Promoting Islamophobia


you are stupid------for not KNOWING that the aspects of
pre Islamic custom and belief and law which were INCORPORATED into islamic Custom and Belief and Law---
do not constitute ISLAAAAM. They do.
Your comment is something like claiming------
The English language is not the English language
because it includes bits and pieces of preexisting
languages------gee you are dim

Did you misspell that last word?

Didn't you mean to say, "gee, you are Dhimmi?"
Last edited:

you are stupid------for not KNOWING that the aspects of
pre Islamic custom and belief and law which were INCORPORATED into islamic Custom and Belief and Law---
do not constitute ISLAAAAM. They do.
Your comment is something like claiming------
The English language is not the English language
because it includes bits and pieces of preexisting
languages------gee you are dim

Did you misspell that last word?

Didn't you mean to say, "gee, you are Dhimmi?"[/QUOTE]

yes----PURDAH------a very Islamic thing-----the dirt is ingrained thruout Turkey and they want the WHOLE THING---
It's Erdogan's political platform
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent[
Not necessarily.

For example - customs such as female circumcision (which is erroneously associsated with Islam) are most prevalent in a countries covering a portion of Africa from Somalia to Senegal (east-west) and Egypt to Tanzania (north-south) - with Ethiopia and Nigeria having the highest incidents. It has not been adopted in Islamic societies outside those regions and non-Islamic societies within those areas practice it.

for example----coyote parroted the current islamo big lie----
In fact female circumcision is mentioned in the Koran and traveled WITH islam wherever islam became IMPOSED to places in which it did not EXIST before ISLAM got there. Female circumcision even exists in PAKISTAN----with the "introduction" amongst muslims as a -----relatively new
phenomenon The reason for the big lie is that LATELY
Islamic clerics decided to do away with it. The fact that muslim clerics have muslims parroting this lie is an excellent
example of their INFLUENCE on their "willing to swallow"
anything said in a mosque flocks and their facility in
historic revisionism.

I witnessed it first hand---in a mosque---more than 45 years
ago------the hate rant (against Christians) was so virulent
I almost vomited-------my hosts;, muslims from southeast asia-- educated in muslim medical schools could not understand my objection ----"EVERYTHING HE SAID IS TRUE" !!!!!!!!!! ------besides he had not even mentioned jews --------so what's it to YOU?

muslims are not hitting so hard on JESUS lately. They seem to have stopped about 25 years ago-------when ARAFART
actually went into a church and PRAYED TO "LORD JESUS"---in conversational mode------it was quite a HOOT

PS hindus and Buddhists in southeast asia do not practice
circumcision--------jews do it on boys even over there----but
at age 8 days-----muslims more like age 12. ------the difference is obvious to those of us who have seen the results. Somehow the practice for girls never seems to
have kicked off in IRAN--much. I do not know if that has
something to do with the Shiite thing--------I would not bother
to ask a shiiite right now------because now muslims are trying
to claim they never did it

What IS true is that both male and female circumcision does
precede islam as a human activity----most believe it started ---LONG LONG ago in Egypt. (the female kind-----as to the
male thing----- ??? probably Egypt)
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent[
Not necessarily.

For example - customs such as female circumcision (which is erroneously associsated with Islam) are most prevalent in a countries covering a portion of Africa from Somalia to Senegal (east-west) and Egypt to Tanzania (north-south) - with Ethiopia and Nigeria having the highest incidents. It has not been adopted in Islamic societies outside those regions and non-Islamic societies within those areas practice it.

for example----coyote parroted the current islamo big lie----
In fact female circumcision is mentioned in the Koran and traveled WITH islam wherever islam became IMPOSED to places in which it did not EXIST before ISLAM got there. Female circumcision even exists in PAKISTAN----with the "introduction" amongst muslims as a -----relatively new
phenomenon The reason for the big lie is that LATELY
Islamic clerics decided to do away with it. The fact that muslim clerics have muslims parroting this lie is an excellent
example of their INFLUENCE on their "willing to swallow"
anything said in a mosque flocks and their facility in
historic revisionism.

I witnessed it first hand---in a mosque---more than 45 years
ago------the hate rant (against Christians) was so virulent
I almost vomited-------my hosts;, muslims from southeast asia-- educated in muslim medical schools could not understand my objection ----"EVERYTHING HE SAID IS TRUE" !!!!!!!!!! ------besides he had not even mentioned jews --------so what's it to YOU?

muslims are not hitting so hard on JESUS lately. They seem to have stopped about 25 years ago-------when ARAFART
actually went into a church and PRAYED TO "LORD JESUS"---in conversational mode------it was quite a HOOT

PS hindus and Buddhists in southeast asia do not practice
circumcision--------jews do it on boys even over there----but
at age 8 days-----muslims more like age 12. ------the difference is obvious to those of us who have seen the results. Somehow the practice for girls never seems to
have kicked off in IRAN--much. I do not know if that has
something to do with the Shiite thing--------I would not bother
to ask a shiiite right now------because now muslims are trying
to claim they never did it

What IS true is that both male and female circumcision does
precede islam as a human activity----most believe it started ---LONG LONG ago in Egypt. (the female kind-----as to the
male thing----- ??? probably Egypt)

Where in the Koran?

Why is it not in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, China, East Europe (the Stans) etc?

Nice try though.
jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent[
Not necessarily.

For example - customs such as female circumcision (which is erroneously associsated with Islam) are most prevalent in a countries covering a portion of Africa from Somalia to Senegal (east-west) and Egypt to Tanzania (north-south) - with Ethiopia and Nigeria having the highest incidents. It has not been adopted in Islamic societies outside those regions and non-Islamic societies within those areas practice it.

for example----coyote parroted the current islamo big lie----
In fact female circumcision is mentioned in the Koran and traveled WITH islam wherever islam became IMPOSED to places in which it did not EXIST before ISLAM got there. Female circumcision even exists in PAKISTAN----with the "introduction" amongst muslims as a -----relatively new
phenomenon The reason for the big lie is that LATELY
Islamic clerics decided to do away with it. The fact that muslim clerics have muslims parroting this lie is an excellent
example of their INFLUENCE on their "willing to swallow"
anything said in a mosque flocks and their facility in
historic revisionism.

I witnessed it first hand---in a mosque---more than 45 years
ago------the hate rant (against Christians) was so virulent
I almost vomited-------my hosts;, muslims from southeast asia-- educated in muslim medical schools could not understand my objection ----"EVERYTHING HE SAID IS TRUE" !!!!!!!!!! ------besides he had not even mentioned jews --------so what's it to YOU?

muslims are not hitting so hard on JESUS lately. They seem to have stopped about 25 years ago-------when ARAFART
actually went into a church and PRAYED TO "LORD JESUS"---in conversational mode------it was quite a HOOT

PS hindus and Buddhists in southeast asia do not practice
circumcision--------jews do it on boys even over there----but
at age 8 days-----muslims more like age 12. ------the difference is obvious to those of us who have seen the results. Somehow the practice for girls never seems to
have kicked off in IRAN--much. I do not know if that has
something to do with the Shiite thing--------I would not bother
to ask a shiiite right now------because now muslims are trying
to claim they never did it

What IS true is that both male and female circumcision does
precede islam as a human activity----most believe it started ---LONG LONG ago in Egypt. (the female kind-----as to the
male thing----- ??? probably Egypt)

Where in the Koran?

Why is it not in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, China, East Europe (the Stans) etc?

Nice try though.

why is it that you MUST lie about this issue Coyote?----it does exist----to some extent even in IRAN with no great
enthusiasm----and it does exist in PAKISTAN-------but you never met a Pakistani-------I have been in the homes of dozens------It exists in India too. --------I no longer go to medical libraries-----as to the Koran------you forgot how to
read? OH ---now I remember ----when I described the issue of Islamic confiscation of orphans------you called me
a liar------now go tell that to the thousands of sudani Christian kids enslaved ----or better yet ----spit in their faces-----yazidis
for coyote----so far I have confirmed by google------that female circumcision is not only happening but on the rise thruout the
UMMAH-----however I cannot find information on the muslim
population of china-----so far. ISIS has demanded it

try to stop lying, coyote-----it is silly
Sorry, but I am not going to waste my time looking at his previous posts.

It's your choice Sally. I stand by what I say then.

I don't think any of us have given excuses for other groups who commit atrocities on others;

True, you just ignore them. Or excuse them (if the victims are Muslim like in Myanmar).

however, if you were honest with yourself, you would admit that most of the atrocities being committed at this time in the world are being committed by Muslims.

Are they?

Check out Human Rights Watch: Human Rights Watch Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Also, check out the list of ongoing conflicts around the world and the associated death tolls. Human atrocities are part and parcel of these conflicts. List of ongoing armed conflicts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many are in Islamic areas. Many are not. They're the ones you guys ignore despite the cost in human life.

I will always remember what an honest Muslim man in Pakistan said in a letter to the Editor of that if it was only a small percentage of Muslims who were terrorists that could mean in the millions of Muslims.

Why do you think he's "honest"? Do you think that's a reason to justify hate rhetoric against the the vast majority who aren't? Did you know that a small percentage of white males are responsible for most of the crime in the US?

Perhaps you can show us where other groups are operating in so many different locations committing terrorism against innocent people that same way that the Muslims are doing these days.

Check out the links.

I've posted threads on the Congo and Mexico and Myanmar amongst others. You ignore them.

Do you not think that we can read the news and see what is going on in other areas of the world? Go have your hissy fits because you can't stand to see any news brought up about the Muslims and what they are doing. I will reiterate -- can you show us any group that is committing atrocities in many different areas of the world such as the Muslims are doing? Are the radical Hindus running off to Africa to murder innocent people there? Are the Buddhists also running off with the Hindus to do same? Whatever atrocities different groups are committing seem to be held in one area of the world. It would be a pleasure to see you become as honest as that man Mohammed in Pakistan.

You asked me questions. I answered them.

Now you're making a bunch of silly statements that show a lack of comprehension on what is going on around the world. I don't think the Congolese care much about whether other religious sects are running around murdering people when their women are being brutally raped (necessating extensive surgery to bring them back to some normal functioning) and even infants are being sodomized and raped by the militias terrorizing them. It would be a pleasure to see you even remotely interested in what is happening in some of these areas.

Now I expect your next response will be "this is the ME forum blah blah blah" but remember - you did ask first ;)

Are you finished with your hissy fit? Meanwhile I think most of us were quite aware of what these friendly Muslims did to innocent people in Mali, Kenya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, etc. the other week. When you can show us that other groups are operating in various locations, come back and inform us.

What "hissy fit" is that Sally? You asked me questions. I politely answered. Does that cause issues for you?

It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.
It's your choice Sally. I stand by what I say then.

True, you just ignore them. Or excuse them (if the victims are Muslim like in Myanmar).

Are they?

Check out Human Rights Watch: Human Rights Watch Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Also, check out the list of ongoing conflicts around the world and the associated death tolls. Human atrocities are part and parcel of these conflicts. List of ongoing armed conflicts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many are in Islamic areas. Many are not. They're the ones you guys ignore despite the cost in human life.

Why do you think he's "honest"? Do you think that's a reason to justify hate rhetoric against the the vast majority who aren't? Did you know that a small percentage of white males are responsible for most of the crime in the US?

Check out the links.

I've posted threads on the Congo and Mexico and Myanmar amongst others. You ignore them.

Do you not think that we can read the news and see what is going on in other areas of the world? Go have your hissy fits because you can't stand to see any news brought up about the Muslims and what they are doing. I will reiterate -- can you show us any group that is committing atrocities in many different areas of the world such as the Muslims are doing? Are the radical Hindus running off to Africa to murder innocent people there? Are the Buddhists also running off with the Hindus to do same? Whatever atrocities different groups are committing seem to be held in one area of the world. It would be a pleasure to see you become as honest as that man Mohammed in Pakistan.

You asked me questions. I answered them.

Now you're making a bunch of silly statements that show a lack of comprehension on what is going on around the world. I don't think the Congolese care much about whether other religious sects are running around murdering people when their women are being brutally raped (necessating extensive surgery to bring them back to some normal functioning) and even infants are being sodomized and raped by the militias terrorizing them. It would be a pleasure to see you even remotely interested in what is happening in some of these areas.

Now I expect your next response will be "this is the ME forum blah blah blah" but remember - you did ask first ;)

Are you finished with your hissy fit? Meanwhile I think most of us were quite aware of what these friendly Muslims did to innocent people in Mali, Kenya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, etc. the other week. When you can show us that other groups are operating in various locations, come back and inform us.

What "hissy fit" is that Sally? You asked me questions. I politely answered. Does that cause issues for you?

It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.

by coincidence ------I happened to have been passing thru
an area of New York City PACKED with people from
south east asia ---------Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists----

somehow----for some reason--------I notice a big police
presense in the places with high concentrations
of muslims, For some reason-----I got edgy whenever
I saw a lady veiled to the eyelashes in black----------sheessh---
"what is that chick packing under them RAGS????"

for coyote----so far I have confirmed by google------that female circumcision is not only happening but on the rise thruout the
-----however I cannot find information on the muslim
population of china-----so far. ISIS has demanded it

try to stop lying, coyote-----it is silly


If you can google you can find the Muslim population of China.
for coyote----so far I have confirmed by google------that female circumcision is not only happening but on the rise thruout the
-----however I cannot find information on the muslim
population of china-----so far. ISIS has demanded it

try to stop lying, coyote-----it is silly


If you can google you can find the Muslim population of China.

you do it------I did a try and did not get information on
female circumcision of the muslim population of china.

HOWEVER-----keep in mind-----medical and crimestats are
compiled by the countries themselves. For decades---following the description of ACQUIRED COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY DISEASE------described in the
------that's AIDS btw. Even muslim doctors
laughed for decades lots of muslim countries reported
It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.

....but you are talking to a Buddhaphobe, Christophobe, Judeophobe and, Hinduphobe here, Sally.

At least by applying the same standards to this creature that she applies to others.
It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.

....but you are talking to a Buddhaphobe, Christophobe, Judeophobe and, Hinduphobe here, Sally.

At least by applying the same standards to this creature that she applies to others.

you missed TAOPHOBE--------how about SIKHOPHOBE?
It's your choice Sally. I stand by what I say then.

True, you just ignore them. Or excuse them (if the victims are Muslim like in Myanmar).

Are they?

Check out Human Rights Watch: Human Rights Watch Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Also, check out the list of ongoing conflicts around the world and the associated death tolls. Human atrocities are part and parcel of these conflicts. List of ongoing armed conflicts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many are in Islamic areas. Many are not. They're the ones you guys ignore despite the cost in human life.

Why do you think he's "honest"? Do you think that's a reason to justify hate rhetoric against the the vast majority who aren't? Did you know that a small percentage of white males are responsible for most of the crime in the US?

Check out the links.

I've posted threads on the Congo and Mexico and Myanmar amongst others. You ignore them.

Do you not think that we can read the news and see what is going on in other areas of the world? Go have your hissy fits because you can't stand to see any news brought up about the Muslims and what they are doing. I will reiterate -- can you show us any group that is committing atrocities in many different areas of the world such as the Muslims are doing? Are the radical Hindus running off to Africa to murder innocent people there? Are the Buddhists also running off with the Hindus to do same? Whatever atrocities different groups are committing seem to be held in one area of the world. It would be a pleasure to see you become as honest as that man Mohammed in Pakistan.

You asked me questions. I answered them.

Now you're making a bunch of silly statements that show a lack of comprehension on what is going on around the world. I don't think the Congolese care much about whether other religious sects are running around murdering people when their women are being brutally raped (necessating extensive surgery to bring them back to some normal functioning) and even infants are being sodomized and raped by the militias terrorizing them. It would be a pleasure to see you even remotely interested in what is happening in some of these areas.

Now I expect your next response will be "this is the ME forum blah blah blah" but remember - you did ask first ;)

Are you finished with your hissy fit? Meanwhile I think most of us were quite aware of what these friendly Muslims did to innocent people in Mali, Kenya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, etc. the other week. When you can show us that other groups are operating in various locations, come back and inform us.

What "hissy fit" is that Sally? You asked me questions. I politely answered. Does that cause issues for you?

It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.

Silly Sally...if you think a polite conversation is a "hissy fit" then you haven't seen hissy. As to your constant demands for more information - they've been provided ad nauseum in multiple threads. If you don't choose to read them, then please stop repetetively demanding them. Perhaps you can tell me why a woman who has been brutally raped in the conflict in Congo would care what Muslims are doing? Or, perhaps why a Christian who has been subject to terrorism by Hindu Nationalist groups would care what Muslims are doing around the world or why Hindus terrorized by Islamists would care about what's happening in Syria? Maybe you can tell the Buddhists in Myanmar to stop being so naughty and while you're at it, and smack ISIS on the bum for burning up the Middle East. Maybe you can also spare a thought for the families in Mexico who's kids were murdered by corrupt police in league with politicians and drug cartels the families of Nigerians who's school children have been kidnapped (if they are girls) or killed (if they're boys) by Bhoko Haran. You do care about innocent lives don't you? Or is it only those killed by Muslims? Just a thought silly woman :)
It is quite obvious that you don't want anything derogatory said about Islam so you go into your hissy fits and start bringing up things done against Muslims by others (which no one is denying that these things happen). Meanwhile, since the Muslims are operating against others in many locations on this planet, I am still waiting for you to inform us where groups such as Hindus and Buddhists are operating. Surely you must have a list of locations where these bad, bad Hindus and Buddhists are busily having at it toward Muslims.

....but you are talking to a Buddhaphobe, Christophobe, Judeophobe and, Hinduphobe here, Sally.

At least by applying the same standards to this creature that she applies to others.

You sound very phobic. There's help for that ;)
What Islamic Agenda would that be? Is that like the mythical Gay Agenda?
You sound very phobic. There's help for that ;)

You sound like a piece of excrement out to destroy this country from within.

I wish there were a cure other than sending you packing to somewhere that matches your agenda to make Islam inviolate.
Women being in charge in the kitchen has nothing to do with politics or Islam.

They have traditional man/woman marriages, and man/woman roles. Just like Christians in the bible belt here want for everyone.

Your reaction is just the kind of thing I was talking about when I say "that had nothing to do with what I experienced"

Do you honestly think my mother in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when she chased me off her turf?...the kitchen?, she probably thought I'd leave a mess, or wast food, or screw something up.

Do you think my father in law was thinking about Islam or Erdogan when he shook his head?, he thought I was a pussy, and knew I'd get run out sooner or later.

jerk----it is CULTURAL ------the social customs of muslims
are intertwined with religion. -----Excluding men from the kitchen is-----a CULTURAL ISSUE and IS RELATED TO PURDAH. Your father-in-law was thinking of "PROPER
BEHAVIOR" as it is in muslim societies -----now try again----I know proper behavior in muslim societies-----my own hubby was born in a shariah cesspit and-----I have been
in the homes of many many many muslims-----i
These cultural social customs pre-date Islam.

I'm guessing I'll have to elaborate on "pre-dates Islam"...that means the social customs were going on before Islam existed

Yes they do-----all kinds of customs pre-date the creeds that adopted them as part of RELIGIOUS CUSTOM AND LAW . You made no point at all other than demonstrating once AGAIN -----that you are very stupid.

Interestingly enough ----the customs of Islamic societies----
FOLLOW islam wherever islam goes. -------Person who
convert to islam ALSO ADOPT THEM -----even in lands in which those particular customs are not prevalent[
Not necessarily.

For example - customs such as female circumcision (which is erroneously associsated with Islam) are most prevalent in a countries covering a portion of Africa from Somalia to Senegal (east-west) and Egypt to Tanzania (north-south) - with Ethiopia and Nigeria having the highest incidents. It has not been adopted in Islamic societies outside those regions and non-Islamic societies within those areas practice it.

for example----coyote parroted the current islamo big lie----
In fact female circumcision is mentioned in the Koran and traveled WITH islam wherever islam became IMPOSED to places in which it did not EXIST before ISLAM got there. Female circumcision even exists in PAKISTAN----with the "introduction" amongst muslims as a -----relatively new
phenomenon The reason for the big lie is that LATELY
Islamic clerics decided to do away with it. The fact that muslim clerics have muslims parroting this lie is an excellent
example of their INFLUENCE on their "willing to swallow"
anything said in a mosque flocks and their facility in
historic revisionism.

I witnessed it first hand---in a mosque---more than 45 years
ago------the hate rant (against Christians) was so virulent
I almost vomited-------my hosts;, muslims from southeast asia-- educated in muslim medical schools could not understand my objection ----"EVERYTHING HE SAID IS TRUE" !!!!!!!!!! ------besides he had not even mentioned jews --------so what's it to YOU?

muslims are not hitting so hard on JESUS lately. They seem to have stopped about 25 years ago-------when ARAFART
actually went into a church and PRAYED TO "LORD JESUS"---in conversational mode------it was quite a HOOT

PS hindus and Buddhists in southeast asia do not practice
circumcision--------jews do it on boys even over there----but
at age 8 days-----muslims more like age 12. ------the difference is obvious to those of us who have seen the results. Somehow the practice for girls never seems to
have kicked off in IRAN--much. I do not know if that has
something to do with the Shiite thing--------I would not bother
to ask a shiiite right now------because now muslims are trying
to claim they never did it

What IS true is that both male and female circumcision does
precede islam as a human activity----most believe it started ---LONG LONG ago in Egypt. (the female kind-----as to the
male thing----- ??? probably Egypt)
I all my time over there, not one person ever brought that up
for coyote----so far I have confirmed by google------that female circumcision is not only happening but on the rise thruout the
-----however I cannot find information on the muslim
population of china-----so far. ISIS has demanded it

try to stop lying, coyote-----it is silly


If you can google you can find the Muslim population of China.

you do it------I did a try and did not get information on
female circumcision of the muslim population of china.

HOWEVER-----keep in mind-----medical and crimestats are
compiled by the countries themselves. For decades---following the description of ACQUIRED COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY DISEASE------described in the
------that's AIDS btw. Even muslim doctors
laughed for decades lots of muslim countries reported

So Rosie, where is your source on female mutilation showing it is on the rise throughout the Islamic world? Or is this another one of your stories?

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