into groups, promise the stars and moon for free, demonize the other groups via propaganda and turn their base into walking cliches which turn into two word tropes or campaign slogans.

I would rather 1 percent of the public vote if the 1 percent understood the issues. I would say anyone on a government program of any kind makes them ineligible.

But that's me. As a result of the tactics of political correctness, they allow any moron or tart into a voting booth and democrats are the result. Each one more demented, stupid or wicked than the next. From aoc to geritol biden and pelousy or heels up and apart Harris.

Those are the facts and we are circling the bowl as a result of the marxist tactics thought up at the Franfurt School with their divide and conquer strategy.
There is iron in your words for all to see and hear.....There's a reason civics is no longer taught in our public schools.
The democratic process is how we elect representatives, not how we pass laws silly.
Ummmmmmmmmm, we use a democratic process to make laws. The House or Senate makes a bill, both Houses debate it and come up with something they both agree on and then send it to the president to be signed into law. Progressives and Democrats want to bypass how this works and just have a dictator issue an edict or decree which everyone will have to follow - to hell with the democratic system. "Democratic" socialism is then turned into just socialism, with the leader being a dictator.
Ummmmmmmmmm, we use a democratic process to make laws. The House or Senate makes a bill, both Houses debate it and come up with something they both agree on and then send it to the president to be signed into law. Progressives and Democrats want to bypass how this works and just have a dictator issue an edict or decree which everyone will have to follow - to hell with the democratic system. "Democratic" socialism is then turned into just socialism, with the leader being a dictator.
No, we don't use a democratic process to make laws. Congress is full of representatives. They're democratically elected but they make the laws, not the people.

Seems that Republicans didn't have any problem with executive action when Trump did it.
You have quite the imagination. I imagine that's why you were so susceptible to the Q cult.
I am not part of the Q cult. I don't watch right wing media, and I believe Biden won the election. But, it is rather obvious that Democrats will do anything to issue mandates, fire people from their jobs for not following those mandates, round up all peaceful protesters from the opposing side in order to jail them, stop any and all free speech that they disagree with, bypass Congress to issue edicts and decrees of the policies they can't achieve through democracy, and question future election results when they see the writing on the wall that they are going to lose.
Yeah, sure.

Q. Have you taken Poli Sci 102***

Poli Sci 102 was a general examination of different forms of Government.
  • Who Rules
    • Monarchy
    • Despotism
    • Aristocracy
    • Oligarchy
    • Democracy
    • Popular Sovereignty
    • Authoritarianism
    • Class Conflict
These are the general systems of governance:

  • Political Economy
    • Capitalism
    • Socialism
    • Globalization
    • Keynesianism
    • Mercantilism
    • Neoliberalism
    • Objectivism
  • Rules by the many
    • Anarchism
    • Representative Democracy
    • Conservatism
    • Liberalism
    • Libertarianism
    • Social Democracy
It's been decades since I took this course, but it seems you need some help. Thus, look up each of these bullet points and you won't make silly comments.

Democrats want to eliminate democracy. That's not a silly comment. They spent four years trying to claim that Trump wanted to be a dictator who would not want to leave office and since then we have had:

Trump left office

Democrats have issued mandates taking people's rights away and fired people from their jobs for refusing to comply with big government

Democrats have had Jan 6th witch hunt investigations to round up and jail peaceful protesters from the opposing side

Democrats have continued investigations into Trump in order so that Trump would not be able to run for office again, taking people's right to vote away

Democrats have wanted to eliminate the filibuster in order to stomp on the rights of the minority party

Democrats are now wanting to issue edicts and decrees on BBB instead of going through the Democratic process

Democrats want to add blue states onto the Union

Democrats want to add liberal seats onto the supreme court

Democrats are questioning our democracy and the system we use for voting

Democrats have taken the free speech rights away from anyone having an opposing opinion to theirs

Democrats are removing the licenses of medical professionals with whom they disagree with

I'm sure there are several I forgot about
Actually they use democracy to eliminate our republic which was what it was always supposed to be. Not a democracy.

We were never supposed to be a democracy and voting was never supposed to be a RIGHT.

As a result, the leftists are able to seduce swaths of people, divide into groups, promise the stars and moon for free, demonize the other groups via propaganda and turn their base into walking cliches which turn into two word tropes or campaign slogans.

I would rather 1 percent of the public vote if the 1 percent understood the issues. I would say anyone on a government program of any kind makes them ineligible.

But that's me. As a result of the tactics of political correctness, they allow any moron or tart into a voting booth and democrats are the result. Each one more demented, stupid or wicked than the next. From aoc to geritol biden and pelousy or heels up and apart Harris.

Those are the facts and we are circling the bowl as a result of the marxist tactics thought up at the Franfurt School with their divide and conquer strategy.
In the old days, only the people who had a say in how government spending was used, had the right to vote. In other words, the land owners who actually paid taxes. People who don't pay any federal income taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote in federal elections, same with state and local elections. Prove you pay into the till for that taxing authority and then you can vote. And, we subtract out any benefits you receive from that taxing authority in order to calculate if you are allowed to vote or not. It's downright ridiculous that it's possible that we would only vote in a government who is willing to give us free stuff, which is what progressives, liberals, and democrats want. They want us to take care of the poor and they want the poor to be able to elect representatives who will give them even more free stuff. No need to work. Working is not a requirement.

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