Project Veritas exposes another lying, racist Democrat: Andrew Gillum

Project Veritas...LMAO
yea, i know. but the question is - "did he say it"?

if he said it, he said it. if not, then bad project veritas for making shit up.

so, did he say it?

If he said it, does he speak for the campaign or is he just talking trash to look cool?

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don't care really. just tired of the double standard that there is no "price" to pay for talking trash like this for the liberal side but if a white male made the same type of comment, heads would be sought after.

So the candidate should be held personally responsible for everything said by anyone of any level that works for the campaign?

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my bad - i thought the candidate said it. i went back and re-read and no, it was one of his staffers. i'd boot the staffer and keep going cause no, he should not be.
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Be sure to vote Republican in November.

Project Veritas. You mean that lying ex-con who has gotten himself into trouble trying to get the media to fall for his fake news story.

The guy who paid a woman to pretend that Roy Moore assaulted her and WAPO exposed for their fakery?

That Project Veritas? Nice to see he’s out of jail after his last fiasco.

Hmmm. Ignoring the message and going after the messenger.

When the messenger is a liar, a con artist and a purveyor of fake news, and a felon, one has to consider the source.
Famous fake news Outlet......
Proof ANYTHING they have posted is fake please
Project Veritas...LMAO
Yeah they are what we used to call INVESTIGATE JOURNALISTS....A damn near extinct breed now.
Basically everything...project Veritas fact check - Google Search
Nothing there but THOUSANDS of links. So try again

Be sure to vote Republican in November.

Lol, project veritus doesn't expose, they create.

Everybody knows this.

Nope they let that idiot run his mouth just like EVERY other video they have done...just let them talk when they don't realize they are being taped..that's when the truth comes out.
Famous fake news Outlet......
Proof ANYTHING they have posted is fake please
Project Veritas...LMAO
Yeah they are what we used to call INVESTIGATE JOURNALISTS....A damn near extinct breed now.
Lol, everything they have posted is fake! Not one single story has ever turned out to be true! And yet you idiots still believe them because they tell you what you want to hear.
NAME ONE STORY that was fake. I have read his 2 books...the man is a fucking hero for doing what he does. Its awesome. The media USED to do investigative reporting but not anymore.
Famous fake news Outlet......
Proof ANYTHING they have posted is fake please
Project Veritas...LMAO
Yeah they are what we used to call INVESTIGATE JOURNALISTS....A damn near extinct breed now.
Lol, everything they have posted is fake! Not one single story has ever turned out to be true! And yet you idiots still believe them because they tell you what you want to hear.

It’s actual video that folks don’t know they are being videoed and they speak freely, so what’s fake?

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Sure, misrepresented heavily edited video.

What could possibly be untruthful about that?

Please, name one thing they have "exposed" that turned out to be true.

Just one thing, that's all I'm asking for.

The way leftists planned to disrupt the inaugural ball. Next!
In all reality, I think Andrew Gillium Is a misguided FL boy that got woo-ed by the Communists.

He does tie a nice double Windsor, so he is a real man and can't be all bad.

Some man in his family was a real American. Probably would smack him if he saw what he was doing now.

He is not a communist. There are no communists in the US. Communism is a dead, failed ideology. Anyone calling a leftist a communist, is an idiot.

Every poster who refers to candidates or other posters as a “communist” loses all credibility in the discussion.

Because you say so, amirite? :fu::funnyface:
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These Marxist are scum and Frankly I am tired of them LYING to the AMERICAN PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA did and then doing a 180 turn the second they get in to office.

Never Trust a Marxist Lying DemNazi
This shouldn't change a thing... Trump freely admits he lied and so does his supporters...

This is just the usual mud-raking politics. This tells us more about who throwing the shit than the intended target..

DeSantis couldn't defend his own President from his own party when asked
These Marxist are scum and Frankly I am tired of them LYING to the AMERICAN PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA did and then doing a 180 turn the second they get in to office.

Never Trust a Marxist Lying DemNazi

Declare China a currency manipulator
"Instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator."

Sue his accusers of sexual misconduct
“The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”

Release his tax returns after an audit is completed
“I’m under a routine audit and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released."

Create targeted child care tax credits
"The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents."

Cut the number of tax brackets
"The Trump Plan will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets."

Repeal the alternative minimum tax
"The 3.8 percent Obamacare tax on investment income will be repealed, as will the alternative minimum tax."

Eliminate the carried interest loophole
"As part of this reform, we will eliminate the carried interest deduction and other special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors, and for people like me, but unfair to American workers."

Stop the AT&T Time Warner Merger
"As an example of the power structure I'm fighting, AT&T is buying Time Warner and thus CNN, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it's too much concentration of power in the hands of too few."

Trump broke all these issues...
Famous fake news Outlet......
Proof ANYTHING they have posted is fake please
Project Veritas...LMAO
Yeah they are what we used to call INVESTIGATE JOURNALISTS....A damn near extinct breed now.
Lol, everything they have posted is fake! Not one single story has ever turned out to be true! And yet you idiots still believe them because they tell you what you want to hear.

It’s actual video that folks don’t know they are being videoed and they speak freely, so what’s fake?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure, misrepresented heavily edited video.

What could possibly be untruthful about that?

Please, name one thing they have "exposed" that turned out to be true.

Just one thing, that's all I'm asking for.

The way leftists planned to disrupt the inaugural ball. Next!
Lol, didn't happen.
I have a friend who just came back from Florida.

He said the Green algae and the Red Tide are destroying the state. He said he couldn't spend any time outside because of the stink.

Red Tide Rick coming to the senate? Clean water in Florida costs money GOP unwilling to spend!

I thought Republicans like all that stench. It's why they want to abolish the EPA.

Republicans created the EPA.
That was last century

And it's not the same EPA.
Huh, I stand corrected. Last I heard veritus was screaching about an acid attack. That never happened. This one I was unaware of.

Ok, you got one. A pretty minor one compared to other accusations they've made with turned out to be totally bogus, but you got one none the less.

Be sure to vote Republican in November.

The Left doesn't need an undercover dipshit to reveal another lying racist. They just have to turn on the TV and watch Trump expose himself every day.

Well the left certainly didn't recognize the lying racist Obama, in fact they revered him like a demi-god.

This Gillum is one silver-tongued talker. Obama ain't got nothin' on this guy.

He's every bit as leftist as Obama, probably a lot less Muslim and homo.

He'll be getting some black vote.

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