Promoting Islamophobia

I fail to see how "failing to make a distinction" between
"radical muslims" and "muslims" necessarily constitutes
"islamo phobia" -------this idea is just as idiotic as claiming---
failure to express sympathy for a murder victim constitutes
support for the murderer. I have noticed that the same
person who so declares----never objected to "failing to
make a distinction between Zionists and 'radical Zionists'
as JEW-O-PHOBIA"------the OVERWHELMING majority
of Zionists never caused harm to a muslim-----and lots have
created benefits for muslims
You're putting words in my mouth. It's quite easy for me to remember the many living rooms I sat in over there that have 2 pictures hanging on the wall. One of Ataturk, and the other a prophet.

I understand your need to discredit my experiences over there, while you probably don't. The subconscious is tricky that way. The conversations I had over there always involved lot's of questions about how Americans viewed Turks. I learned early on how genuinely hurt people would get when I told them Americans don't care about things they thought we would. After 911 when somehow, I forget the particulars, the Turkish press got ahold of comments someone made portraying Turks as the lap dog of American policy. THAT created Anti American sentiment. Another thing that would blindly outrage them, being a proud people...are your posts.

The last thing they need is you, a stranger, telling them all about how they are. I feel a little that way when I see you telling me stuff I already know quite well, and stuff that never entered any conversations I had over there.

What you can't possibly realize it what the average day is like for most Turks.

Some of the mind numbing hysterical rants...which you call posts...would not go down well at the Turkish dinner table. The stuff I see you alarmed about is created by politicians in a chaotic parliament, and doesn't affect the price of Domates and Peynir.

I'm simply relating my experiences over there, and I know it must be an obstacle to your abstracts.

Do Turks eat that salted Bulgarian Peynir (cheese) as well? Iranians call it Panir Bulgari. I still love eating it with bread and watermelon. Breakfast of champions. I have never been to Turkey however I am sure Turks, like all other people are busy living their everyday lives.

But yes, most of the things said on these anonymous boards can't be said in public, anywhere. However, that does not mean there isn't any truth to them.
That salty feta like cheese comes in a square blue aluminum can, not sure if it's from Bulgaria. But I loved the summer season Turkish breakfasts. Tomatos, those skinny mild green peppers, cucumbers, salty home made cured black olives, fresh bread from the corner bakery, tea, and preserves.

And here I was looking for a good recipe for lambs' testicles that I see in the meat department of Middle Eastern markets. Since the Armenian Turks that I know say that their mother's dish using these are great, I should ask them how she makes them unless you have a good recipe that you can pass on.
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.
You sound like a smart man. My hubby's well trained to stay out of my way when I cook. He's happy. I'm happy. Until it's time to do the dishes.
Ever heard of Alevis?

My ex wife's Father's side of the family were Kurdish, and her Mother's was Sunni.

I had heard the term but I just read a little just now. Apparently Alevi's and Alawites (as in Syrian rulers) are the same. They are Sunnis who believe in a mystical version of Islam, who hold Ali, the Shiite prophet in high reverence. So I was wrong they were Sunnis, although the pic is indeed Ali. The other dude I'm not sure who he is. But a Turk would definitely know.

Someone once said, if you want to know why multiculturalism and diversity don't work, just take a look at the Middle East. All these countries have been invaded and conquered by so many throughout history, leaving behind all these ethnicities that have been in limbo for hundreds of years, who at times are at war with other people's and tribes. The Kurds are one of these people, with a proud history.

It's truly a mess there, the results of which we are seeing being played in the world stage now.
I'm not sure...I remember somebody saying something that puts resentful distance between Alewites and Alevis. But they also bad mouthed Shiites, Afghanis, Armenians, and Saudis. But the thing they were oppressed a bit for was because they were tradesmen. There were APC's rolling through the streets at night looking for trouble makers

They spent far less time talking religion than you and I do. One time, my Dede (grandpa) gave me an empty beer bottle to throw at the new Mosque across the street, he was tired of thos guys doing their thing 4 times a day.

Ha ha ha. You mean the call the prayer? Depends on who's doing it. I actually knew some Jews and Christians who looked forward to hearing it believe it or not. Some of them have great voices. But most of the time it just sounds like someone stepped on a dog's tail and its and its now hollering in pain.

But like I said so many have invaded the region and laid their "seeds" there, that it basically comes down to whoever is strong enough to rule at this time. Democracy and free speech is an alien concept in the region, the only thing that people have responded to is fear and intimidation. That is even how Mohammad rose to power, and how ISIS and all these terror organizations are gaining momentum today.
Sure, Turkey has been the crossroads for many an invasion...but the results have less to do with politics than they do customs. Hospitality is the resulting defense tool.

There are customs that involve inviting ANYONE into your home, and feeding them if they're hungry, that still are practiced...within reason.

Democracy has no problem in Turkey. Syria and Iraq...not so much.

As far as free speech. You can say anything you want, or hold any public demonstration you long as it's approved (get a permit) from the city council. It always takes a bribe to get that done.

BS <<<< the "say anything you want" part------not the
baksheesh part
My in laws were socialists, and tradesman. Their equivalent to Union types....and they never got permits approved. But that was because many in their neighborhood were known to have Kurdish associations in eastern Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and northern Syria. But they really didn't know any bad guys. Just the regular people that you can't imagine existing.

At any rate...they don't have a constitution that guarantees free speech. It's their country, and we shouldn't force our views of free speech. Canada doesn't interpret free speech the way we do, and you're not crying about them
Do Turks eat that salted Bulgarian Peynir (cheese) as well? Iranians call it Panir Bulgari. I still love eating it with bread and watermelon. Breakfast of champions. I have never been to Turkey however I am sure Turks, like all other people are busy living their everyday lives.

But yes, most of the things said on these anonymous boards can't be said in public, anywhere. However, that does not mean there isn't any truth to them.
That salty feta like cheese comes in a square blue aluminum can, not sure if it's from Bulgaria. But I loved the summer season Turkish breakfasts. Tomatos, those skinny mild green peppers, cucumbers, salty home made cured black olives, fresh bread from the corner bakery, tea, and preserves.

And here I was looking for a good recipe for lambs' testicles that I see in the meat department of Middle Eastern markets. Since the Armenian Turks that I know say that their mother's dish using these are great, I should ask them how she makes them unless you have a good recipe that you can pass on.
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
You sound like a smart man. My hubby's well trained to stay out of my way when I cook. He's happy. I'm happy. Until it's time to do the dishes.

glad you are all happy------you know nothing about that which is
considered acceptable, polite behavior in muslim societies.
Walking into the KITCHEN with a bunch of ladies therein----
would be something like walking into a bedroom
where in a bunch of ladies are doing their thing during the
times of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (remember?---the book)
I had heard the term but I just read a little just now. Apparently Alevi's and Alawites (as in Syrian rulers) are the same. They are Sunnis who believe in a mystical version of Islam, who hold Ali, the Shiite prophet in high reverence. So I was wrong they were Sunnis, although the pic is indeed Ali. The other dude I'm not sure who he is. But a Turk would definitely know.

Someone once said, if you want to know why multiculturalism and diversity don't work, just take a look at the Middle East. All these countries have been invaded and conquered by so many throughout history, leaving behind all these ethnicities that have been in limbo for hundreds of years, who at times are at war with other people's and tribes. The Kurds are one of these people, with a proud history.

It's truly a mess there, the results of which we are seeing being played in the world stage now.
I'm not sure...I remember somebody saying something that puts resentful distance between Alewites and Alevis. But they also bad mouthed Shiites, Afghanis, Armenians, and Saudis. But the thing they were oppressed a bit for was because they were tradesmen. There were APC's rolling through the streets at night looking for trouble makers

They spent far less time talking religion than you and I do. One time, my Dede (grandpa) gave me an empty beer bottle to throw at the new Mosque across the street, he was tired of thos guys doing their thing 4 times a day.

Ha ha ha. You mean the call the prayer? Depends on who's doing it. I actually knew some Jews and Christians who looked forward to hearing it believe it or not. Some of them have great voices. But most of the time it just sounds like someone stepped on a dog's tail and its and its now hollering in pain.

But like I said so many have invaded the region and laid their "seeds" there, that it basically comes down to whoever is strong enough to rule at this time. Democracy and free speech is an alien concept in the region, the only thing that people have responded to is fear and intimidation. That is even how Mohammad rose to power, and how ISIS and all these terror organizations are gaining momentum today.
Sure, Turkey has been the crossroads for many an invasion...but the results have less to do with politics than they do customs. Hospitality is the resulting defense tool.

There are customs that involve inviting ANYONE into your home, and feeding them if they're hungry, that still are practiced...within reason.

Democracy has no problem in Turkey. Syria and Iraq...not so much.

As far as free speech. You can say anything you want, or hold any public demonstration you long as it's approved (get a permit) from the city council. It always takes a bribe to get that done.

BS <<<< the "say anything you want" part------not the
baksheesh part
My in laws were socialists, and tradesman. Their equivalent to Union types....and they never got permits approved. But that was because many in their neighborhood were known to have Kurdish associations in eastern Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and northern Syria. But they really didn't know any bad guys. Just the regular people that you can't imagine existing.

At any rate...they don't have a constitution that guarantees free speech. It's their country, and we shouldn't force our views of free speech. Canada doesn't interpret free speech the way we do, and you're not crying about them

tell your in-laws about BAKSHEEEESH-----they will get their
Since when have Sikh's been Islamic, you are clutching at straws again to demonise the Americans
Tell your racist brothers to learn the difference between Sikhism and Islam:
"Thirteen years ago in the wake of 9/11, there were hundreds of similar incidents of violence and discrimination against Sikhs, who despite being Indians practicing Sikhism, were often confused with Arab Muslims because of their long beards and their turbans, called dastars."

Islamophobia Makes a Comeback The American Conservative
Last edited:
Since when have Sikh's been Islamic, you are clutching at straws again to demonise the Americans
Tell you racist brothers to learn the difference between Sikhism and Islam:
"Thirteen years ago in the wake of 9/11, there were hundreds of similar incidents of violence and discrimination against Sikhs, who despite being Indians practicing Sikhism, were often confused with Arab Muslims because of their long beards and their turbans, called dastars."

Islamophobia Makes a Comeback The American Conservative

HUNDREDS??? where? there were a few cases of
attacks on Sikhs------in redneck holes--------not New York ----
the issue of a Sikh being attacked in NEW YORK-----is
weird------there must be more to this story-----maybe the attacker was "from the 'hills' "
there must be more to this story-----maybe the attacker was "from the 'hills' "
From the hills of the occupied west bank, probably.

do you actually imagine that your post makes sense. ----
an interesting factoid is that jews are not the only minority
groups fleeing islamo Nazi filth who find refuge in Israel.
There are lots of BAHAIs and----Zoroastrians in Israel too---
besides Christians and Hindus.. Try to find an instance of one of them getting run over by a truck by a jew-----islamo Nazi..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
That salty feta like cheese comes in a square blue aluminum can, not sure if it's from Bulgaria. But I loved the summer season Turkish breakfasts. Tomatos, those skinny mild green peppers, cucumbers, salty home made cured black olives, fresh bread from the corner bakery, tea, and preserves.

And here I was looking for a good recipe for lambs' testicles that I see in the meat department of Middle Eastern markets. Since the Armenian Turks that I know say that their mother's dish using these are great, I should ask them how she makes them unless you have a good recipe that you can pass on.
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed
And here I was looking for a good recipe for lambs' testicles that I see in the meat department of Middle Eastern markets. Since the Armenian Turks that I know say that their mother's dish using these are great, I should ask them how she makes them unless you have a good recipe that you can pass on.
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent
there must be more to this story-----maybe the attacker was "from the 'hills' "
From the hills of the occupied west bank, probably.

do you actually imagine that your post makes sense. ----
an interesting factoid is that jews are not the only minority
groups fleeing islamo Nazi filth who find refuge in Israel.
There are lots of BAHAIs and----Zoroastrians in Israel too---
besides Christians and Hindus.. Try to find an instance of one of them getting run over by a truck by a jew-----islamo Nazi..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Surely, those who believe, and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, whoever have faith with true hearts in Allah and in the Last-day and do good deeds, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall be no fear for them nor any grief."

— Qur'an 2:62"

Try to find a reason why we should believe any of your kosher SQUEALS, hasbarosie?
there must be more to this story-----maybe the attacker was "from the 'hills' "
From the hills of the occupied west bank, probably.

do you actually imagine that your post makes sense. ----
an interesting factoid is that jews are not the only minority
groups fleeing islamo Nazi filth who find refuge in Israel.
There are lots of BAHAIs and----Zoroastrians in Israel too---
besides Christians and Hindus.. Try to find an instance of one of them getting run over by a truck by a jew-----islamo Nazi..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Surely, those who believe, and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, whoever have faith with true hearts in Allah and in the Last-day and do good deeds, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall be no fear for them nor any grief."

— Qur'an 2:62"

Try to find a reason why we should believe any of your kosher SQUEALS, hasbarosie?

why are you pulling that quotation out of the Koran-----you never read the Koran------only idiots quote a book they never read I did read the Koran ------the quotation has no
practical meaning in Islam. Any person who rejects islam
as the ONLY AND UTTERLY CORRECT CREED ----is, very simply, not a muslim. The actual practical value of dictum is that SABEANS and JEWS AND CHRISTIANS ---who accept the absolute supremacy of islam and the rapist pig as king----and his laws and oppressions, and extortions-----get to continue reading their religious books-----but only privately. You have, again, demonstrated your ignorance and stupidity----islamo Nazi.

the quotation is about as reassuring and honest as was the
ARBEIT MACH FREI -----statement on the gates of
AUSCHWITZ. Tell it to Yazidis in Iraq------also subjected
to the very same KORANIC LAWS----right now---(btw--
Zoroastrians were also considered monotheist enough to be
dhimmis by the rapist pig of Arabia-----yazidis have the
standing as did sabeans and jews -------lucky them
Devide and rule. Don't forget it. It's a golden rule for every Empire which wants to survive.Exactly "survive" because even the most powerful Empire in whole history (Roman Empire) was ruined. So, American Empire devided the world into two part after the WWII, when the USSR had fallen American Empire found another enemy...Romans did it too...
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent
The way you write makes it hard to tell if you're agreeing, or not.

It seems like wrote that many customs you attack, do pre-date Islam...but then call me stupid?

Is there something I'm missing, or did you just call me stupid for agreeing with you?...
Devide and rule. Don't forget it. It's a golden rule for every Empire which wants to survive.Exactly "survive" because even the most powerful Empire in whole history (Roman Empire) was ruined. So, American Empire devided the world into two part after the WWII, when the USSR had fallen American Empire found another enemy...Romans did it too...

the word is DIVIDE-------ok----now we got that far----now even further-----your post is idiotic.
There is actually no way of making a useful comparison between the Roman empire and the USA. A more apt comparison would be between the
Ottoman empire and the Roman Empire. BTW ---the USA
did not DEVIDE the world post World War II
yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent
The way you write makes it hard to tell if you're agreeing, or not.

It seems like wrote that many customs you attack, do pre-date Islam...but then call me stupid?

Is there something I'm missing, or did you just call me stupid for agreeing with you?...

you are stupid------for not KNOWING that the aspects of
pre Islamic custom and belief and law which were INCORPORATED into islamic Custom and Belief and Law---
do not constitute ISLAAAAM. They do.
Your comment is something like claiming------
The English language is not the English language
because it includes bits and pieces of preexisting
languages------gee you are dim
I was given absolutely no access to recipes, or the kitchen for that matter. When I once tried to go in the kitchen to wash dishes, my mother in law chased me out, and my father in law shook his head. The kitchen is the domain of women wherever I went.

Sorry, I'd be glad to help if I could

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent[
Not necessarily.

For example - customs such as female circumcision (which is erroneously associsated with Islam) are most prevalent in a countries covering a portion of Africa from Somalia to Senegal (east-west) and Egypt to Tanzania (north-south) - with Ethiopia and Nigeria having the highest incidents. It has not been adopted in Islamic societies outside those regions and non-Islamic societies within those areas practice it.

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