Promoting Islamophobia

I found the sub-conversation here between you and Roudy very interesting - differences between peoples and attitudes etc. in the Middle East. There's always something to learn and often people's personal experiences give color to what would otherwise be dry facts. I also like to watch movies made by independent film makers from around the world - usually they are small scale, and focus on local things but they are fascinating windows into the lives there.

People are diverse and need to be looked at as individuals. Every group has it's asses and it's heros. :dunno:
]Funny, he doesn't sound like he's destroying America from within to me.

Do you know how crazy that stuff sounds?

Coyote claims to be female.

That aside, these attacks on free speech by trying to make it impossible to counter Islamism ARE attempts to destroy one of the pillars of our liberal society -- the right to free speech, and the right to freedom of thought are intrinsic to our way of life, and this idiotic crap about "Islamophobia" is nothing but a naked attempt to destroy it. By condemning the expression of any thought running contrary to Islamism, the practitioner of this brand of agitprop is trying to create defacto censorship as a maneuver towards the ultimate goal of removing the possibility of countering Islamism altogether.
Islam doesn't restrict free speech. Just some of the ass holes practicing Islam push that crap
toxoid seems to believe that Egyptian and Turkish women
who were circumcised at age 8
would be eager to announce
the fact to him

Link? Egyptian - yes, that is one of the countries listed for genital mutilation (it's part of N. Africa). Turkey?

yes----not very prevalent-----but practiced amongst the muslims----something like Iran----
Egypt----VERY PREVALENT----but outlawed now------still prevalent
I found the sub-conversation here between you and Roudy very interesting - differences between peoples and attitudes etc. in the Middle East. There's always something to learn and often people's personal experiences give color to what would otherwise be dry facts. I also like to watch movies made by independent film makers from around the world - usually they are small scale, and focus on local things but they are fascinating windows into the lives there.

People are diverse and need to be looked at as individuals. Every group has it's asses and it's heros. :dunno:

yeah----right screw anthropology WE ARE ALL THE SAME
]Islam doesn't restrict free speech. Just some of the ass holes practicing Islam push that crap

Ah, so THAT'S why there are all those blasphemy laws in all those Islamic countries.

You are a profoundly ignorant individual.

the uttered word is of extreme importance in Islamic societies and in the filth of shariah. In fact, the phase "the filth of shariah" uttered by a non muslim is a capital crime
I found the sub-conversation here between you and Roudy very interesting - differences between peoples and attitudes etc. in the Middle East. There's always something to learn and often people's personal experiences give color to what would otherwise be dry facts. I also like to watch movies made by independent film makers from around the world - usually they are small scale, and focus on local things but they are fascinating windows into the lives there.

People are diverse and need to be looked at as individuals. Every group has it's asses and it's heros. :dunno:

got that everyone? the sciences ---Anthropology and
Sociology have been nullified in favor of a "Coyote/client"
model Group or societal behavior has no place in the
behavioral sciences-------One on one clinical evaluation is the
only way to describe human behavior. Customs, laws,
creeds are all meaningless
Your dear friends are still murdering Buddhists in Thailand. Close your eyes to it because it hasn't seemed to faze you in the past, and I doubt it will faze you in the future.

Now a good idea for me, since Coyote is emulating her Muslim convert potential boyfriend, is for me to call her Crazy Coyote.

This is certainly not the first board in which I have encountered this "Coyote", and the pattern is always the same. Whenever the subject matter has to do with Islam,Islamism, Islamic intolerance or any other aspect of this ideology, it responds by attacking anything BUT Islam, instead. The creature might attack Christians in one post, Hindus in another, Jews or Buddhists or whatever target Islamists target, but it never diverges from this pattern of behavior one iota. It couples these attacks against anything but Islam with charges of bigotry and racism lest one march in lockstep with it in regards to the notion that Islam is absolutely inviolate.

There is no "Islamophobia". It is perfectly rational for any member of western civilization to resist the agenda involved. It seeks to destroy everything we hold dear, and the utter duplicity of this underhanded creature that goes by the name of "Coyote" provides the very reason why it must be resisted.

Dude...I've been on these boards a long time. Whether they like me or hate me - they do know me and my attitudes my positions. You can sit down now. :lol:

How about you sitting down and start doing the work for which you are getting paid for? One thing I think is very, very strange is that Coyote can't stand to see anything derogatory said about Islam and starts dragging up other groups, but yet she has to know that most of the people being murdered by Muslims are other Muslims. Right now the total is over 200,000 dead in Syria and Iraq, and most of the dead are Muslims killed by other Muslims. She also has to be aware of all the car and suicide bombings in places like Pakistan where the Shia and Ahmadiyya are the victims of the Sunnis.

I think you need to fix your quotes Silly Sally...just saying.

The Thai conflict is complicated not so much religious as tribal/ethnic. You might want to read up on it.

Your dear friends are still murdering Buddhists in Thailand. Close your eyes to it because it hasn't seemed to faze you in the past, and I doubt it will faze you in the future.

Now a good idea for me, since Coyote is emulating her Muslim convert potential boyfriend, is for me to call her Crazy Coyote.

Not my friends Sallie. Now you're getting even sillier. But Crazy Coyote is ok. I don't mind that.

What makes you think I'm closing my eyes to it? There's conflict and human-driven atrocities occurring world wide.

Do you care?

I like to think you do. You do seem fundamentally decent. Even if you can't make yourself see beyond Muslim.

I will reiterate, Miss Pazzo, we all read newspapers and other sources to see what is going on these days. However, the big thing going on in many locations is what your Muslim friends are doing. You can't stand to see anyone report on what is happening because of them. Now I am meeting with a friend. You just keeping on playing around on forums instead of actually doing the work you are paid to do, unless you happen to work for Muslim bosses and they are A OK with what you are doing.

Well cool Sally - I think everyone should extract their bums from their chairs and take a gander around the block once in a while. I've done my five mile run, and if you are undully concerned about my personal and professional life, don't be though I appreciate your concern. :)

Yes, you have a great professional life -- on the forums all day long instead of doing the work you are paid to do (unless this is what you are paid to do).
]Funny, he doesn't sound like he's destroying America from within to me.

Do you know how crazy that stuff sounds?

Coyote claims to be female.

That aside, these attacks on free speech by trying to make it impossible to counter Islamism ARE attempts to destroy one of the pillars of our liberal society -- the right to free speech, and the right to freedom of thought are intrinsic to our way of life, and this idiotic crap about "Islamophobia" is nothing but a naked attempt to destroy it. By condemning the expression of any thought running contrary to Islamism, the practitioner of this brand of agitprop is trying to create defacto censorship as a maneuver towards the ultimate goal of removing the possibility of countering Islamism altogether.
If you have made attempts to counter Islamism, your freedom of speech is in tact. People who reject your attempts are practicing their free speech as well. Free speech does not always mean people must take your side.

Islamophobia, in my opinion, is as inaccurate as Homophoba. People aren't afraid of gays, they disapprove of them. The same goes for people who disapprove of Muslims.

Censorship is when you say something, and it's redacted, or you're restricted from saying it in the first place. You have said your piece, without restriction.
]Islam doesn't restrict free speech. Just some of the ass holes practicing Islam push that crap

Ah, so THAT'S why there are all those blasphemy laws in all those Islamic countries.

You are a profoundly ignorant individual.
You need to blame the country, not the religion.

yeah----any country that uses as a law code---_SHARIAH -----
READ THE KORAN----just writing a jingle about
the RAPIST PIG is a capital crime
]Islam doesn't restrict free speech. Just some of the ass holes practicing Islam push that crap

Ah, so THAT'S why there are all those blasphemy laws in all those Islamic countries.

You are a profoundly ignorant individual.
You need to blame the country, not the religion.

yeah----any country that uses as a law code---_SHARIAH -----
READ THE KORAN----just writing a jingle about
the RAPIST PIG is a capital crime
You're really not very stable are you.....
Islamophobia in the US

"Sandeep Singh was dragged 30 feet under a pick-up truck after the driver reportedly called him a terrorist, told him to go back to his country, and then mowed him down in the middle of 99th Street in New York City.

"Singh survived the ordeal, but he’s going to need skin grafts. He told police what happened and now Joseph Caleca of Long Island is charged with a hate crime. 'I was attacked because I am a Sikh and because I look like a Sikh,' Singh, 29, told reporters from his hospital bed. 'We need to create a world without hate.'”

A world without hate in the greatest purveyor of violence in the world?

Islamophobia Makes a Comeback The American Conservative

Since when have Sikh's been Islamic, you are clutching at straws again to demonise the Americans

Phoen-----way back in the early 70s and late 60s-----hubby was a student in London------
He was ----back then PAKI BASHED.

Back then people were uneducated and did not know the difference between an apple and an orange, today we are better educated and should be able to spot a Sikh. And we should be able to tell the difference between a muslim and a Sikh
So what facts can you bring to the table to show that overall muslims are maligned and misunderstood pillars of the community. And I will bring the exact opposite to the table with evidence from every nation they have set foot in.

I've brought multiple facts supported by data and sources "to the table" in a number of threads. The fact that you choose to ignore them does not mean I have to keep reposting them on demand.

I can bring - to the table - atrocities committed by Muslims, Jews,, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Athiests. I can also bring to the table good things brought about by Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Athiests. There are plenty of examples of each.

Never seen any facts from a non partisan source from you or any other team Palestine member, what I have seen is ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES.

Well natch - any source that disagrees with you is going to be labled "ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES" (and really now - what kind of silly point are you trying to make with the all caps?).

Your good things will be in the minority compared to the bad things done by muslims to even their own. They will issue fatwahs that make other muslims apostates so they can mass murder them with impunity and a clear conscience. that is how they work on a system of self absolution so that their sins are forgiven, a good example would be a child raped and murdered by a muslim, all he need do is utter the prayer to allah and he is innocent of any crime again. Then he pays the family a set amount for the life of the child. This is why when they are engaging in terrorist acts they cry out allahu Akbar so they will go to paradise if they are killed.

That's a matter of opinion.

You do know if a child is raped and murdered by a Christian all he needs to do is "get saved" and he is absolved of any crime. He doesn't even have to pay restitution. And the Doctrine of Mental Reservation allows them to cover it up.

And now the dictates of the Catholic church is that all serious crime must be reported and no absolution given. They are still guilty even after absolution and all the Catholic church does is free the soul of the criminal so they will be tested on their lifes work. Under islam the muslim need only reaffirm their commitment to allah and Mohamed and they are absolved of all blame, they even have a get out of jail clause for it Insh Allah or it is the will of god.

After years and years of abuse and cover up - finally. But that does not extend to other Christian denominations - if you reaffirm your commitment to Jesus, all crimes go poof. Really Phoenall, you're trying to extract a difference that isn't there.

No it is purely a Catholic thing, something the muslims latched onto and made it easier to do. For a Catholic to do it they need to go to church, then go to confession, then take the penance to wash their soul clean. The body/person is not absolved of any crime and can still be arrested and charged by the Catholic authorities . Under islam once the criminal has proclaimed that allah is the only god then he can not be arrested in an Islamic state as he has invoked sharia law and absolved himself of any wrongdoing.

You should really research islam more compared to Christianity and Judaism
I am amazed that a person (coyote) who can read and write
(and breathe) can manage to know so little about the major
religions in the USA. ----I am referring to Catholicism, various
sects of Protestantism, islam and Judaism. ----- sheeeesh
coyote. and the "logic"--------"it's ok that muslims have
murdered for allah in the hundreds of millions----I can cite
a case of a Baptist -----who murdered a child 42 years ago"
I think you need to fix your quotes Silly Sally...just saying.

The Thai conflict is complicated not so much religious as tribal/ethnic. You might want to read up on it.

Your dear friends are still murdering Buddhists in Thailand. Close your eyes to it because it hasn't seemed to faze you in the past, and I doubt it will faze you in the future.

Now a good idea for me, since Coyote is emulating her Muslim convert potential boyfriend, is for me to call her Crazy Coyote.

Not my friends Sallie. Now you're getting even sillier. But Crazy Coyote is ok. I don't mind that.

What makes you think I'm closing my eyes to it? There's conflict and human-driven atrocities occurring world wide.

Do you care?

I like to think you do. You do seem fundamentally decent. Even if you can't make yourself see beyond Muslim.

I will reiterate, Miss Pazzo, we all read newspapers and other sources to see what is going on these days. However, the big thing going on in many locations is what your Muslim friends are doing. You can't stand to see anyone report on what is happening because of them. Now I am meeting with a friend. You just keeping on playing around on forums instead of actually doing the work you are paid to do, unless you happen to work for Muslim bosses and they are A OK with what you are doing.

Well cool Sally - I think everyone should extract their bums from their chairs and take a gander around the block once in a while. I've done my five mile run, and if you are undully concerned about my personal and professional life, don't be though I appreciate your concern. :)

Yes, you have a great professional life -- on the forums all day long instead of doing the work you are paid to do (unless this is what you are paid to do).

No idea what you are talking about Sally....yet here you are....again :)
I am amazed that a person (coyote) who can read and write
(and breathe) can manage to know so little about the major
religions in the USA. ----I am referring to Catholicism, various
sects of Protestantism, islam and Judaism. ----- sheeeesh
coyote. and the "logic"--------"it's ok that muslims have
murdered for allah in the hundreds of millions----I can cite
a case of a Baptist -----who murdered a child 42 years ago"

So Rosie....did you ever find that link on the rise of female genital mutilation around the Islamic world, particularly in Turkey? Or, is this one of your "stories"? You tell such interesting "stories" :)
I found the sub-conversation here between you and Roudy very interesting - differences between peoples and attitudes etc. in the Middle East. There's always something to learn and often people's personal experiences give color to what would otherwise be dry facts. I also like to watch movies made by independent film makers from around the world - usually they are small scale, and focus on local things but they are fascinating windows into the lives there.

People are diverse and need to be looked at as individuals. Every group has it's asses and it's heros. :dunno:

got that everyone? the sciences ---Anthropology and
Sociology have been nullified in favor of a "Coyote/client"
model Group or societal behavior has no place in the
behavioral sciences-------One on one clinical evaluation is the
only way to describe human behavior. Customs, laws,
creeds are all meaningless

Once again you are not making any sense. I found Roudy and Toxicmedia's conversation interesting and enlightening. You, not so much.

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