Progs are full of shit."BOTTOM 30% of USA GET NO TAX CUTS!" If you dont pay taxes, you cant get cuts

I'm not saying that all Democrats don't pay taxes, but if you don't pay taxes, you probably voted Democrat.

You're welcome for my tax money, guys. Consider it a loan.

I'm not saying that all Democrats don't pay taxes, but if you don't pay taxes, you probably voted Democrat.

You're welcome for my tax money, guys. Consider it a loan.

You have anything to back that up?

total liars on this one, Progs.



47% of America does not pay taxes.
98% of them are Democrats.


47% number is for Federal INCOME tax only which does not include payroll taxes


Think you can pull yourself together and post something true for a change?

total liars on this one, Progs.




This is one of the tried and true class warfare plays of the Left. Remind the poor that they are not getting something to keep that wedge going. The intelligencia on the Left know all too well that enough of those not getting a tax cut will stay focused on they are not getting anything and not think logically that they already have a benefit in not paying income taxes.

If this is explained correctly by the Republicans, (don't count on it, they are incompetent) the far left is in a death spiral. OPPORTUNITY will KILL the far left. and they know it. Instead of giving a person a subsidy, give them a job that they do better at than the subsidy where they actually pay taxes in. Then tell that person a Democrat wants to take some of their money away, and watch the left sink into oblivion.

This is exactly why the left fights soooooooooo hard. It is not about making their constituents lives better, it is about keeping them on the dole. As long as they can transfer wealth, they get a sizable amount of votes. Replace the transfer with a job, and 1/2 the people who voted for them will throw them instantly under the bus.

Doubt me? Well let me put it this way then--------> see how hard they fight for their FREE money? Imagine how hard they would fight if they worked for that money and more, and somebody insisted on picking their pockets, lol.

The left knows this, which is why they are who they are, and are not interested in growth or jobs as much, as they are interested in transfer of wealth!
If you count all taxes and fees, everyone pays between 20 and 30% of their income to the government. Every time the GOP Cuts federal taxes, state and local taxes and fees rise and they kill the not rich... After 35 years of reaganism, the 1% now have 38%of American Income the highest ever, and get about 99% of the new wealth. Great job! Greedy idiot mega-rich GOP and the dupes...
Progs absolutely suck at math. That's why so many get liberals arts degrees and teach classes like "Knowing the 72 genders and their victimization"
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

No they don't actually. It effects very few farms.
The income tax is unconstitutional and was never ratified by enough states to begin with. Why should I be taxed for bartering my labor in one hour increments in exchange for scrip? If I mow someone's lawn and they bestow upon me a twelve pack of beer, does that mean "da gubermint" (which is nothing but a corporate entity) is entitled to the cost of 1/3 of them??????

The income tax is and has always been bullshit and if you don't understand it why it is? Go do your own research and show me the LAW....not some act, statute, code or ordinance but an actual law and then use Black's Law dictionary and tell me what a "citizen" actually is.
Corporate taxes go from 35% to 20%, tax on the lowest income bracket go from 10% to 12%.

A billionaire that greatly reduces taxes on corporations but raises taxes on the poorest. What a... uhhhhh... surprise. Who could have seen that coming. Who could have predicted that. You have to be kidding. No one would have guessed. It's a mystery how this has happened. It's a whole new world. The rich making themselves richer while making the poor poorer? This has never happened before. Wow. That's new. That's a daisy! Completely unexpected. Nobody bet on that one. Stop the presses. The planets have aligned. The impossible has happened. Human history has been turned on its head. A first that is a complete shock. HOW!
total liars on this one, Progs.




Trump's plan will mean that more will not pay any income tax.

Why then do you support the plan?
No it doesn't. It's not changing the income levels where the various tax brackets start.

It increases the standard deduction AND the child tax credit. That guarantees that more will pay zero.
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

No they don't actually. It effects very few farms.

Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim about the estate tax

"How about small businesses and farms? The center projected that only about 80 small farms and closely held businesses would pay any estate tax in 2017."
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

No they don't actually. It effects very few farms.

Why should it affect any?

Nice retort. Lots of information.

Clearly, you are a tax genius. Why don't you lay out your sepcific plan for all of us?

It's awesome that the taxes are being addition we need to cut about a fucking trillion.
There was a Black EX NFL player on FOX, and what he said was that THE LEFT uses POVERTY as a Weapon against The Black Community to keep them under control, and keep them dependent on The Democrat Party and this is why The Inner Cities have been SHIT HOLES for decades, because Democrats Run them.

The last thing THE Democrat Party wants is to relieve The Tax Burden off of the working poor and small businesses and The Middle Class and make it easier for people to get off of Welfare, because as soon as people realize there is FREEDOM in Financial Independence, they NO LONGER want to be Democrats.

The Democrats Actually WANT Generational Welfare, and GENERATIONAL POVERTY.
This is also why they Want to import millions of Illegals, and Slave Labor, to work in their Sweat Shops. They are still plying the slave trade, they just use different words to sell it to their constituents and benefactors.

After hearing that, I realized how disgusting people like Schummer, Clinton and Pelosi are.
They are nothing more than GLORIFIED SLAVE MASTERS without a physical whip who uses Fear and Poverty like a Scourge to Keep Minorities Obedient to their agendas.
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I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

No they don't actually. It effects very few farms.

Why should it affect any?

Nice retort. Lots of information.

Clearly, you are a tax genius. Why don't you lay out your sepcific plan for all of us?

It's awesome that the taxes are being addition we need to cut about a fucking trillion.

We are deeply in debt

Trump's rhetoric surrounding the “death tax” is deeply at odds with reality. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 0.4 percent, or 153 farms out of 38,328 farm estates, actually paid any estate tax in 2016. If you round to the nearest whole percent, it's essentially zero.

Analysis | Trump called the estate tax a ‘tremendous burden’ on family farmers. Here’s the truth.
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

No they don't actually. It effects very few farms.

Why should it affect any?

Nice retort. Lots of information.

Clearly, you are a tax genius. Why don't you lay out your sepcific plan for all of us?

It's awesome that the taxes are being addition we need to cut about a fucking trillion.

You know they're not going to cut spending, so your support of tax cuts is simply support for bigger deficits and more debt.
Middle class struggling for years and years, wages not increasing alongside inflation, and the top earners getting richer and naturally, let's cut taxes on the wealthy and raise them on the middle class.

What could go wrong?

Small minded socialist. Wages didn't increase because business were afraid to invest under business unfriendly Obama. Now he is gone and business are investing like crazy under business friendly Trump. They will go straight into expansion and growth mode with this plan

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Btw the standard deduction, child deduction and other deductions the 12% tax bracket won't pay much if anything

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The households that currently pay relatively small amounts of income tax will in many cases pay nothing with those deduction/credit increases.
I love the estate tax reduction.

It's an incredibly needed change, especially for families who own farms. When the parents die, the family has to pay massive taxes on the value of the farm.

Being asset rich and cash poor, they usually have to sell the farm to pay the taxes, or the government just seizes their land.

The current tax code is fucking over farmers big time.

Awesome change!!

The estate tax kicks in after what? $10mill? And who doesn't do estate planning to avoid this ?

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